posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:01 AM
I would assume it's directly linked to our desire for more of this...more of that...
You want to be happy with yourself without changing anything? Well take two of these and call me in the morning...
We live in a society where money is less of an issue and happiness is only a tummy-tuck if taking 10 pills a day for all your ailments
seems too radical, then your simply not maintstream enough yet
I kid....But seriously - The fact is, a doctor's office gets discounts, commision and tons of free crap from drug reps to SELL drugs to Americans so
they can keep their wallets nice and fat...If you ask your doctor about a certain medication and if it's right for you - chances are they'll say,
well hey - try it out - lemme know what it does for ya....
I'm generalizing here - I go to a doctor that cares a lill more than that, but for most Americans, that's how they get sucked in to taking one pill
for x, two pills for y, 1/2 pill every Tuesday for z....And oh...oops...two months later....We forgot to tell everyone, this pill causes cancer,
impotence, addiction, and may make you go blind in the next few weeks....
[edit on 12/2/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]