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REPORT: Feds to Bring in Riot Squad to Stop Illegal Immigration Protesters

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posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: centhwevir1979

Another bleeding heart. What about the homeless americans sleeping under bridges. What about the long term unemployed. What about 1.5 million american children who will be homeless at some point this year? What about the military veterans who cant get in to see a doctor? We obviously cant and dont take care of our own have nots. Why import more? Why all this compassion to allow people to come steal resources that should be going to our downtrodden? Was Mexico not good enough for the Central Americans? Were they not giving enough handouts? How much money are you willing to donate? Are you going to pay for their healthcare? Their food? Transportation? Are you okay with them cutting programs at the local high school because they had to add new classrooms and teachers? If YOU think its okay then YOU need to pay for it. Stop trying to volunteer the greater community because you feel sympathetic. Cough up some bucks. Clear some space in your house. Learn Spanish so you can teach them english. You just want to feel good about yourself. You are no less selfish than the people who don't want them here. You just convinced yourself it's the moral high ground. Well it isnt.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: tmeister182
Ive said it many of times before the Constitution does not have to be "interpreted" it is written completely in English and every time courts interpret it they f up something else.

And that is why it when it it as All men it isn't just talking about American

edit on thTue, 08 Jul 2014 17:21:19 -0500America/Chicago720141980 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: rustyclutch

And all of those problems are not entirely the immigrants fault, it is the heartless men in office.
They are the ones that ignore the people.
And those people are on social programs as much as everyone tells you that can't get them. You just don't want to hear that
And how many of those 1.5 mill Americans do you have at your house?
You keep telling everyone to take ab illegal, I hope you are practicing what you preach
edit on thTue, 08 Jul 2014 17:24:11 -0500America/Chicago720141180 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: rustyclutch

originally posted by: usernameconspiracy
a reply to: nighthawk1954

I will continue to say the same thing over and over. Those out there protesting an attempt to help scared, helpless children are pretty much the scum of America. It's disgusting. We, as a nation, have a damn humanitarian duty to care for them.

And I will continue to say the same thing. We dont owe them anything. We got poor kids on our own street that we step over everyday. What makes their poor people any better or more deserving than our own? NOTHING. Do we not have a MILLION homeless people? Are there not american children who go to sleep every night hungry? Are there enough jobs for everyone? How many of these children are you willing to take in? How much of their expenses are you willing to pay. Are you willing to babysit their children while they work? I keep asking all you people with bleeding hearts the same questions to which I get no answers. You want them here but you want everyone to pay for it. You want us all to share the burden. Some of us don't want that burden. Some us know people right now that need help. Most of the people crying about "let them in" are under the age of 30 and havent spent their entire lives paying for the system that exists today. The funny part is...they wonder why they have college degrees and still can't get a job.

Still trying to catch up in this thread but just had to say that every time I want to make a reply, you already said what I would have said. LOL Get out of my head! LOL

You always make the points that I would. You are correct it is NOT just children coming over. There are plenty of pics and videos out there and you see kids, teens about to be adults, men and women. Thousands of them.

And yes, we have our own poor, homeless and hungry people that are ignored while illegals are having all their needs met. It is an outrage!

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: rustyclutch

I'll tell you what I really want, since you missed my message. I want humans to stop reproducing. I want to live like a proud brown bear, with plenty of my own personal space on all sides. I hate traffic jams, plastic washing on the shores of remote island, drooling ignorant morons shouting "support the troops" when all they do is murder brown people so our old rich white people can get richer. I want humans to behave as if the future of our species and the future of our home (Earth) matters. If every human on Earth lived by my personal code of conduct, there would be no such thing as "police," "prison," "starvation," "rape," "murder," "theft." Read my post again to which you replied, I said nothing whatever about immigration, healthcare, etc. as you responded. And as for "healthcare," I haven't gone to any doctor, dentist, or hospital in over fifteen years, not spending a cent on it myself. Real health care means caring for your health; exercising and eating actual food. As soon as the rest of the world realizes this isn't the paradise they think it is, maybe they will try to stop rushing in. Heard about the "illegal immigrants" being used as slave laborers on farms as an alternative to indefinite detention? U.S. citizens, too, being sourced as cheap prison labor.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: usernameconspiracy

I will continue to say the same thing over and over. Those out there protesting an attempt to help scared, helpless children are pretty much the scum of America. It's disgusting. We, as a nation, have a damn humanitarian duty to care for them.

I know others have answered this for you, but I just have to say it myself because you need to hear it loud and clear.

What about our scared helpless children? Where is their help? We are the scum of the earth for standing up for our own kids? We have a duty to care for foreigner's kids before our own?????? If your child was going to bed hungry and you were homeless and living on the streets, would you feel the same? Would you be happy that the illegal kids have a roof over their heads, food in their stomachs and medical treatment etc. while yours go without?

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: Night Star

And yes, we have our own poor, homeless and hungry people that are ignored while illegals are having all their needs met. It is an outrage!

Yes, our nation is so completely jacked up that I don't approve at all of squandering any of our money on this "world police" role that our government insists on perpetuating. We literally have military bases in 175+ countries of the world. How many other countries have military bases inside our borders? We need to fix our own problems before we can even be healthy or prosperous enough to be in a position to genuinely help anybody else.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: centhwevir1979

originally posted by: thesaneone

How about we as a nation take care of our own first before we worry about a bunch of law breakers.

How about we as a nation concern ourselves with morality and reduction of suffering instead of hiding behind "laws" written by people that don't ever intend to follow those laws themselves? The truly intelligent, "good" people live a life based on individual morality, with little regard for what a bunch of racist old white guys think about it.

Concern ourselves with morality and reduction of suffering instead of hiding behind laws? What is moral about caring for foreigners before caring for our own citizens?

Racist white guys? We have LEGAL immigrants of every color and race who are also against ILLEGAL immigration. Are they racist too??

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: GokuVsSuperman0
Love the irony of Americans complaining about foreigners. Mothafuka U R foreigners!...why doesn't anyone complain about the 1 million+ illegal European immigrants in the US. Perhaps they're just the right hue.

Here we go again. Whether it was us or other tribes or another Country, that was over 200 years ago. Tribes warred amongst themselves for land and food. Any other peoples could have come here and done the same thing. Once we became the United States of America, we became a Nation of laws. Our immigrants came through proper channels and with great respect to our Country, our laws and our language. Now that you are up to date we can proceed with discussing what is going on today.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: Night Star

We have enough people in this country. I expressed the view that I want people to stop reproducing. We've got enough fat mouth breathers destroying everything natural about the Earth already. If you're going to let in an unlimited number of legal immigrants (those entrance exams don't necessarily filter out scumbags, if they don't have a record) why gritch about some "illegal" immigrants? Either way, too many humans is the result.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: rustyclutch

And all of those problems are not entirely the immigrants fault, it is the heartless men in office.
They are the ones that ignore the people.
And those people are on social programs as much as everyone tells you that can't get them. You just don't want to hear that
And how many of those 1.5 mill Americans do you have at your house?
You keep telling everyone to take ab illegal, I hope you are practicing what you preach

If they are all on social programs then why are there so many tent cities and homeless and hungry people? Why are some elderly people having to choose between food and life saving medicines? Homeless shelters are filled to capacity, food pantries are always in constant need of more food. The numbers of poor are rising all the time. All the while the illegals get catered to, are placed on a pedestal and have all their needs met.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:27 PM

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that "most" unaccompanied minors attempting to enter the United States on the southern border will likely not qualify for humanitarian relief and will be deported.

In the administration's sharpest language to date on the issue of what is going to happen to the tide of women and children entering the country on the southwest border, Earnest told reporters that the children, mostly minors from Central America, are processed under a 2008 law meant to combat the trafficking of minors. Earnest said that the children who are apprehended at the border must be processed through the legal system, but it is unlikely that most of them will be allowed into the United States on humanitarian grounds.

"It's our view that it's unlikely that most of these kids will qualify for humanitarian relief. If they don't qualify for humanitarian relief," Earnest said, "they will be sent back."


posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: Night Star

And those channels were nothing like they were today. It was coming over on a boat and signing your name into a book.
And they didn't learn our language and that is why we over 200 of them here in the states now.
The indians were not ripe for the taking and fought for the land that we took. Sure they fought, just like we have civil disputes in america, does that mean we are ripe for the taking?
We took the land of the people that were here before us by gunpoint, end of story.
We are not the only people with ancestors that fought and died for their freedom on this land.
In fact we are the only people that has never had that freedom threatened by an outside enemy!
You always want to shrug off the past like it doesn't matter. It does matter night.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: Kali74


if you like you doctor you can keep your doctor. Period.

Most people stopped believing this administration for one reason or another a long time ago.

Deeds not words.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: 200Plus

You can always try looking up the deportation numbers and seeing just how lenient Obama has been on immigration.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: Night Star

And you think their are zero immigrants in those cities going through the same struggles that our people are??
I know that is what is getting parroted to you but that is just simply not true

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: 200Plus

if you like you doctor you can keep your doctor. Period.


'If you like your border you can keep your border'


edit on 8-7-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:41 PM
Our nation pisses away TRILLIONS of our dollars (generated by hard work and sweat) on blowing sh#& up, all over the world, and people have the nerve to cry about a little money that may or may not be used to feed children. Our government is so bloated, wastes so much money on moronic failed projects and initiatives, it's literally insane. My local government decided it was okay to spend $1000 each on waste receptacles for city streets. You can't even make stuff like this up. Our entire culture is so incredibly wasteful and irresponsible. Our economy is based on the notion of infinite growth, which eventually will prove impossible. For the record, I would never create my own child when there are so many children in need of real help. I'm not selfish and I don't need to pass on my genes to feel like I am leaving something to the world when I die. My contributions have been very real and impactful; I spend more time doing and less time writing, very much unlike many of the members of this forum.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: Kali74

You can always look how "turn arounds" were added to the deportation numbers and wonder why that lie is being spread too.

I am not blaming President Obama for the country's current situation. I am just saying he isn't helping it along any either.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

You always want to shrug off the past like it doesn't matter. It does matter night.

It matters, has always mattered but there is nothing that any of us alive today had anything to do with, nor can we change what happened over 200 years ago.

I have some Native American ancestory and am proud of that. The thing is...our tribe was almost completely wiped out...not by any white man, but by another tribe. I get sick of the white man being singled out today over what happened so long ago. I also have French and Irish ancestory. So many pro illegal folks scream for Europeans to go back home. Most of us are of mixed heritage.

We all know how insane it would be to get rid of every American citizen and start over again. That's why I get tired of hearing about it.

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