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My Favorite New Book That You Just Might Hate!

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posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:32 PM
Just finished reading (several times) a new one called "100 Questions You Never Thought to Ask and Didn't Want the Answers To".

I think I would call it 100 questions I have asked religion and finally I got the answers to.
It was a basic read, with answers that were backed up.
But...some of them blew my mind. I'd love to give it all away, cause I could make some kicking threads on ATS, but there are a couple of answers in there (one about who Jesus really is) that I've always wanted.

More were

Answer to who the antichrist is (not Obama)
Who the church is according to the bible (this won't make you happy if your a church person)
what 666 means and a bunch more.

Don't read this if you like your religion status quo, cause you will go ballistic.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: winterkill

Wow, a book that answers questions that people have been asking for centuries finally answered by Christopher Tyreman. I call BS.
edit on 2014/7/16 by Metallicus because: sp

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:49 PM
HERE is a link to the book for anyone interested.
edit on 2014/7/16 by Metallicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 07:57 PM
exactly what I mean lol I guess they hated it.
Has anyone else read a book of late that gets the same reaction. I'm talking one of those that you either love or hate. Or you love and everyone else hates.

Okay, I saw "battleship" and I thought it was a good movie.
"John Carter" also, I'm just that guy.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 08:41 PM
apparently I'm the only guy lol

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 09:17 PM
You might want to give more examples from the book for those of us without the means to read it.

From glancing at it on Amazon, it's certainly interesting, though I don't have enough background to judge whether it's right or wrong.

Better translations of the Bible are certainly interesting... the question is how correct are they. I know what dogmatists would say... but how about scholars?

Could you give a couple of particulars from the book? The little I read on the sample pages looked more like an intelligent Ancient Aliens episode than Bible study... which isn't a bad thing... at all.

Their system for interpreting Hebrew was at least novel and made some sense.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: winterkill

I'll give it a glance and if interested continue.
Lately, I've been reading a lot of Jacob Boehme...

If you can get past the Christian symbology, there is some great stuff. A view of The Universe that I share with him.

Never saw John Carter or Battleship...but then again, there are many movies I haven't seen, so I won't pass judgement. Everyone has there own preferences and that's what makes this world so much fun.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

The first part of the book was a little over me, but it showed that ancient Hebrew did not function the way that the translators thought it did. That it was actually a language like ancient egyptian. The language had its definitions built in so that people couldn't just make up their own translations. This knowledge had either been lost, or covered up. When they applied this discovery to the language, this is where the rest of the info from the book came from, the results of the restoration.

It shows that a lot of the stuff in the bible was made up to cover some amazing crap. If what they found is true, then it explains why everything on our planet is so -------up.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: the owlbear

I listed those two because they seem to get disdain when I mention them lol.

Now I have to look up Jason Boehme

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: winterkill

I got all that from the sample chapters I read... but can you give a couple of the surprising translations?

I'm curious, poor and Kindle-less at the moment.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 11:01 PM
I'll probably get killed for cut and paste, but here's one:

The question was asked why Jesus is inferred to be the Passover lamb. The answer goes into the idea that the concept would have been added later, as the Hebrew understanding of the Passover flock animal was not what is presented by the church today. Here's why:

Ptah was the Egyptian God of Magick, knowledge and wisdom, the goat, and sometimes a ram in the city of Mendes (Djedet) where he was worshipped as such. He was said to have begotten Ramses III.
The Goat/Ram of Mendes represented the “Ba” which was the Egyptian word for the “soul.” In SDH Hebrew it means “to go into”. Ptah was considered to be a great magician and “Lord of the Serpents.”
( EgyptianMythology by Veronica Ions, page 103)

One can only imagine the Egyptians reaction when the rod of Arron that became a serpent, ate the magicians of Ptah’s serpents.

Khnum (/kəˈnuːm/; also spelled Khnemu) usually depicted with a ram’s head, was one of the earliest Egyptian deities, originally the god of the source of the Nile River. Since the annual flooding of the Nile brought with it silt and clay, and its water brought life to its surroundings, he was thought to be the creator of the bodies of human children, which he made at a potter’s wheel, from clay, and placed in their mothers’ wombs. He later was described as having moulded the other deities, and he had the titles Divine Potter and Lord of created things from himself.

So on the night of the Passover, the Egyptians knew that the Hebrews would be sacrificing the image of their great gods, the ram and the goat and then the firstborn of Egypt would be destroyed.

One can only imagine the anger and fear in Egypt and the Egyptians were powerless to stop the blaspheme of their gods because of the great plagues that had come.
Creator was telling the Egyptian people that their supposed gods were powerless against him. He had the Hebrews kill their gods and spread the blood on the door and window frames, announcing that the Egyptian gods were dead here.

If you are Christian, you can now see why calling Jesus the Passover lamb would be a major insult. You are saying he is a false god that was put to death.

An interesting side note is this the Egyptians sacrificed pigs during the full moon, which would have been the night of Passover:

Now the sacrifice of the swine to the Moon is performed as follows:--when the priest has slain the victim, he puts together the end of the tail and the spleen and the caul, and overs them up with the whole of the fat of the animal which is about the paunch, and
then he offers them with fire; and the rest of the flesh they eat on that day of full moon upon which they have held sacrifice, but on any day after this they will not taste of it: the poor however among them by reason of the scantiness of their means shape pigs of dough and having baked them they offer these as a sacrifice.
Herodotus, Histories II
Project Gutenberg

Is it possible, that when the destroyer came on the night of Passover, it ignored households with ram blood and focused on the abodes that would have had pig blood?

To finish, the concept that Jesus is the lamb of God comes from the Gospel of John 1:29. This is the only gospel which can claim that use, as it has Jesus/Yeshua dying in the afternoon at the time that the Passover lambs were being readied for sacrifice. That would have Jesus death on the 13th of Nisan, while the other three have his death after the Passover meal which is on the 14th of Nissan every year.

See that messed with what little theology I had on the subject.
edit on 16-7-2014 by winterkill because: spelling

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 11:07 PM
Having said that, the one about the flood of Noah actually being caused by a Mega-tsunami of the oceans, was also really cool. Suddenly the idea that the waters covered the mountains made sense. Maybe an asteroid impact or the like. That would explain the Mega-tsunami and then the heavens pouring forth rain from the vaporized oceans.

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 11:40 PM
Have not read it, but i'd give it a whirl, why not.

My favorites that others do not often like are the survival guides, The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, The Vampire Watchers Handbook by Constantine Gregory, and How To Survive A Robot Uprising by Daniel H. Wilson. They are not meant to be taken seriously but they are all fun and engaging reads but most people I know think them silly.

I also love second only to 1984... Make Room Make Room by Harry Harrison. It is about a detective trying to solve a murder in a futuristic but dystopian NY where the entire population is overcrowded and living on rations. You have to share your homes with strangers by law. It mainly follows the Detective named Andy, he is overworked, underpayed and starving. No one has air conditioning unless you are an elite, they are also the only ones who can buy meat. It sounds dreadful and I guess it is but in a good way, you just feel for the guy so much. Not a happy book by any means but still a favorite. I have not met many people who like this one, yet I still recommend it.

edit on 16-7-2014 by brandiwine14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: winterkill
exactly what I mean lol I guess they hated it.
Has anyone else read a book of late that gets the same reaction. I'm talking one of those that you either love or hate. Or you love and everyone else hates.

Okay, I saw "battleship" and I thought it was a good movie.
"John Carter" also, I'm just that guy.

Wait I saw them both, really enjoyed them. I look at movies a little different than most, I want to be entertained I am not looking for a deeper meaning. I can watch the government and MSM for that pretzel logic. I want a movie that makes me forget about the world for 2 hours, and both of these did that.

I might add her hotness Ms. Brooklyn Decker, makes Battleship worth watching all by itself. I think the younger guys call that "smokin".

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 11:23 AM
Sadly, us must agree that the movie was much more enjoyable with Ms. Brooklyn Decker %252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcQxtFoQ1EOJrLJU5mS3HFP29JxYNt7D2Ot3goqkAgneaZsW_PzfNQ%253B506%253B568%253BdJ-9qMEgxw3OGM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%252 8bFMsyyyATWrIGoAQ&ved=0CJgBEP4dMA4&biw=1360&bih=643#facrc=0%3Bbrooklyn%20decker%20movies&imgdii=_&imgrc=_

for those who don't know lol

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: winterkill

Hmmm... thanks... that really IS fascinating.

These translators/re-interpreters ... do they work from an agenda (other than an honest, accurate translation)? Meaning are they part of any sect... would they tend to mold data to conform to their preconceptions?

The flood data sure makes more sense, too... but that's why I ask about agendas, as the mega-tsunami is pretty much the only answer that rational, science friendly folks have for the "flood."

But thank you for posting that and bringing the book to our attention... it is now on my "wish list" ... but a new Kindle comes first.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 11:56 AM
Here's the research site

I'm way to cheap to buy a kindle lol I just put a book reader on my computer.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 02:48 PM
OK so what is 666? Who is Antichrist? Any other majorly important answers you'd like to share?

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: winterkill

AND, since the OP brought it up, John Carter and Battleship were both guilty pleasures with no art, intellect, metaphor or depth involved... but fun, escapist trash none-the-less. Heh. When the old geezers got the ship going... heh.

Edgar Rice Burroughs was a deity to me when I was a kid. Once I developed a tad the poor writing and plot holes became ... distracting.

There are MANY sci-fi and fantasy novels that would make incredible films... but the financiers won't risk catering to what they perceive as a handful of nerds... too bad.

Make Room Make Room was good! I always thought Niven ...particularly RingWorld... would be a great flick. Errr, anyway... thanks once again for the heads up on what looks to be a great read.

Too bad I can't get my pc's reader to work... some convoluted conflict with some other software I can't track. Kindles are fairly cheap, though... and that with a 'scription to Scribd ,or something similar, is cheap entertainment.

posted on Jul, 17 2014 @ 03:00 PM
No way lol I had to pay for the book lol

Besides, no on really cares what the real answer is, they just want it to be someone they are mad at.

The pope, Obama, you name it. I read an article once that showed depending on what method you use, almost everyone's name can match 666.

The only difference with the answer in the book, is it draws a thread through all of the clues rather then side stepping stuff.

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