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Information Weaponry

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posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 06:22 PM
Information Generation!

We are not defenseless against the machines. Mankind is the ruler of machines, not the other way around.

The Laser pointer:

This is a powerful tool, which is cheap, reliable, and mass produced. It is formidable against all forms of cameras, scanners and similar devices. If a camera appears in your neighborhood, a short burst from your laserpen will make short work of it. The range of the laser makes this device effective against optical devices at safe distances. The effective wavelengths are green,. They cost more, but pack a higher punch against CCD and CCTV.

The High voltage Taser:

This commonly found self-defense device is cheaply acquired by most adults, and legal in most municipalities in the USA. Their very high voltage punch will destroy any unprotected electronic device that you can make contact with. One burst is sufficient. It is stealthy, concealable, and powerful. Only hardened devices can withstand a burst from them. Common weak points are buttons, keyslots, I/O interfaces, and cable inputs. *** Never use a taser on a power supply or high voltage input. It could arc right into you through your hand. So don't go blasting power cords or you'll get cooked ***

These two tools are powerful weapons against the tools the NWO relies upon to RULE YOU.

Other concepts include Microwave emitters, which can create induction overloads in electronic devices at ranges of hundreds of feet. These can be constructed household microwaves (cyclotrons) and fashioned into directed energy weapons.

Ready for the future? Better be.

[edit on 2-12-2004 by Arkaleus]

[edit on 2-12-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 10:15 PM
Where would I, myself, a "common joe" use any of these instruments to 'battle the NWO' ? I could fry the ATM on the corner, but I don't this would necassarily cripple any body.

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 10:44 AM
Your skating on thin ice, what you are saying could be deemed as telling members how to build weapons to use to fight. You can get in very serious trouble for this. Dont start ranting to me, just this once stop before you land in deep trouble.

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