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Reptilians, Atlantis, Hybridization, & The Hollow Earth. Wow!

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posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: sled735
a reply to: skunkape23

Well, this guy isn't schizophrenic. He has "deep personal and family connections to both the inner circles of the United States and Russian governments as well as the KGB". He was even asked to run for president at one point, which he declined.

But, I won't try to convince anyone. I just posted it so people can listen and come to their own conclusions.

Well according to his website, he:

- Is an expert in "deprogramming and determining which Illuminati programs are embedded in the mind-patterns of any individual"
- Is (one of) the world's foremost metaphysical leaders
- Is a Hyperspace Intuitive
- Is a linguist who speaks 10 different languages.
- Was recruited by the US government (even though he claims influential communist family members) to operate in US mind control experiments.
- Has the ability to see auric fields
- Has the ability to see personal archetypes
- Has the ability to read DNA sequences and mind-patterns
- Has the ability to "move his consciousness beyond time and space to determine one's foundational mind-pattern"
- Spent 13 years on the alleged Montauk Project

And you don't think this guy is a schizophrenic? Okaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:11 AM

Honestly, the above theories are so out there, that i can't believe anyone with a capable brain could fall for them.
a reply to: daaskapital

Some people enjoy 'creative thinking', while the less innovative let TV and movies do their thinking for them.
The popularity of Star Trek and Star Wars can attest to that!
Just because some of us here like to discuss the 'what if' far-out ideas of others doesn't mean we're gullible, stupid, ignorant- or even believe all the things we're discussing.

We are exercising our brain!! We find it fun!! Loosen up, eh? It's okay to let your mind wander down the 'what if' lane. I promise you'll be safe, and who knows? You might even have a little Steven King in you, if you're willing to relax your mind a bit!

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: sled735
a reply to: skunkape23

Well, this guy isn't schizophrenic. He has "deep personal and family connections to both the inner circles of the United States and Russian governments as well as the KGB". He was even asked to run for president at one point, which he declined.

But, I won't try to convince anyone. I just posted it so people can listen and come to their own conclusions.

Thanks. My conclusion: the story is total and utter bull excrement.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: nugget1

Honestly, the above theories are so out there, that i can't believe anyone with a capable brain could fall for them.
a reply to: daaskapital

Some people enjoy 'creative thinking', while the less innovative let TV and movies do their thinking for them.
The popularity of Star Trek and Star Wars can attest to that!
Just because some of us here like to discuss the 'what if' far-out ideas of others doesn't mean we're gullible, stupid, ignorant- or even believe all the things we're discussing.

I don't intend to sling aggressive statements around, but the theories, as presented in the OP, tend to show that Swerdlow actually believes what he is stating. Sled presents these scenarios in such a way as to show that Swerdlow believes his words to be fact. If you look on his website, you will see that the guy is either delusional, or enjoys making money out of trolling the world.

We are exercising our brain!! We find it fun!! Loosen up, eh? It's okay to let your mind wander down the 'what if' lane. I promise you'll be safe, and who knows? You might even have a little Steven King in you, if you're willing to relax your mind a bit!

Exercising the brain never hurts, but i wouldn't recommend it with such atrocious theories. I regularly exercise my brain on more grounded scenarios. Preferably not around the possibility of a vaccination created by a reptilian Illuminati, capable of causing autism due to the containment of dolphin DNA. That stuff is just silly.

Thanks for your reply though.

edit on 13-7-2014 by daaskapital because: sp

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:23 AM

And you don't think this guy is a schizophrenic? Okaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy.
a reply to: daaskapital

No. I think he's a very savvy businessman.

He probably has more money in his pocket than I have in my entire net worth!
We can all dream up these far-fetched scenarios, and if we had the business acumen that they have, we too would be in the forefront, instead of on the fringe.

That doesn't mean that everything he says is invalid. Look at how many things we've seen in sci-fi shows that have come to pass?
There may be truth in some of what he says. My challenge is to figure out what part....and enjoy the mental journey.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: nugget1

And you don't think this guy is a schizophrenic? Okaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy.
a reply to: daaskapital

No. I think he's a very savvy businessman.

He probably has more money in his pocket than I have in my entire net worth!
We can all dream up these far-fetched scenarios, and if we had the business acumen that they have, we too would be in the forefront, instead of on the fringe.

I agree with you, haha. Either the dude is a nutjob, or is doing this for the money. Have you seen the prices on his website's store?

That doesn't mean that everything he says is invalid. Look at how many things we've seen in sci-fi shows that have come to pass?

Indeed, but there are much better people out there who are worth listening to, rather than Swerdlow.

There may be truth in some of what he says. My challenge is to figure out what part....and enjoy the mental journey.

Maybe...but i'd wager that there is a 99.99999999999999% chance that there isn't any truth in what he has to say. I will retain this opinion on his theories, until he can actually provide any evidence to back up said theories.

As of right now, the guy is either a schizophrenic, or a conman. I'm leaning with both.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:35 AM
3 words..........


Im super Cereal about this...

Honestly OP my whole point to that is I think this guy is a walking live parady of Al gore from that southpark episode.....

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:36 AM
If anything, it was fun to listen to. Made me think about why I started reading this site in the first place.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Unfortunately, there isn't much here to support any of this.

I have heard of underground reptiles though.

edit on 13-7-2014 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: daaskapital

the guy is either a schizophrenic, or a conman.

I've known a few schizophrenics in my day, and none have had the lucidity required to build the following that Swerdlow has.
Now, If he had chosen to present what he believes as sci-fi books and movie scripts, he might be sharing the adoration and acclaim of the likes of S.King, Lucas, Hitchcock, Wells, and many, many others.

I find it curious how technology seems to follow sci-fi by 50-75 years, so I enjoy new ideas- and the crazier, the better! Bring it on; give me something REALLY crazy and new to think about!

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:59 AM

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Unfortunately, there isn't much here to support any of this.
a reply to: eisegesis

As a young child, I saw a show where scientists created a carbon copy of a human....unbelievable stuff!
Decades later, scientists began to think it might be possible; ridiculous!

Shorty thereafter, Dolly made headlines. Made me think they must have been working on cloning for many, many years.
The common folk only seem to learn of new technology after it's been nearly perfected.

If you pay attention, reality seems to follow sci-fi closely, only separated by a few years. No matter how far-fetched and crazy it seems, there just might be a tiny grain of truth hidden amongst the fantasy!

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: sled735

To summarize from observation. He is basically stating there are advanced genetics programs going on here on EA*RTH. Some HUMAN associated some OTHER associated some human / other associated.

And that there are COSMIC technologies that can leave EA*RTH and reach as far as SATURN/JUPITER if not further and chase down ELENINs
As well as sharing the intelligent "SEA" mammals reptiles can reach the Undersea portals/star gates that lead to the Reptilian out post. And that brown dwarf like STARZ exist...

His data shares would allow for an aup cii of the Conspiracy theorist minds to test gullibility and over anticipation levels as well as accuracy

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: sled735.

Sled! I was just thinking about sending you this book. Its 450 pages, free, and about this exact subject. Good timing I guess...or we are on the same wavelengths! Best, MS

Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation ...

edit on 09-22-2013 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: nugget1

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Unfortunately, there isn't much here to support any of this.
a reply to: eisegesis

As a young child, I saw a show where scientists created a carbon copy of a human....unbelievable stuff!
Decades later, scientists began to think it might be possible; ridiculous!

Shorty thereafter, Dolly made headlines. Made me think they must have been working on cloning for many, many years.
The common folk only seem to learn of new technology after it's been nearly perfected.

If you pay attention, reality seems to follow sci-fi closely, only separated by a few years. No matter how far-fetched and crazy it seems, there just might be a tiny grain of truth hidden amongst the fantasy!

You know what makes anybody a smarter person? Trying to always disprove what you think you know to be the answer to something.

Its tedious and mentally taxing but too many people have a mental bus stop where eventually they cannot go any further. There beliefs cause them to get off the bus where as I prefer to stay on and see where the journey takes me. All subjects are fair game to me. Stuff like this gets stored in memory but never achieves full belief status. I wish sometimes...

I tried to keep my personal ideas out of the subject matter but did enjoy listening to it. Kind of like hearing Alex Collier for the first time.
Do I think extraterrestrial exist on earth with us. Sure, why not.
Do I think governments conduct strange experiments on people? Yes
Do I think there are animal hybrids running around? Maybe, but they would have to escape the depths of hell first as in where they are created. Either deep underground or under maximum observation and security. Escape is unlikely.

Maybe in the future, if hybridization or mixing genes with other species becomes the norm, we will have to thank those mad scientists for their early trial and error.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:39 AM
Well he's certainly an entertaining nutcase, but believe it or not, people such as him do serve a purpose.
Consider this... Let's say I'm head of security for some top secret underground base, and I discover that there's been a breech. I have no idea who it was that broke in, but I do know that they had access to lots of sensitive information and they may have even gotten pictures of the facility. What do I do?

Me personally, I'd call up this guy or Sorcha Faal and tell them everything.

edit on 13-7-2014 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:44 PM
I KNEW IT as soon as I seen them on videos dry-humping peoples legs!!!! I told you all them damn dolphins were up to something!!

I am a believer in the hollow earth theory, but on the fence about the rest. Might check it out though thanks

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 03:04 PM
It's amazing the nonsense that people give credence too. You can literally hear the same thing from a crackhead on the street corner.

Why would anyone entertain let alone respect what this guy has to say. I see no evidence posted to support his fanciful claims, we're simply supposed to take him on his word.

It's scary what people are willing to believe.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: daaskapital

the guy is either a schizophrenic, or a conman.

I've known a few schizophrenics in my day, and none have had the lucidity required to build the following that Swerdlow has.
Now, If he had chosen to present what he believes as sci-fi books and movie scripts, he might be sharing the adoration and acclaim of the likes of S.King, Lucas, Hitchcock, Wells, and many, many others.

I find it curious how technology seems to follow sci-fi by 50-75 years, so I enjoy new ideas- and the crazier, the better! Bring it on; give me something REALLY crazy and new to think about!

How can you expect people to take your position seriously. You all but acknowledge that he's a conman, a fraud, a charlatan who preys on vulnerable people for financial profit, and yet you excuse him in the name of innovation, creativity, etc?

Please. This guy doesn't have an original thought in his body. He's thrown a number of conspiracies into a conspiracy blender and has come up with a broth of bullsh*t- that's it. The guy's a low human being.

There's nothing curious about science "following" sci-fi, as you put it. The majority of sci-fi is based on established scientific theory. Sci-fi gets its ideas, largely, from science, not the other way round. If you're generally interested in new ideas, crazy ones at that, you would be following science websites and posting on science message boards, not entertaining fruit loops like Swerdlow.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: Josephus
a reply to: romilo

It's insane how much apparently went missing from the museum from about 2003 until US forces secured the museum apparently 400,000-600,000 pieces were absconded 15,000 alone in the 4 days between the museums evacuation and the arrival of coalition forces. If something of a truly supernatural power was housed there, unless they were completely naive as to its existence as such, it certainly wouldn't have been on display. In my opinion it would have been removed off sit long before the invasion.

I don't know about before the war but the current collection is represented online here

According to what he states on this show, the military headed straight for the basement where they seemed to know the artifacts were stored, away from public eyes.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus

He says that Big Foot was the creation of a hybridization experiment of man and bear...

More like man and BEER. Just saying.

aha now i know why i am getting so hairy...and i thought it was just old age

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: sled735
a reply to: skunkape23

Well, this guy isn't schizophrenic. He has "deep personal and family connections to both the inner circles of the United States and Russian governments as well as the KGB". He was even asked to run for president at one point, which he declined.

But, I won't try to convince anyone. I just posted it so people can listen and come to their own conclusions.

maybe you've never heard of people like benjamin fulford, or russel pine (jordan maxwell, whatever he wants to call himself these days) or even folks like russel brand.. specially groomed tinfoil champions, "crusaders of the little people"

...that's my "conclusion"
this is all part of the controlled opposition*

i "liked" the part with the dolphins 'though.. the "hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy" movie also made use of that meme
(*the great work of the merry-pranksters lives on)
/sillywalks outta the thread
edit on 14-7-2014 by UNIT76 because: highlighted relevant section. this is something that should be obvious but will be "entertained" over 12 more pages yet

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