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Ask any question you want about Physics

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posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: skunkape23

or the cat is very very angry

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: dragonridr
Its not an experiment, its a phenomenon I have seen on a couple of occasions and I dont know why. Its like little white threads of nylon, that move trough the air. The closest explanation I can think for it is that my body heat is creating a thermal and they are just loose threads from something riding up. but it happens over 1 meter away too, not just around me.

The easiest one to explain is the coil moving vertically, thing a spring winding its way upward. Altho they do move in all directions and not always spinning.

a reply to: Arbitrageur
As above, it was like a thin nylon-esque coil/spring, there were no other parts to them and the range from 8mm long to the largest one (the spring formed one) 25mm. I have no idea what the are.

I'll have to read both your responses again, some things I will need to google...

Thanks for the input

edit on 12-7-2014 by RifRAAF because: spelling

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: suicideeddie
a reply to: skunkape23

or the cat is very very angry

May just be great full to be let out the box. And just wait for the animal cruelty people to show up sure there's fines involved.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

My question relates to the LHC and dark matter.

Considering we know nothing about dark matter nor any potential it may have to interact with matter we do know about, are the results from LHC experiments an approximation. Insomuch, for example, that Pi can be taken as 22/7 instead of 3.1415926535.......

To expand slightly further. The areas around the sensors in the LHC are devoid of matter we know about, for the most part. It would seem reasonable to presume that 80ish% of the volume of space therein is populated by dark matter. We do not know if that is in fact true, because we cannot measure it, but we can presume it to be there.

Is it possible, in your opinion, that there are interactions that we cannot measure due to a lack of understanding through the fundamental physics, and subsequently, measurement techniques. But yet those interactions are not significant enough to invalidate observations or indeed the theories that we have.

Sorry if this sounds like jibberish, I've had some curried egg salad today.

Kind Regards

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 03:47 AM

originally posted by: RifRAAF
a reply to: dragonridr
Its not an experiment, its a phenomenon I have seen on a couple of occasions and I dont know why. Its like little white threads of nylon, that move trough the air. The closest explanation I can think for it is that my body heat is creating a thermal and they are just loose threads from something riding up. but it happens over 1 meter away too, not just around me.

The easiest one to explain is the coil moving vertically, thing a spring winding its way upward. Altho they do move in all directions and not always spinning.

a reply to: Arbitrageur
As above, it was like a thin nylon-esque coil/spring, there were no other parts to them and the range from 8mm long to the largest one (the spring formed one) 25mm. I have no idea what the are.

I'll have to read both your responses again, some things I will need to google...

Thanks for the input

like this ?

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: dragonridr
Not really but I did consider static electricity to be a possibility, that actually is more likely than a body-temperature thermal

edit on 12-7-2014 by RifRAAF because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: myselfaswell
I think it's helpful to look at something we DO know, which is hot dark matter, then proceed to cold dark matter. We do know about neutrinos, and about 50 billion of them pass through your body every second. In fact the vast majority of them after passing through your body continue to pass through the entire Earth. They can be detected, in neutrino detectors, but they are hard to detect because they interact so rarely.

Neutrinos are called "“hot, non-baryonic dark matter”, but the type of dark matter we haven't found yet is called "cold, non-baryonic dark matter". Since these particles are "cold", the interactions, if any, may be even less frequent than with neutrinos.

So, my supposition is, if it's this hard to get the cold non-baryonic dark matter to interact, then this lack of interaction probably means it's not having a major effect on LHC experiments. However I guess we can't be completely sure what effect it's having until we figure out what it is. One possibility is, it may not interact at all, meaning it may not be possible to directly detect it, but in this case the effect on LHC experiments should be negligible I think.

a reply to: RifRAAF
OK I have to ask if this could possibly be what you're referring to, or if you can rule this out and say this isn't it, that's fine, but it sounds a little like this:

edit on 12-7-2014 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Thanks mate.

Kind Regards

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur
No I know of that I actually could touch these, this is like nylon thread. I'm now convinced it is nylon thread that is bouncing on the static around me--kind of like the opposite of getting a balloon to stick to you.

That makes sense??

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: RifRAAF
There's nothing about the laws of physics that contradicts the idea. As for making sense, I suppose it would make sense to me if you lived near a source of nylon threads that would explain how all these threads are getting in the air around you.

But sure nylon is a form of plastic and plastics can build up static electricity, in fact this is a problem I've had to deal with in my profession, so I'm familiar with static electricity on plastics, but I've never seen the precise phenomenon you describe.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur
neither have I and it is something I can explain because I dont know science outside what I learned in HS.

I'll set a flame to the next one to find out if it burns or melts, that should give us an idea if its nylon. Melts nylon, burns natural fibre?

The're too thin to photograph without a macro lense unless I could take a pic of one on my laptop which is black.

There is nylon around, but not much white as there is black and I have never seen a nylon thread behave like this...

Anyway Im satisfied with the info you guys provided so I'm happy

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Gravity is a force, which is one of the three or four fundamental forces

OK, let's start with this...

If gravity is a force, can its action be faster than light ? According to GR it can't. Nothing is faster than light.
In a hypothetical Black Hole's scenario however, the gravity must overcome the escape velocity which is the maximal speed possible, the speed of light. It must be grater than the speed of light... FALSE

What about the curvature of space-time ? If Black Hole curves the space so light is travelling a straight line in a curved space-time, than Gravity is an property of space and not a force !

Is gravity a force ? If Black Holes exists it is not !

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

But physics and QM are not the same thing.

QM is far to much theory and tricks like the entanglment theory to say that information can travel faster than the speed of light when in fact its spooky logic at a distance and you can do the same trick with a box of shoes.

Just because you can take one away from a number does not mean you can go back in time and all the crap about what happens inside a black hole is junk science since the only thing we have seen that might or might not be a black hole is 6 pixels from a camera pointed at the center our milkyway.

Physics is like the instruction set inside a CPU, Hard and fast rules but QM is like dreaming up VM-Ware and even designing a computer game long before you fully understand the rules of the CPU

The standard theory was all that was needed to find out about the double slit experiment but then it all seemed to have been hijacked by QM/QT and to this day QM seems to have ten theories about how to destry data to see if it effects the resutls from ripping up envolopes to deleteing the hard drive so normal people in the street cannot understand if it is the detector itself that effects the flight of the photon or is it an electron today.

smashing zillions of golf balls into eachother at near the speed of light will only teach you so much and does not give you all the answers to the universe and this theory about the glass jar being full of "things" that pop in and out of exsistance by borrowing time from the future and paying it back to become nothing to me seem like science from a nut house.

I suspect we live in some type of computer simulation, it logical and it is also logical that we don't have the brains to understand our enviroment no more than a rat in a cage does who works out its feeding time just after the sun rises.

edit on 12-7-2014 by VirusGuard because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 08:55 AM
Does quantum entanglement work through time dilation? This something i was thinking about the other day. Take 2 entangled particles and then accelerate one to close to the speed of light for an extended amount of time. Do they stay synced in the present or is there a delay?

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: KrzYma
a reply to: VirusGuard

As I said in the OP, scientists don't have all the answers and don't claim to. One answer they specifically claim to not have is a working theory of quantum gravity. There are some ideas about gravitons and such which are not experimentally verified so we don't know if such a future theory will contain gravitons or not.

Relativity is a pretty good model, and quantum mechanics is a pretty good model, but they are fundamentally incompatible so far and this is why we have no theory of quantum gravity.

The best physics is that which has been experimentally verified. We haven't experimentally or observationally verified black hole physics and ideas on that topic are somewhat fluid. For example the theorized Hawking radiation has never been confirmed, but the idea of Hawking Radiation is that it can escape the black hole using principles of quantum mechanics as could hypothetical gravitons using similar principles of virtual particles in quantum theory, if such gravitons exist but we don't know if they do.

One thing I know of about black holes that seems to be experimentally verified so far is their apparent existence. Stars orbiting an unseen entity thought to be a supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way pass so close to the unseen object that we think the only thing it can possibly be is a black hole, so it seems, they do exist:

Questions about the supposed "singularity" at the center and whether it really exists or not would be answered by a quantum theory of gravity if we ever develop one. Most scientists think after applying quantum gravity theory the singularity from relativity will be replaced with something more consistent with quantum mechanics.

KrzYma, I don't have time to watch long videos but it just so happens I've seen that one before and it answers your question at the end, talking about Hawking radiation escaping without traveling faster than light. Here is a more detailed answer if you're interested, from the NASA website:

edit on 12-7-2014 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: VirusGuard

I suspect we live in some type of computer simulation, it logical and it is also logical that we don't have the brains to understand our enviroment no more than a rat in a cage does who works out its feeding time just after the sun rises.

Don't QM actually support this very notion?

so normal people in the street cannot understand if it is the detector itself that effects the flight of the photon

Not sure how you mean this, but Quantum eraser experiments prove that it is not the detector itself that collapses the wave function.

The standard theory was all that was needed to find out about the double slit experiment but then it all seemed to have been hijacked by QM/QT

What standard theory you mean? You mean the cop out that light is a wave aswell as a particle?

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Do you believe that the universe is 'fine-tuned' and that it must therefore have a 'fine-tuner'?

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:36 AM
Science + Metaphysics = my questions.

How many universes are in the multiverse?
How many dimensions?
How thick(not the right word but you know what I mean) is the veil between dimensions?
Are the universes and dimensions layered or are they in the same place/time?
Is it a matter of vibrations or something else that keeps them separate?
What is needed to cross the veil?

What is your opinion on any one or all of those?
Use easy to understand words. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Are you serious or just trolling?

How do you expect him to know the answers to questions you know nobody has the answers to. I mean if you know enough to ask these questions you must know they cannot be answered.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: SuperVizorr

The topic said this - Ask any question you want about Physics.
Those are my questions.
I asked for his OPINION in those areas. Not for answers.

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