File this one in with the conspiracy theories that Obama himself is gay. I don't care what kinky stuff the POTUS is into, he's done enough crap to
the nation that you don't need to talk about his sexuality.
That said it would explain how Michelle "Guns" Obama got those arms...
The rest of the speech in each and every instance in refering to Mullin, Obama calls him "Mike". This is the only time he used "michael" in that
speech. If that means anything. I have heard this mentioned by at least 6 or 7 hosts from different venues now. I am afraid this story is not going
I don't think Michelle is a guy, unfortunately when I think about our glorious leader, I can't get over his most important program. His crown and
glory, " Cash for clunkers". What poor slob thought that one up?
edit on 11-12-2014 by Nickn3 because: (no reason given)