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Why did "we" become interested in conspiracy theories...

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posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:02 AM
This question is very important to me. I often wondered why we, people who post on this board and others like us became so interested in everything "conspiracy" related , why others simply "reject" us and our thinking.

What has occurred in our lives to place us on this path of "truth seeking". Why do we feel more "awake" then others and/or is that an arrogant position to place ourselves in. I want the psychology behind us all.

For me, there are quite a few reasons why I'm on this path of research for "the truth" or "a truth" (for that matter). Am I doing this simply because as a child my "belief" in a god was questioned?

I do remember a few specific things I will share. First and foremost, I never "bought into" the idea of religion (raised catholic). As a young child with a wild and creative imagination, I still couldn't find the religion I was taught "acceptable". I felt as if all religion did was "tell me the answers" and keep me from "asking questions". I felt "forced" into belief.

Another "event" was how I saw the structure of an atom vs.. our solar system. (4 grade science project) . I was so perplexed how different (in size) they were yet how SAME they were.

Again, back to religion. In 3rd grade the teacher lined us all up in a row and told the first person a secret. That person then had to pass that secret on to the next and so forth... well when the last person had to tell the secret out loud. It changed radically!!! There were only 20 or so kids!!! Imagine this concept applied to the passing on of religion from generation to generation. The stories told etc... It made me think, wait a minute, if this happened to 20 kids.... well then.... (you get the idea.)

Also, The first time I saw the Great pyramid of Giza in a book... I... I don't know how to explain... it just felt very "significant".

Anyhow, I want to know from you, the one reading this now, how have you gotten to this point. We are you on this same path.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:07 AM
For me, I just like looking and thinking about different theories and ideas that may or may not be main stream. Some theories are ridiculus to me, yet others seem right on. I just enjoy reading and learning from so many different people.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by knights5629
For me, I just like looking and thinking about different theories and ideas that may or may not be main stream. Some theories are ridiculus to me, yet others seem right on. I just enjoy reading and learning from so many different people.

Do you recall when in your life you became interested in "different ideas" to the point that you actively went to look for them?

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:13 AM
Around high school. I have always had a vivid imagination, so anything that was not main stream caught my attention. UFO's, Yeti, Bigfoot, monsters, etc.... It just went on from there.

How about you?

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:15 AM
Because I had nothing better to do with my time

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:16 AM
For me it started very early in grade school. But in high school things really became accelerated. A flood of questions and yes, the desire to walk a different path than the masses too..

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Reverie
Because I had nothing better to do with my time

That's a valid reason as any!

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:24 AM
For me it was because I like to challenge the world around me. I am curious about everything...Probally reason why I training to be an engineer

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:27 AM
I do recall when I started to become interested. It actually stems from my father. He was my inspiration. First he began with his fascination with crystals. From then on it was using crystals as a power source. Then 'Free energy devices'. It then escalated to UFO's...eventually aliens. All this by the age of 8.
. Probably explains why I'm so 'altered' now.

I started researching about political conspiracies about 7 years ago.

[edit on 12/2/2004 by Simulacra]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:31 AM
Obviously our curiousity is a driving factor. But WHY are "we" more curious than others. There are millions of people that are curious but do NOT go down these paths curiosity. Why do we? Or better yet, why doesn't everyone since curiosity is inherent in all of us?

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Simulacra
I do recall when I started to become interested. It actually stems from my father. He was my inspiration. First he began with his fascination with crystals. From then on it was using crystals as a power source. Then 'Free energy devices'. It then escalated to UFO's...eventually aliens. All this by the age of 8.
. Probably explains why I'm so 'altered' now.

I started researching about political conspiracies about 7 years ago.

[edit on 12/2/2004 by Simulacra]

Excellent reason! Father, crystals, energy. Take your father out of the equation for a second... do you think you would still be interested?

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:37 AM
My parents encouraged me to read everything. I was always curious; my parents helped me feed that curiousity. Maybe because my dad was into so many different things and he was constantly reading and studying and learning new things and ideas.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:49 AM

Because I need a good laugh every now and then

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:50 AM
I couldn't give the technical terms or scientific processes,

(thats part of the high-tech cult, which desires to manufacture 'better' humans)...I can give you an informative and enlightning source- - which
may aid your private considerations and the inner dialogue between yourself....

If you scroll the Articles:
after the 'Biometric ATMs....'
theres listed: Kissinger; Back to defining a New World Order
click that article & get:

...which deals with Gnosticism....the author heavily loaded with Catholic philosophy...but, nethertheless, a quite engaging article.
[note, I must be in the clutches of the 'anti' crowd, as I feel Gnosticism is more real (to my philosophical bent) than either Catholicism-Christianity et al. The Adage; It is better to rule in hell, than serve in heaven... i can identify with....BUT, To Each, Their Own.....

? would this be the 'WE'....or at least one aspect of the 'WE' you are referring to?

-> perhaps, another article, by another author, on that home page, will
spark that inner 'magnetism' and draw you into that dialogue/experience
(which according to most all fundamental religious-osity is considered as
Humanistic-babel-demonic-cultish-pagan-magickal occultism)

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:16 AM
I too saw something as a child(11yrs old) that made the "questioning of god" into a lifelong search to either debunk or substantiate it. that quest has lead thru many viens of ufo/gov/nwo menageries. My true trouble shooter self cant dwell on the middle things ie..9-11/greys,dracos/ufo visits. finding the Starting point and knowing the end result is what pushes my thirst for knowledge.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:29 AM
As a free thinker, i have always been interested in conspiracy theories and alternative theories on society. I have always been interested in the new world order theories from when i first heard about them which was back in 1998. A tv series called "the secret rulers of the world" really got my attention towards the whole new world order theory, that was the first time i heard about the "illuminati". I spent my GCSE years, writting about conspiracies and theories when given the chance. I used RE as a mean of writting about my view on how religion was a tool in the new world order, of course, teachers thought i was abit crazy. The more i got older, i started to search for information and facts which brought me to ATS. That was about 2 years ago, i have been a member here for about a year and 4 months

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:38 AM
It started for me when I heard my first lie.... Why the deciet? From there I questioned, and ask myself, is this true? From there I make a good decission to find out if I need to know, for my welfare, and others. Thanks for asking!

[edit on 2-12-2004 by jessemole]

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 12:11 PM
It started very early for me. I was a thorn in the side of every teacher I ever had and a few appreciated it but most hated it. I always had a question that they couldn't or wouldn't answer. Ironically, I was kicked out of the smart kid program for thinking outside the box in gradeschool. We got a new teacher for that program after the first few years and she absolutely hated me. I just wouldn't conform to her way of thinking and she was threatened by that. It wasn't until years later that I fully understood that situation.

I've never followed popular perception on anything. I like to formulate my own opinion and will not allow anyone/anything to force an opinion on me. I'm also not afraid to change my opinion as new info pops up and never afraid to admit being wrong.

I have to give my father credit for encouraging me when nobody else did. He thought outside the box like nobody I've ever known and we have had the best conversations. I know he would have loved ATS. There are theorys that I've read here(or linked to here) and nowhere else that my father has told me about. He passed away in May of '01 and I never wanted to talk him more than on 9/11 when those planes hit the towers. He had told me that planes loaded with fuel would be used next time after the buildings were bombed and not brought down. Now if he could understand how serious of a threat that was, why couldn't others take it serious enough to have measures in place to prevent or minimize it. People talk about pre and post 9/11 mentality. Some of us had that mentality all along and if people in position didn't take national security serious enough...

Most people will call you a nutjob when you mention any type of conspiracy. Granted, there's some far reaching theorys out there but you can't tell me nobody has ever conspired to do anything, especially those in a position to do so?

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 12:25 PM
B. Goode, That was good! I could have not put that any better in all aspects of what you have shared, and me to. I wish I had a time I could share with my Dad my same outlook, and to, be able to go to the extreme of thinking outside of the box..... It goes without saying, We miss most, what we can't have, it was there for a short time, exist without it, but make good for it.... not all of us can. Maintain your outlook, share it when you can.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Serum39
This question is very important to me. I often wondered why we, people who post on this board and others like us became so interested in everything "conspiracy" related , why others simply "reject" us and our thinking.

What has occurred in our lives to place us on this path of "truth seeking". Why do we feel more "awake" then others and/or is that an arrogant position to place ourselves in. I want the psychology behind us all.

For me, there are quite a few reasons why I'm on this path of research for "the truth" or "a truth" (for that matter). Am I doing this simply because as a child my "belief" in a god was questioned?

I do remember a few specific things I will share. First and foremost, I never "bought into" the idea of religion (raised catholic). As a young child with a wild and creative imagination, I still couldn't find the religion I was taught "acceptable". I felt as if all religion did was "tell me the answers" and keep me from "asking questions". I felt "forced" into belief.

Another "event" was how I saw the structure of an atom vs.. our solar system. (4 grade science project) . I was so perplexed how different (in size) they were yet how SAME they were.

Again, back to religion. In 3rd grade the teacher lined us all up in a row and told the first person a secret. That person then had to pass that secret on to the next and so forth... well when the last person had to tell the secret out loud. It changed radically!!! There were only 20 or so kids!!! Imagine this concept applied to the passing on of religion from generation to generation. The stories told etc... It made me think, wait a minute, if this happened to 20 kids.... well then.... (you get the idea.)

Also, The first time I saw the Great pyramid of Giza in a book... I... I don't know how to explain... it just felt very "significant".

Anyhow, I want to know from you, the one reading this now, how have you gotten to this point. We are you on this same path.

Wow, about the same thing happened to me. I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school, I never really accepted the religion, but I pretended to as to appease my parents. My teachers saw right through me though when I began to ask questions that they said I should be asking. (For example, simply "Why?" and "How?") So they told my parents I shouldn't be like this and my parents got mad. Then The X-Files came along and I become completely obsessed with conspiracies and the paranormal. I was only 6 at the time and by the time I was 8 I could point out inaccuracies in the show.

Well, that's part of the story of my life, I hope it entertained you.

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