I think in the long run facebook will teach us a lot about ourselves irregardless of any bad things they do or how some people behave.
I actually understand facebook fairly well, I have more people attached to my pages than the city I live in at this point in time and find it an
incredibly useful resource, one of the first things you notice is that (sorry to internet meme) there really are only 2 kinds of people... Those who
are open to communication and those who's personalities are egg shells.
In other words within the debate of privacy comes something I have to be very honest about, a lot of people are 100% full of bull, now I wont lie, in
forums like this it's easy to be full of bull, I have in the early days of the net (lol a few years ago) been full of bull myself, there is a
temptation when no one knows you to maybe exaggerate or elevate ones self, understandable, but when you spend huge amounts of time working with social
media you inevitably see the truth, that a lot of peoples lives are charades, their personalities in "walking life" are full of bull... not just in
social media but like the example of the person who pretends to not see you on the street, these people have highly constructed personalities even in
daily life...
These are the folks who are very concerned about privacy... the opinions they speak n public and private in public and private differ, their sexuality
is hidden in rl, and that's just a start, a lot of people real are what is referred to as "the walking wounded"
In reality, to build a large following I had to leave myself very exposed in many ways and at the same time do so while being able to look into the
private lives of 10's of thousands of people at will... somewhere in there (and no I had no defining moment or revelation) the idiocy of being fake
fell away because in a sea of 7 Billion people there are Millions who like the same stuff you do etc etc and it's just self destructive to wear a mask
I suppose... it became to me ludicrous to be shut down and afraid, things like national borders began to seem insane when I started to have
conversations with people all over the world
sadly there are whole sections of the world within America and our govt too who have masks on, the world is about their ideas, information needs to be
halted etc etc... from the typical joe who doesn't want their "interests tracked" because god forbid the ads that pop up when someone uses your
computer actually reflect who they really are lol or to a govt that has to present a certain image and wants the public in line with that....
well, half of humanity is actually insane, shut down locked into paradigms of who they are supposed to be the "self" completely separate from their
perceived and portrayed identities, in essence split personalities with no way to resolve into a singular being and terrified of even being asked
but within the social media phenomena is absolutely the potential to resolve these conflicts
one of the easiest ways to "see" the fractured human mind is actually to look at facebook, pay attention to how many people don't have actual
"interests" they pursue, sure they "like" all sorts of stuff they think other people will think they are cool or respect them for "liking" but the
vast majority of people spend them time on uselessness and have no "purpose" no DO, no ACTION they take which is how a real "interest" is actually
identified... you can for example "like" poetry and go three years and never write or attempt to write a poem, that action would be personal exposure
to something deeper, it's revealing, it conflicts with the mask and requires you to "un-fracture" your personality i.e admit you don't know jack about
poetry lol then admit to yourself you have no depth.... which is where "growth" and healing begins
I guess what i'm saying is.... for social media to work for a person, for it not to be something scary, a person has to start to heal... to fix
themselves from the insanity of both the Industrial age, religion and personal trauma of being raised in sort of screwed up world, you have to get rid
of your ego... or at least reconstruct it, because showing yourself to the world means being naked, everyone looks good in the right suit, taking it
off is revealing, so you do 2 things A: try and keep the suit on even though essentially your behind an xray machine or B: say hey look at what a
freak I really am, check out these love handles anyone have a page to help me be rid of these?
so, personally, I give facebook a "like" not because of what it is or who runs it, but because of how it can be used if you let it...
edit on 12-7-2014 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)