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Very simple math proves the existance of God

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posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 08:56 PM
Euler's formula does prove that nothing equals something.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: JohnPhoenix
Math is a Science "

Not quite. Suppose you live 100 years and every morning you see the sun rise. A scientist would conclude this phenomenon to be a fact. However it's not a fact to a mathematician. Heck, you can live 1000000000000000000000000000000 years and see the sun rise(if sun survives that long), but the phenomenon of sunrise would still be far from being a fact to a mathematician. For people in math this is just a pattern that needs to be proven, not a fact.
edit on 12-7-2014 by groupsandrings because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: groupsandrings

originally posted by: JohnPhoenix
Math is a Science "

Not quite. Suppose you live 100 years and every morning you see the sun rise. A scientist would conclude this phenomenon to be a fact. However it's not a fact to a mathematician. Heck, you can live 1000000000000000000000000000000 years and see the sun rise(if sun survives that long), but the phenomenon of sunrise would still be far from being a fact to a mathematician. For people in math this is just a pattern that needs to be proven, not a fact.

way to go god boy - misunderstanding everything about you!

Not understanding doesn't make you right!

Proving facts makes you right... which the rest of us have yet to see!

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: MarsIsRed

originally posted by: groupsandrings

originally posted by: JohnPhoenix
Math is a Science "

way to go god boy - misunderstanding everything about you!

Not understanding doesn't make you right!

Proving facts makes you right... which the rest of us have yet to see!

I am not sure what you're trying to say.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:41 PM
If you actually read a science book, you would realize that nobody is claiming there was nothing (except religous people trying come up with a valid argument and failing). Before the big bang there was a singularity.

Since a singularity is not nothing, the entire premise of the OP falls flat on its face.

Nice try though.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: xDeadcowx

There are far many stupid people!

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: groupsandrings

originally posted by: MarsIsRed

originally posted by: groupsandrings

originally posted by: JohnPhoenix
Math is a Science "

way to go god boy - misunderstanding everything about you!

Not understanding doesn't make you right!

There are too many stupid people out there!
Proving facts makes you right... which the rest of us have yet to see!

I am not sure what you're trying to say.

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: JohnPhoenix

Very simple math proves the existance of God

When you hear something "very simple" "proving the existence of a deity" whose very premise for existing is based on the fact that it can not be proven or disproven, you can tune yourself out mentally if you don't want to look disrespectful by simply leaving. Unless you already believe, it's not going to convince you.

What say you ATS, could our present understanding of math and science back up and support the possible existence of God?

Science only deals strictly with things that exist, or if you want to be "technical" about it, things that can be seen to have an effect on other things that exist. Ideas, irrelevant of their truth value, can manipulate things that exist, but that only proves that the idea exists. It doesn't prove the truth of the idea.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: JohnPhoenix
Also keep in mind there are many theories scientists do believe in as strongly as people believe in religion for things that have not yet been observed or shown to be proven or even provable - so why pick on God as if the idea is so, utterly unscientific? It makes no sense to me and yet science seems to champion for the possible existence of God
The so-called mathematical "proof" is flawed.

A scientist has taken the idea of God, and looked at the theory of God as science would look at any other theory, and explains why it's not a good theory:

God is not a Good Theory - Sean Carroll (Full)

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: xDeadcowx
If you actually read a science book, you would realize that nobody is claiming there was nothing (except religous people trying come up with a valid argument and failing). Before the big bang there was a singularity.
Since a singularity is not nothing, the entire premise of the OP falls flat on its face.

that only pushes the initial question aside really.
what was prior to the singularity? ...and that applies to pretty much thought regarding our primordial origin.
if god is responsible, how did he pop into existance?
aliens? void? singularity? same story...
thats really sort of a philosophical dilema, lol.

at any rate, its hard to explain how OUR universe came into existance wihtout some intelligent origin.
saw some pastor on tv making a pretty deep statement:
"postulating an ifinite number of parrallel realities, just to deny the existance of god, is maybe a LITTLE bit to much..."

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:03 PM

In math infinite dimensional vector space(both real and complex) is just a set of all sequences of the form (x_1, x_2, x_3....) where x_j in one dimension for j = 1, 2, ... I have no idea what physicists do with this simple idea to postulate parallel realities and such

edit on 13-7-2014 by groupsandrings because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: Dolour

that only pushes the initial question aside really.
what was prior to the singularity? ...and that applies to pretty much thought regarding our primordial origin.
if god is responsible, how did he pop into existance?
aliens? void? singularity? same story...
thats really sort of a philosophical dilema, lol.

It's only a dilemma if you make it one. There's really no reason to go around making arbitrary causes to explain things just because you don't know the answer to them. That's how religions got started, and look at what those did to human history...

at any rate, its hard to explain how OUR universe came into existance wihtout some intelligent origin.

Yet for the past 100 years, actual scientists have managed to avoid making such claims.

saw some pastor on tv making a pretty deep statement:
"postulating an ifinite number of parrallel realities, just to deny the existance of god, is maybe a LITTLE bit to much..."

Same thing as above... That's not a deep statement. Postulating that someone dislikes your arbitrary cause for the universe to the extent that he would make up an infinite number of universes speaks on just as deep a level as does the claim that it is describing.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: Dolour

originally posted by: xDeadcowx
If you actually read a science book, you would realize that nobody is claiming there was nothing (except religous people trying come up with a valid argument and failing). Before the big bang there was a singularity.
Since a singularity is not nothing, the entire premise of the OP falls flat on its face.

that only pushes the initial question aside really.
what was prior to the singularity? ...and that applies to pretty much thought regarding our primordial origin.
if god is responsible, how did he pop into existance?
aliens? void? singularity? same story...
thats really sort of a philosophical dilema, lol.

at any rate, its hard to explain how OUR universe came into existance wihtout some intelligent origin.
saw some pastor on tv making a pretty deep statement:
"postulating an ifinite number of parrallel realities, just to deny the existance of god, is maybe a LITTLE bit to much..."

That's not deep at all. Multiverse theory was not invented as an anti-god device.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: JohnPhoenix

What is it with this Louie Gohmert guy? Talk about making an ass out of yourself.. repeatedly. He's taking all the limelight at Right Wing Watch, week, after week, after week..

ETA - To answer the OP.

If you make invalid assumptions you will end up with an invalid conclusion.

Ghomert's flippant line about "Nobody plus nothing" is making huge and invalid assumptions about the way science views the origin of the universe.

Put garbage in, you get garbage out.
edit on 13/7/2014 by ReturnofTheSonOfNothing because: Because MOAR!

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: JohnPhoenix

From the OP link:

Gohmert delivered his final point to a chorus of applause as he concluded, "You couldn't get everything unless there was something that was the creator of everything and that's the Lord we know.” Gohmert did not elaborate on how he leapt from something to nothing to everything to the "Lord we know" rather than to, say, a Flying Spaghetti Monster. Gohmert also neglected to explain who would have created the Lord he knows, or whether the Lord created Himself before He existed.

Even the source article doesn't take this claim seriously.

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 01:02 AM
I really liked the comment about infinity. As many have mentioned before rehash after rehash of an old thread, so we pose the same comments?

Why not prove God exists through simple math? People have talked about God as the Creator and use commonalities of design throughout nature and the universe. A recurring sequence and pattern doesn't necessarily mean there is a God, however pro-creationist will use it as an argument.

I think it is really important to continue to look into the spiritual world for clues of any factual reality. I don't think science has debunked God.

Nothing out of Nothing and the point of singularity, where did the point come from? When did it all begin? The Bible is often interpreted wrong as a book written to be used as facts instead of stories. So scientist disprove of the Bible because they think when the Universe began, the Bible doesn't talk about all the multi-verse theories and whatnot.

The question you have to ask yourself is how did it all begin? Why are we here? What is our purpose? The whole nothing out of nothing debate really has nothing to do with the Bible.

The nothing out of nothing debate is really asking is there something hiding in the nothing.We can't study nothing very easily. The only thing I can think of how to study nothing would be to study the future. If you could have the future in the present, you would have knowledge of nothing, because in the present the future doesn't exist yet. Therefore the nothing must also exist in a different dimension. So really when there was nothing per se, there was also the future existing, so I think you can never get away from something. There can never be nothing because in the future you might have something. So as you have nothing you always have the potential for future events, which is anything, aka something.
edit on 14-7-2014 by game over man because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-7-2014 by game over man because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 01:36 AM

originally posted by: FyreByrd
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere

No - which came first the chicken or the egg? Did someone create a chicken whole or an egg whole - which is the Divine creation that started the whole chicken/egg thing?

The first time someone asked me the "chicken or the egg" or the egg thing when I was about 7, I gave them the same logical answer i do today, the Egg came first as it's been proven that eggs were around long before the evolution of the bird we now know as a chicken.

This thread is pretty absurd, if the existence of a god could be proven with a simple mathematical equation would Pythagorus or one of the other greats not have worked that out?

I am all for people believing what they want but when the god squad are high fiving themselves over stuff like this it makes me weep for humanity...

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 08:16 AM
I knew that biology wasn't creationist's favorite subject, but had no idea that they did not do well in math as well...

I am sure that this poorly made example in OP will work to those wanting to believe in all mighty creator, but really, math now?

Lack of understanding physics is easy to understand, but voluntary denial for all science...

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: game over man

The question you have to ask yourself is how did it all begin? Why are we here? What is our purpose? The whole nothing out of nothing debate really has nothing to do with the Bible.

There need be no purpose to the existence of our species in order for you to decide the impact you want to make on the world.

posted on Jul, 15 2014 @ 08:51 PM
before the big bang, there was the singularity... the singularity expanded and 14 billion and some odd years later, matter became aware... not just of itself, but of everything (well, were working on the literal everything, but, ya know).... no god needed for the big bang, none needed now, all you need is a desire for fact, not truth... its easy and the cheap way out to say "god did it"... personally, i feel that only cowards say "the biiiiible says it, i believe it, that settles it, blahblahblahblahblahblah" ... pffffffffffffffft

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