posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 04:23 PM
Dear ATSers,
A few months ago I had my only paranormal experience of my life. Let me tell about what was going on in my life, in hopes of you all better
understanding my experience. I played college basketball in california up until a few years ago. Injuries along with me smoking a lot of pot while
injured ultimately lead to me quitting the team, which was one of the worst decisions in my life. Fast forward a year...I move to a new college town
and did well in school but the regret from not living out my dream of playing basketball in college was still with me. This caused me to dabble in
heavier drugs while still smoking enough pot to kill a grizzly. I end going to jail for a day for pushing my ex down onto a bed(never have i been
abusive before, however drugs will change u). This causes me to have to quit school(court fees + college expenses=too much) and move home with my dad
to take court appointed 52 weeks of anger management. Once home, I began isolating myself and tried meth with a woman who lived in the back of my dads
house(actually this was the worst decision of my life). I actually used meth everyday for about a year
. Listened to a lot of sad music, blamed
everyone but myself for my problems, didnt work, didnt socialize, etc. About 8 months ago is when I decided to fight this self depression/addiction to
meth and weed, by visiting my uncle and aunt in San Diego. This is where my experience occurred. The third night I was there, I was listening to c2c
and I began to fall asleep. Immediately, I remember viewing my body from above it, and seeing the actual setting of my aunt/uncles house from this
perspective(so weird to me). Then, what I call an "entity", for lack of a better term, descended on my body. Now, this entity i have found hard to
completely describe, it was blacker than black, had appendage like structures that spread over me and laid on me. I could not breathe, I could not
move, I could not make a sound but in my head I could hear myself screaming. I tried to run to my aunts room, however I went there(from my above my
body perspective), but my body stayed still. Then, I remembered yelling(in my head) god please help me and I instantly woke up sweating like OJ
Simpson in a court room. This was about 8 months ago, after this occured I went back to my dad's and sadly started using drugs again. But, with the
help of A LOT of research on conscious, why we are here on earth, love, the soul or spirit, prayer and meditation, I sit before you today a clean and
sober man for the first time since I was 18 years old. Granted, I have only been clean for 6 weeks but I know that I will never go back. Too much
pain. This whole experience has been a CRAZY lesson of finding god, but now I know I have the tools to be successful in this world. So, I will leave
you with this: If any of you are out there trying to overcome something, dont be afraid to ask for help! Dont be afraid to be wrong or give up
control! Last, if anyone with knowledge on specific spirits could help me figure out if I am going to have to deal with this entity later on in life
or what, it would be greatly appreciated!
Love you all,