a reply to:
I believe you have a point, well several to be more acurate and whats more i find you to be honest...
so because you chose not to ridicule me yet and show genuine intrest for this subject matter i will share a little more with you...
when the craftt went from the distant horizon instantly there was a tremendous noise this is something which has perplexed me as so many i have read
report no noise at all... now i have already mentioned the oscilating drone very deep it was something like if you took a long piece of large diameter
rubber hose and made circles in the air over your head with it... well just before hearing that there was a much more fantastic sound it was a series
of many notes that played out several at the sametime that harmonized and rose through a scale from low to high which culminated in what i could only
liken to three trumpet blasts along with the sound of glass smashing along with rolling thunder... the sound was like a proclimation of triumph and as
this sound played out my body reacted to it of its own accord as i felt it flow through me my posture became fully erect my body turned a few degrees
to the left so i faced it full on and i took two steps forward with no intention of nor effort to do so it just happened seperating me from my friends
and our bikes which had been on the ground before this happened...
at this point the craft was now hanging in the air im guessing 300 feet off the ground about 200 yards away i guess at a quarter of a mile wide and 3
times as tall... no movie comes close to the way this looked truly magnificent it was so as i am transfixed i couldnt help but think this was God,
then bam as i thought of falling to my knees a voice from within my mind scolded me telling me "We are not the creator" "Who is your God?" i was asked
sternly... my response was there is but 1 God and he is 3 all of the universe is his and he alone is worthy of praise! I was afraid now because this
was not God then what the hell was it? I was 10 years old i had heard about ufo's but had no real intrest or opinion one way or another...I was then
told be still fear not no harm shall come to you, you are found to be worthy...
i was aware of my friends behind me excitedly talking about this object and then heard fear and suprise but also
anger as i heard do you see that? Looks like a witch... lets catch that little bleep... now a part of me wanted desperatly to turn around and see what
they were talking about and to join them in thier pursuit as i heard them running off,but i did not turn my head in the least i was transfixed i was
starting to feel like this object itself was alive and i was somehow connected to it...
Many things started flowing through my mind number sequences shapes colors star charts information on 5 diff types of gravity images etc... i knew
all about Nicola Teslas lifes work many years before hearing his name or knowing of his inventions let alone electromagnetic pulse propulsion or
gravity wave dilation or harmonic frequency manipulation of mass but i walked away from this with a knowing i am still unwrapping now if that can make
any sense to you...
ok im sure i have lost many to doubt i asure you this is my short version alot of these events are rather mottled in whatever amount of time had
passed i found myself in an all white room about 20 by 20 i would say the walls and the ceiling all had a gentle curve to them and the single chair i
was sitting in was the same and they were all as though they were 1 piece construction. To my right side was a small table that was shaped like an
egg with the top and bottom cut off large side down a white table top with a mat of sorts ontop of it that was crystal clear on its edges that made
the table top seem to be see through along them... like i said the whole room was white besides on the wall in front of me where 3 blue star shaped
crosses that emited a pale blue glow and they were on a strange angle which at that time i found odd now i know it to be laid out like many things on
earth as well as 3 very popular stars in the night sky...
then the mat on the table next to me turned on i suppose i can liken it to a 3d oled tv of today only this was paper thin and was laying flat yet
projected a perfect 3d hologram the scene was a small forest and in this small forest tinylittle cartoon characters of various sizes shapes and colors
each one diff than the other and all of them unlike anything i had ever seen were at war with one another... one cool little guy got shot by a small
purple beam when he fell i leaned in closer i wanted to save him i saw another one moved in fast stood over him like he was going to shoot him in the
head i had to save him the little guy opened his eyes and winked at me and gave me a huge smile the other one that stood over him looked up at me
shook its finger at me than threw down its weapon,all the others followed suit... they came together in a few rows side by side arms stretched out
resting on each others shoulders and everyone of them smiled up at me...the one i thought i had to save stepped forward tipped his strange tall hat at
after that i woke up on the side of a dirt hill about half a mile away from were this all began my tongue was all fuzzy feeling i had no knowledge of
ever moving let alone falling asleep... i found my bike exactly where we had been the sun had moved far accross the sky and my friends were no where
in sight... i had to find them... i stopped at home it was closer than the park i ran into my house asking my mom if she seen the golden city in the
sky she laughed at me and when she turned to look at me she said i cant believe how tanned you got today and your hair is almost as white as when you
were a baby... then said you must be hungry...
I found my friends at the park they all asked were i went i was like where the hell did you guys go? and what were you chasing? Then oh ya one of them
said as another looked at me and said we all looked for you then we all went home with nose bleeds... thats pretty much all i have ever gotten out of
anyway thats that then...
edit on 15-7-2014 by 5StarOracle because: spell
edit on 15-7-2014 by 5StarOracle because: changed clear to white
edit on 15-7-2014 by 5StarOracle because: more spelling