posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 06:24 AM
I and about 7 other friends were having a few drinks in my back yard (Phoenix, AZ) when "R" says "What are those lights??" This took place late
January 2011.
The sun was getting ready to set and the sky was mostly clear as we all look up in response to R's statement. What we saw we still have no idea how
to explain or what in the world it was.
There were 4 very bright lights, moving horizontally in unison toward the East, fairly slowly. Then all four stop and remain stationary for about a
minute or so. After this is when the panic set it. The lights appeared to begin falling and each one then start shooting out what appeared to be light
pods, multiple from each main star. But, the pods come out green, blue, red and yellow, multicolored. This was quite obviously not some sort of
fire-work or flare being soo high up and so intensely foreign in nearly every aspect. There this was though and as it continued, more pods were
disperse from each parent pod shot out from the main lights.
For a moment, I was certain that the main lights were missiles carrying multiple nuclear warheads and was shooting them out (my idea on how nukes are
actually delivered these days is pretty skewed admittedly) and that for sure we were all going to be dead in moments. I remember looking around me,
everyone was silent, eyes glued to the sky. Time felt like it had stopped. I looked over at my buddy C and said "Looks like this is it" and he gave
me the most haunting look. We didn't know what to do, there was nothing I could do but accept that this may be it and continue watching. It was a
very strange feeling of conflicting motives, I wanted to run but I knew there was no point. I was overwhelmed by a feeling after that realization that
this could not be it. We cannot die, here, now. Maybe a last minute subconscious defense mechanism allowing me to maintain, not sure but I did all I
could do. Sat back down and watched.
All the pods eventually appeared to fall into the horizon to the north and the four main lights disappeared faster than any of us could notice. There
was absolutely nothing on the news, I've seen no reports of it, I haven't heard another person say anything about it but it happened and took up a
good part of the sky while being such an other-worldly display. Anyone out at that time should have noticed it which is why it's soooo bizarre that
those with me are the only ones I know to have seen it.
For a few moments during this, we were all certain that it was all over. Totally helpless but too look around at other confused and doomed faces.