posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 06:33 AM
Greetings to you, fellow members.
I feel that it is necessary, in light of recent events in my personal/work life, to make the membership aware of the situation that I am facing, in
the event that despite my best efforts to the contrary, I lose my cool without apparent cause.
As some of you may be aware, I am a locksmith, and work for a family run business. My mother, her business partner and I, work out of a small store,
in a corner of Essex. We pride ourselves on customer service here, and we have to, because footfall on our street is minimal. Further to that however,
it is our contention that persons who enter our store, leave it with the feeling that they have received the very best possible service, because we
value those qualities when we are the other side of the counter, so to speak.
It is therefore, utterly devastating to us, that we are now being targeted by a person who has begun a legal challenge against us, a part of which is
a spurious allegation about the manner and conduct of myself, which pertains to a failure of customer service quality.
We, of course, will be combating this allegation in court, since it is entirely constructed of lies and slander. However, while I am well used to
having my thinking challenged, my conduct is something I take very VERY seriously, as is the ability of the business of which I am a part, to continue
to operate without being threatened unduly by nefarious persons. As a result of the nature of the accusations made against myself and my business, and
the threat they represent toward those things, and by extension my family, our ability to house, clothe, and feed ourselves, I have not been able to
remain unaffected by this state of affairs.
So, to reduce War and Peace to the size of a trash novel, I am VOLCANICALLY angry at this point. I will do my level best to ensure that what I am
feeling at the moment does not affect my conduct on this site, but would ask that members bear with me during the time between now, and the resolution
of this issue, if I should fail to totally filter out the entire sum of the tectonic fury I am held in the grip of at this time.
Thank you all in advance, for your understanding in this matter.