posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 12:46 AM
Ummm, who cares? I mean, why worry about this problem anymore. forget about borders or infectious diseases or weaponized ebola. It's already too
late. Why? The federal government has already surrendered to them. I think the term "Foreign National" actually means "Welcome Abaord". Let me
put it to you this way. The people that are primarily responsible for protecting our border work for a UNION! You know. Like they guys at GM. Like the
guys at the airlines. Like the guys at the IRS like the guys in the DHS, like the guys in the TSA. The only people that are on the payroll right now
that DON'T have a union is the military. And if the afghans can beat them, what chance do you think thay have against MS13 and Joe Biden ?