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3.7 Billion...

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posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 01:02 AM
You probably should have prefaced your title with 'Only' first with the way the FED is printing money and the Gov. is spending it.

The whole charade is ridiculous. There is already funding approved and sitting in the coffers to deal with the problem if him and his administration would just enforce the law. Instead they would rather play politics and try to gain the Hispanic vote in the upcoming midterm election and that seems to be backfiring.

He says if we give him more money and power he can "fix" the problem. Yeah, just like the 700 Billion omnibus and the 5 Trillion dollar Health Care overhaul bills "fixed" things. Luckily there is still one chamber of Congress that isn't controlled by the ruling party and will stop this nonsense from passing.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
But at least we put some pressure on them, unless you are basically saying we can do nothing about any of this....

Pressuring the Mexican government is pointless, they're literally powerless. The cartels, mainly the Sinaloa's and Zeta's determine who goes over the border. They're the ones we have to negotiate with, and doing so would basically mean buying them out. At $5,000 per person which seems to be the going rate, and the average illegal immigration rate being around 500,000/year they're getting $2.5 billion per year from flooding our border. We would probably have to double that to make them stop and even that just leads to future problems.

A fence would be a nice start but it ultimately doesn't do much.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 04:30 AM

originally posted by: Aazadan

originally posted by: Xtrozero
But at least we put some pressure on them, unless you are basically saying we can do nothing about any of this....

Pressuring the Mexican government is pointless, they're literally powerless. The cartels, mainly the Sinaloa's and Zeta's determine who goes over the border. They're the ones we have to negotiate with, and doing so would basically mean buying them out. At $5,000 per person which seems to be the going rate, and the average illegal immigration rate being around 500,000/year they're getting $2.5 billion per year from flooding our border. We would probably have to double that to make them stop and even that just leads to future problems.

A fence would be a nice start but it ultimately doesn't do much.

are you serious?!
negotiate with the cartels?
with lead and depleted uranium, for sure.

how about a fence made up of the national guard and the military from iraq?
there is what, 500 left there now?

live fire drills, random.

they are already on the payroll. rather feed them than illegals.

stop the drugs, people, and other bs getting through.
catch them and execute the drug and people runners, if they get caught.

people and obama are dreaming if they think that money will be spent well, even if they get it.

and screw mexico if they bitch about it. they'll get used to it.

i'd kick the ambassador out and shut everything down, including tourism and monies.

and if the worthless POS called the UN even looks at me crooked, their a$$ would be on the street too.

stalin would be proud. lol!

mutha's better take a number and wait their turn.

show anyone we mean biz.

so vote for me in 2016!

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 07:08 AM
I wish they give me $70,0000. With the crappy jobs available around here, it would take about 7 or 8 years to earn that much.

Of course that would barely get me by over 7 years, I'd still be at poverty level and never have any disposable income (I don't even know what that is). Also, you can forget about any trips or vacations, even if a family member were to pass away, I couldn't afford the trip or I'd be in debt in order to do so.

I should become a citizen of some Latin 3rd world country, then enter as an illegal, that way I can get a piece of that pie. There is no American dream, for me or these Illegal aliens. Like my a-hole boss told me after asking how things were for me after a particularly bad winter and I told him it was lean and I never wanted to go through that again. He just laughed in my face and told me, "I ought to be used to it by now". Of course he was a "mean spirited" conservative type Republican who listens to Rush on am radio, not that that makes any difference as both parties are out to screw us into the grave.

The black market is looking more like the way to make it these days, just be sure to have some money in a friend's name to bail you out after you get caught. Hell, if the law is so meaningless to these f-wads, then we shouldn't have any conscience when we go ahead and break some laws too.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

can NAFTA and or cut aid and you make Mexico into even more of a dump and you you will get even more deprate people trying to cross the boarder.

Now I sympathize with the USA illegal immigration is a nasty thing, god knows us in the UK are flooded too.

Problem is punitive measures dont work well.

Cancceling trade agreements will hurt the staganating US economy but as stated cause the country in queation to become worse and exaberate the condistions forceing people to immigrate.

The cost of a giant concrete wall would be in the hundred billions or trillions and cost more than the immigration problem plus if 30 miles of ocean cant keep immigrants out of the UK how can a wall keep people out of the USA? They will find ways round it or just immigrate via sea.

You cant mow down unarmed civilian with machine guns. It would be morally wrong and cause such intentional backlash it would hurt the USA political and economically.

So you left with these options:
1) Try and minimize the damage illegal immigrants do
2)Try sort the issues of WHY they come in. (USA stopping its war on drugs would be a good bloody start!)
lastly and not as effective
3) try and minimize the amount that come in in a reasonable and economical way. But as stated accept that its like the tide, you can maybe take some of the power out buts its coming anyway.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: tsingtao

i'd kick the ambassador out and shut everything down, including tourism and monies.

Well done *clap* *clap*

You just added another burden to the USA stagnated economy.

USA is not in a economical position to random anyone economy.

Of course the Mexico will hurt more.....but that just make Mexico even more of a crap hole so people want to leave.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
There are about 6 billion people in this world that would all love to come to America,

Not everyone wants to come to the USA.

The figure likely 5 Billion if you cut out Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Rich EU nations. why would we want to illegally immigrate to the USA when we have a higher standard of living ?

Bare in mind also that a lot of the 3rd world wants to come to the UK too.

The whole world are not potential evil illegal immigrants yearning to get into the USA. There are plenty of 1st world nations alongside the USA. Its the 3rd world you need to worry about.
edit on 10-7-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 07:41 AM

originally posted by: Aazadan
a reply to: Xtrozero

There is little point to giving Mexico an ultimatum, most of the people come in with the assistance of human traffickers which is the domain of the cartels. Mexico doesn't really exist as a state anymore, only as a set of borders. The cartels run everything.

This. We really should stop calling that mass of land south of us one unified country because it isn't anymore. It is a collection of feudalistic states ran by evil men vying for territory.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: g146541
Hand em a sack lunch and a gallon jug of water and send em packin back south.
Via gunpoint if needed.
The US simply cannot fix the world and stay afloat.
But I guess some folks already know this..

and if they don't take the water and food and turn around, and they keep walking into the U.S.? would shoot them, right?

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:08 AM
the whole purpose of the republican congress is to hurt Obama as much as possible, no matter who might be helped or harmed domestically or foreign. they never want another black democrat to become president....ever.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

2)Try sort the issues of WHY they come in.

I have personally worked beside illegals for over 30 years and spoke to them about that very issue. Most say that they come because they get so much here by being illegal. Many have no desire whatsoever to stay, only save money and return to their own Countries well off. Some women work and have spouses working under the table. They claim a one income household and get cheap housing, food, medical...Their income combined is well over the poverty limit and they steal from the system through deceit. It is very disappointing and frustrating to hear this. Some just say that they didn't feel like waiting to become citizens. When I ask them if they are afraid they will get deported they say they will just come right back again. It's easy.

With past amnesties, jobs and freebies, we have created a welcome wagon for millions more to come. With every amnesty, millions more came. Had our laws ben enforced in the past and no amnesties, jobs or freebies, we wouldn't be facing this invasion of the USA. But...this has been planned and citizens will never get the special catering to that illegals get. It doesn't matter that we have millions of unemployed people or homeless and hungry citizens, illegals have always had their needs met. It is an outrage.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: jimmyx

ah, time to play "one card Monty". HAHAHAHAHA

Don't have a good argument? No worries just shout "racist!"

That wonderful Democrat Senate has floored a lot of Bills that could help haven't they? Oh wait.......

All of President Obama's ideas should have been passed no questions asked because they were perfect and that's how our government works right?

The President isn't a God and he isn't a dictator. He has to make ideas that people can agree on. Blanket amnesty without a secure border is never going to pass. Requiring people (not your friends) to buy a product is never going to get all the votes.

What idea/bill/legislation has the Republicans refused to move on that was actually good for our nation?

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Night Star

Then thats a issue you have to tackle.

same with us in the Uk really as many immigrants flock to us for our world renown welfare system.

So it comes under point two I made

2)Try sort the issues of WHY they come in.

So what we need to do here is be tougher on welfare and benefits to illegals.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: Night Star

Then thats a issue you have to tackle.

same with us in the Uk really as many immigrants flock to us for our world renown welfare system.

So it comes under point two I made

2)Try sort the issues of WHY they come in.

So what we need to do here is be tougher on welfare and benefits to illegals.

Exactly! The problem is...What we want and what our Governments do are two completely different things. Most people have been saying for years that they do not want amnesties or illegals and it hasn't mattered one bit. When we see how they are catered to while our own poor suffer, people shouldn't wonder why we are upset. We stand up for our poor and get called racist. It is insane.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Ugh..I hate that you laid it out so well...because, as a Mom, I'm torn on the issue. The children are desperate and do need help and basic care/safety. But so do milliins of American kids.

Stop gap, band-aid measures won't solve system immigration issues but the kids do need assistance NOW and a permanent solution found...either back home or here.

Certainly 3.7 billion seems *RIDICULOUS* and I have to wonder if the Administration knows maybe they put this ridiculous price tag on a temporary crisis to put pressure on Congress to find a quick and less than ideal long term solution if only to stop the bleed of money.

I don't know though..we spend tax dollars like dumb drunks. It's like having a stopped up toilet and continually spending money to clean up the crap instead of spending money to fix the toilet.

edit on 7/10/2014 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: kosmicjack

Or they say 3.7 Billion for another reason.

They know Congress isn't going to give them a blank check for 3.7 Billion.

mid-terms are coming up and it will give the Dems some much needed ammunition.

40 Billion last year to DHS, 40 Billion this year to DHS, now they need a 3.7 Billion blank check to deal with the border?

Where is that money going?

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 12:24 PM
On personal experience on my trips to the USA.

I think your border security guys need better training.

Im a white British male. Extremely low risk for illegal immigration.

Twice I have been held up at the airports and had to answer equations. Meanwhile a flight from China and the second time Indonesia had come in and the passengers are just walking through security.

Fact is for that 30 mins I was held up each time (normally by some dull witted beef head who looks like he was too dumb to become a cop) they could likely have had a far better chance and catching a illegal from the China and Indonesia flights.

Logic dictates this.

For every 100,000 UK citizens that come in likely less than one will come in illegally ( and they certainly wont be there to enjoy your welfare!).

For every 100,000 Chinese Citizens that come in 100-1000 could probably like to stay!

So if I was in charge of border id spend my time on the 3rd world flights. If the electronic VISA takes flags ok (and most 1st world country's are on the electronic VISA system in the USA) then there no point wasting time on that passenger except to press the open gates button. Spend the time instead on the high risk country's.

UK border patrol could learn from this too.

Fact is to be successful you have to discriminate.

Fact is you cant throughly check everyone coming through the US border. If you did all ports and airports would ground to a halt and you economey would crash. Plus the cost of hiring enough personal would be staggering. So you you left with enough resources to only check say 1 in 100 people. May as well make that 1 count.
edit on 10-7-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: 200Plus
a reply to: kosmicjack

Or they say 3.7 Billion for another reason.

They know Congress isn't going to give them a blank check for 3.7 Billion.

mid-terms are coming up and it will give the Dems some much needed ammunition.

40 Billion last year to DHS, 40 Billion this year to DHS, now they need a 3.7 Billion blank check to deal with the border?

Where is that money going?

where is the money going?...uhmm, did you look?$37-billion-to-deal-with-border-kids/169354/

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
Cancceling trade agreements will hurt the staganating US economy but as stated cause the country in queation to become worse and exaberate the condistions forceing people to immigrate.

Not really stagnating anymore, but I'm willing to take a hit for a stand.

The cost of a giant concrete wall would be in the hundred billions or trillions and cost more than the immigration problem plus if 30 miles of ocean cant keep immigrants out of the UK how can a wall keep people out of the USA? They will find ways round it or just immigrate via sea.

Actually no, 23 billion would be the cost... and you do not need to wall it all. The parts where they would be walking 100 miles in the desert and see nothing is a wall in itself. We got UAVs that can stay up all day on 2 gallons of gas... not really an issue if our government decided to do it.

posted on Jul, 10 2014 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I am not defending the man or anyone who has failed in government. I am just pointing out some of the end results. No one has a clue as what to do and it's obvious. That's why it's a constant failure. Unpopular and possibly inhumane choices will need to be made. Look at Australia's immigration issues and how they are failing to deal with them.

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