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Facebook 'Hate' Thread

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posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: seabhac-rua

6 people liked this thread.

I know how you feel-I have a Facebook account but I barely use it- For me it was a tool to communicate with friends and now my friends are using it as a billboard to promote their insignificant achievements. For example:

John Smith updated his status: "I have a cold." 53 people like this. Who boasts about having a cold? and why do 53 people like the fact that John has a cold? I've got friends but after seeing their status updates I distance myself from them because they think that every damn milestone they achieve has to be immediately posted for the greater good of humanity.

And I thought video games rotted peoples brains.

edit on 12-7-2014 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:43 AM
I am a member of ATS, and a "pirate". The last thing I am worried about is my facebook posts

But seriously though, I only really add family and friends I actually give a crap about. I talk to them, share news articles I find relevant with a snarky comment, and share my artwork. That is my facebook summed up right there.

edit on Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:45:41 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:53 AM
I'm on facebook ,say vicious things EVERYWHERE( EXACTLY like you see here) WHY? because I am legion ,even AFTER the NSA kicks off ( no doubt for targeting) they have all we have said online,between records and other docs, they already have all the info. I wonder why everyone doesn't understand that. Our only power is numbers not personal security.THAT is an illusion.
If they get to me before the COPD I'll take out my share.

I also have a failing memory so I just use the truth so I'm consistant if weird.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: criticalhit
a reply to: MarlinGrace

Angry, no.... why would I be Angry, i'm just laughing at you guys.

Your on one of the most watched websites in America complaining that someone might "investigate your information" in a place where people post pictures of cats...

and I stick with the word delusional, your going to throw "fireballs" on an anonymous forum, ooooooo scary, almost as scary as associating with real people you know from your past and letting them see who you really are lol

Before you throw Fireballs rofl...

Let me guess your a wizard?

I can tell from the tone of your post you're in complete hysterics. You seem to want to compare Facebook to ATS, watched yes, information disclosure not even close. Try to think past a single post, and consider Facebook has provided the opportunity for you to build an entire map of your life from friends to family. Some people have the capacity to recognize you have thus given in this case the "Spooks" a digital map with every bit of your information to be connected to other maps until the population has been plotted from coast to coast.

Even you my curve dropping friend understand there is a digital map somewhere in a quiet little office where access to all of this information exist. If it doesn't already reside in a fusion center. So the question to you would be why help them? Why help your government track, map, and follow you every friend, family, announcement, and discussion.

A fireball to me is when someone throws the kind of post you have written when looking for a fight. Wizard no, calm, cool, collected, and unwilling to feed your monster. Keep your Facebook up to date I think the government needs to know everything there is to know about you in detail. It will be helpful at the trial.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: MarlinGrace

The irony is astounding.

Facebook never bothered me with flame posts and such, its the boring crap that constantly comes up that people thing is interesting in their lives and its not, just like twitter. Just a bunch of twits.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: criticalhit
a reply to: MarlinGrace

Angry, no.... why would I be Angry, i'm just laughing at you guys.

Your on one of the most watched websites in America complaining that someone might "investigate your information" in a place where people post pictures of cats...

and I stick with the word delusional, your going to throw "fireballs" on an anonymous forum, ooooooo scary, almost as scary as associating with real people you know from your past and letting them see who you really are lol

Before you throw Fireballs rofl...

Let me guess your a wizard?

I can tell from the tone of your post you're in complete hysterics. You seem to want to compare Facebook to ATS, watched yes, information disclosure not even close. Try to think past a single post, and consider Facebook has provided the opportunity for you to build an entire map of your life from friends to family. Some people have the capacity to recognize you have thus given in this case the "Spooks" a digital map with every bit of your information to be connected to other maps until the population has been plotted from coast to coast.

Even you my curve dropping friend understand there is a digital map somewhere in a quiet little office where access to all of this information exist. If it doesn't already reside in a fusion center. So the question to you would be why help them? Why help your government track, map, and follow you every friend, family, announcement, and discussion.

A fireball to me is when someone throws the kind of post you have written when looking for a fight. Wizard no, calm, cool, collected, and unwilling to feed your monster. Keep your Facebook up to date I think the government needs to know everything there is to know about you in detail. It will be helpful at the trial.

You can tell from the tone of my post that i'm in complete hysterics? Really? I'm a Monster because I think your silly?

Dude, wake up, your on ATS, your picture includes a pro gun statement, your threads involve the IRS, the Federal reserve, the Mexican Military, The Air Force etc...

Obviously you have an Internet connection that you pay, you have to be aware that these topics,being watched (right or wrong on whatever point) particularly indicating you have the capacity to do harm, is about the only thing that would get you looked at, particularly being in a place where members HAVE gone out and done harm lol (The anthrax guy) (shooter in AZ) etc... So your connected to the Internet and pay a bill lol which means that Maxwell Smart could figure out who you are let alone anyone in any alphabet agency and from there have your purchase, supermarket history, cell phone access, cable, address, heck a free internet search would identify your whole family friends people you go to school with... and the topics at hand make you a target for things like, actually listening in on your private conversations lol

yet you feel being on facebook would leave them a further "road map of your life" somehow when in actuality Not having a facebook page actually makes you seem even more suspicious rofl

what ridiculous part of your head is saying to you, speaking about topics that are all "watch list" topics, on a site that unfortunately has had members that committed terrorist acts in the past on a paid Internet connection (that honestly no matter what you think you can do reveals your identity and location) somehow pales in drawing you negative attention to... wishing your nana happy birthday on facebook lol

I mean, it stands to reason, if anyone gives a crap lol, that stating on a site that has to be directly monitored (and yeah probably for good reason) and happens to have .01% of people to look at as the 2-3 Billion people on facebook, because duh, this makes the front freaking page lol.... and saying "I like guns and don't go on facebook because I don't want anyone to know anything about me" that this might (like 99.9%) get some guy in an office to say.... "hey charlie draw me up a full report on this guy" where as in all reality you could sit on facebook and chat with nana for 7 years among 2+ BILLION people and never be noticed by even nana lol.... That this is somehow LOST on you is reason enough for some spook to actually draw the "map" of your life that you fear

your useless data, there is no "map" of your life that anyone reads UNTIL you start spewing junk in front of the cops lol and they can put a "picture together" w/o stupid facebook, in fact if I was employed by any said agency, he only reason I'd even look at facebook is a last resort, yor internet searches would be the first because you can totally fake your FB and everyone thus far agrees most people are full of bs on Facebook anyway... Now if your ordering ammo and stalking a senator that might show on your google searches lol but probably you wouldn't mention that to your 5th grade teacher...

what part do you people "not get" of the fact that your ONLINE

edit on 12-7-2014 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: criticalhit
What, you never heard of proxies and TOR before? Not to mention if you are in a populated area, your pick of 60 neighbors with free wifi?

IP address is not a person. Easy enough to spoof a MAC address lol

edit on Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:36:21 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: criticalhit
What, you never heard of proxies and TOR before? Not to mention if you are in a populated area, your pick of 60 neighbors with free wifi?

IP address is not a person. Easy enough to spoof a MAC address lol

None of those things actually work beyond a very limited context, it's useful. if you want to keep your Ip from warner brothers when downloading, for basic legality of proving it's you in simple local law enforcement things, but you's be kidding yourself if you think you truly had "privacy"

Tor has servers all over the Navy, even what's not just blatantly intercepted "someone" get's your data and if you think anyone will say no to an NSA agent your wrong, using neighbors ip's or whatever is cute but there is hardware involved too, if anyone want's you bad enough pulling up a van is easy to tack you down and honestly even easier is a tenant list and basic detective work based on what you say, sure... you can stay on an old operating system, build your machine yourself, steal internet and go through the whole thing... when you "push buttons" if someone wants to find you they still will... and honestly, I really wouldn't want to listen to 11 posters all try and tell me they are "elite" hackers because that would be a freaking lie...

The Premise of the previous rant is "not just supplying the spooks a map" of your life, i'm saying when you enter the world of guns, anti government bs, conspiracy and all the rest if they want to figure out who you are they will, i'd say, a 50% amateur draws more attention with that stuff not less, creates the reason to look at them hence I used the term "attention whore"

If you want to download movies, keep your porn habits private, steal cable... if your really that upset about "targeted ads" lol sure there are methods...

but the guys with the Hardware like drones, surveillance vans, satellites that can see you from orbit, warrant-less access to you provider, search engines, operating system, ownership of tor and other proxy servers, direct access to the lines in almost every other nation on earth, maybe have hardware installed on undersea lines, universities...

should I go on? Your not stopping the people who actually make "maps" from making a map of your life if they want to... you can't freaking drive 2 blocks in 99% of the country without being on camera for the love of god.

And even if you think you can, is it really worth going through that effort? Unless your an actual jack ass? which brings us to full circle in the conversation of the kind of behaviors that would make anyone actually look at you that deeply, kind of redundant if your activities include, making copies of diablo and photoshop but you go so far as to make yourself look like you might be up to something "evil" if your not...

Do I agree with all this? NO

But at the same time, I have one life to LIVE... I rather get to have friends all over the world and anyone that wants to listen can blow me, I mean seriously... think about your neighbors and the morons at the local bar for a minute.... Your really going to isolate yourself to that when you can build relationships and stay in touch with people you love (the phone is 10x worse than Fb btw) to in the end accomplish nothing more than... not letting the ebay ad connect to my searches from the day before... I was actually HAPPY ATS has that ad running today lol... got a great deal on a camera today

Bottom line... I'm free from physical constraints and I want to engage people from everywhere, it rocks, if some one wants to listen and spends a Trillion dollars to be able to do so, i'm not putting much effort into thwarting that, i could be hit by a bus tomorrow and it's not like they will show up at my eulogy and read off the list of what porn I searched to my family lol... imagine

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: TKDRL
a reply to: criticalhit
What, you never heard of proxies and TOR before? Not to mention if you are in a populated area, your pick of 60 neighbors with free wifi?

IP address is not a person. Easy enough to spoof a MAC address lol

None of those things actually work beyond a very limited context, it's useful. if you want to keep your Ip from warner brothers when downloading, for basic legality of proving it's you in simple local law enforcement things, but you's be kidding yourself if you think you truly had "privacy"

Tor has servers all over the Navy, even what's not just blatantly intercepted "someone" get's your data and if you think anyone will say no to an NSA agent your wrong, using neighbors ip's or whatever is cute but there is hardware involved too, if anyone want's you bad enough pulling up a van is easy to tack you down and honestly even easier is a tenant list and basic detective work based on what you say, sure... you can stay on an old operating system, build your machine yourself, steal internet and go through the whole thing... when you "push buttons" if someone wants to find you they still will... and honestly, I really wouldn't want to listen to 11 posters all try and tell me they are "elite" hackers because that would be a freaking lie...

The Premise of the previous rant is "not just supplying the spooks a map" of your life, i'm saying when you enter the world of guns, anti government bs, conspiracy and all the rest if they want to figure out who you are they will, i'd say, a 50% amateur draws more attention with that stuff not less, creates the reason to look at them hence I used the term "attention whore"

If you want to download movies, keep your porn habits private, steal cable... if your really that upset about "targeted ads" lol sure there are methods...

but the guys with the Hardware like drones, surveillance vans, satellites that can see you from orbit, warrant-less access to you provider, search engines, operating system, ownership of tor and other proxy servers, direct access to the lines in almost every other nation on earth, maybe have hardware installed on undersea lines, universities...

should I go on? Your not stopping the people who actually make "maps" from making a map of your life if they want to... you can't freaking drive 2 blocks in 99% of the country without being on camera for the love of god.

And even if you think you can, is it really worth going through that effort? Unless your an actual jack ass? which brings us to full circle in the conversation of the kind of behaviors that would make anyone actually look at you that deeply, kind of redundant if your activities include, making copies of diablo and photoshop but you go so far as to make yourself look like you might be up to something "evil" if your not...

Do I agree with all this? NO

But at the same time, I have one life to LIVE... I rather get to have friends all over the world and anyone that wants to listen can blow me, I mean seriously... think about your neighbors and the morons at the local bar for a minute.... Your really going to isolate yourself to that when you can build relationships and stay in touch with people you love (the phone is 10x worse than Fb btw) to in the end accomplish nothing more than... not letting the ebay ad connect to my searches from the day before... I was actually HAPPY ATS has that ad running today lol... got a great deal on a camera today

Bottom line... I'm free from physical constraints and I want to engage people from everywhere, it rocks, if some one wants to listen and spends a Trillion dollars to be able to do so, i'm not putting much effort into thwarting that, i could be hit by a bus tomorrow and it's not like they will show up at my eulogy and read off the list of what porn I searched to my family lol... imagine

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 10:55 PM
It's avoidable, simply by either not starting an account in the first place, or by deleting your existing one. I did the latter for my New Year's Resolution this year, and to date, it's been the only one in my life that lasted longer than a week.

When I first joined Fakebook, it was fine. We held normal conversations, discussed current topics at length, et cetera. As time wore on, it became homogenous, self-centered, and frankly, a total bore. I can only stand so many reshares of the same "inspirational" picture or joke before it grates on me. I can only put up with so many Instagramed food shots before it's just banal BS, and I can only stomach so many selfies before my eyes roll out of my head.

The conversations dwindled into one-liners, the quality of them dropped to "Got my nails/hairs did" territory. If anyone commented on someone's post or link with their own take on something, it was akin to a major offense and "How dare you say something I don't agree with on my wall!" Well geez, you oblivious twink, if you post it, people will discuss it. Ok, some times. Most of the time, anything worth talking about generated crickets or tumbleweeds. Maybe you'd get a like click or a "Yeah, that!" comment. But if someone bought something new & posted about it or a pic, or ate something & Instagramed it, the Likes & comments were a flood. It was a showcase of stupid.

Basically, everything went from stimulating & engaging, to pointless and narcissistic. So I walked away, after making sure everyone had my contact info (email, cell) Only one person off my FB friends list keeps in touch. One. Out of fifty.
On one hand, walking away from FB can be good for you in terms of reminding you who your friends really are, based on who contacts you in other ways. But on the other, it shows just how wrapped up in the vanity show everyone else really is.

They can keep their mani-pedi posts, their food pics, their work-out regimen boasts, their utter conversational twaddle. Shallow is as shallow does.
edit on 7/12/2014 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: criticalhit

I understand I am online probably better than you know. The idea is I accept the risk that I impose on myself, I don't bring family and friends into it by putting them at risk, if they choose to do that then it's on them. It's a respect thing that apparently you don't seem to appreciate.

Of course any three letter agency can find these things out if they so choose, I say again why help them? Maybe they should hire you then they would have found out about, the trade center bombing, planes hitting, boston bombings, or the mass shootings before they happened.

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