posted on Jul, 16 2014 @ 06:16 AM
When I was young and bold I used to do airshows in my super swift. I tried to do many things like Bob Hoover as far as energy management.
The Swift when it was first produced had an 85 Hp continental. Mine had sliding canopy, sticks and 210 Hp. which was polished and ported (static would
produce 235 Hp) To say the bird would dance is an understatement. The Swift fire which I owned at one time had a 420 Hp gas turbine engine and is the
only Swift to do 325 (?) MPH at 12,000 msl and not come apart... The aircraft had beautiful lines and paint. It won many trophies for best custom
classic just sitting on a flight line...I never flew it with the gas turbine for the were using it as a test bed for the Lopresti Swift fury..
Where I was employed a few guys who worked in the training department knew I did air shows and usually after getting my check ride out of the way
would let me play with our full motion simulators.
The 727 could do many things but was a total pig if you got her slow (280 knots seem to be the speed she liked to start stuff). On the other hand the
737-300-500-700 (800 and 900 not so much) series were great maneuverable aircraft. On a 12,000 runway, a/c lite and break ground gear up flaps up hug
the deck and by the end of the runway doing over 250 start into a nose up victory roll. The bird rolled great especially with a little rudder input..
The 700 series and 500 were my favorite. I could loop both of those aircraft in the sim and basically do just about anything a real airplane should
do. The 727 was a real pain to get to loop or the sim was not up to the task..? Roll yes, loop not very successful.. Never tried it in the real
bird/world/ ( I liked my job to much).
I would not hesitate to roll just about anything for if done right the bird does not care as long as positive Gs are maintained. I have actually
rolled a UH-1H helicopter (more than once) or maybe a better saying would be I got her on her back and if done properly you would end up nose pointing
to the dirt and doing 80 to 90 knots straight and level after pull out.. The bad guys would always stop shooting and watch because they thought you
were hit.. Sounds like a war story because everyone knows the old Huey couldn't do that stuff.. I used to have a picture of a Cobra flown by a friend
of mine inverted.. Like I said, as long as almost positive Gs (not negative) and a steady hand most things are possible..
Funny in a sad way..... I have only flown a friends aircraft once in 12 years since I retired... and I do not even miss flying...The push button
aircraft took away allot of skill that many pilots prided themselves upon... also maybe because I dread getting on an airliner for over 22+ hours and
flying overseas).. There were just great friends and allot of fun times in my other life.
Now I spend most of my time trying to get a golf ball to go straight when I want it to ! Shot 2 over today (unusual for me normal game is mostly mid
to high 70s) and won a little money... One of Life's small pleasures