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No One Applauds This Woman Because They’re Too Creeped Out At Themselves To Put Their Hands Togeth

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+60 more 
posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 05:27 AM
An intresting video on food from a marketeers perspective. It is interesting to see how the audience react. Most appeared shocked.

This is not an anti meet video but it does highlight that we should be a little more thoughtful about the source of some of our food and how it is treated..

kind regards


posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: purplemer

I hope everyone in the thread watches TFV for a change and listens to the end before commenting.

There's a tone-shift at 6:25 and she's not the person you'll think she is until then.

Ironically, the person who uploaded the video appears to have missed the message too lol.

+33 more 
posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: purplemer

"This is systematized cruelty on a massive scale and we only get away with it because everyone is prepared to look the other way....Thank-you"

No truer words have been spoken - and it's not just a relevant comment for the food industry either.

War also comes to mind, among other things.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 05:52 AM
This is priceless!! She hits the audience with a little too much truth, this is needed now more than ever. The level of deceit in the marketing world is unbelievable!

Personal responsiblity is one of the pillars that needs to be established in order for us to create a better world. I am so sick of hearing "it is just the way it is"

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 05:54 AM
Great video. It raises our awareness, however it offers no solutions to the current problem of industrialized mega farms where cows never go out to pasture, or pigs to mud, nor chickens to the outdoors.

With a little effort I found a butcher who sells his own meat and provides chicken from local farmers. Another effect on me is that I have really reduced the amount of meat I consume.

The word 'natural' in advertising does not mean it is organic. It only means that it was not grown in a test tube.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: purplemer

l feel sick.


posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 06:00 AM
I went vegetarian and it was the best decision I ever made. I've gone from 266 lbs to 196 lbs in a year, I feel healthier, I feel cleaner consciously and karma wise and I feel confident when I say I'll never go back.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 06:26 AM
I use to work on the farms, know exactly what it is like for caged and free range chickens. I generally prefer beef as they tend to roam around and have a good quality of life. Try to only get free range eggs when I do.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Very good video. I personally try to by local when I can for this very reason, however I still think this is the reason that the FDA/EPA etc are targeting local mom and pops farms to force everyone to eat these out of "necessity". According to some friends that farm that said the products i.e. being meat or dairy etc is a lot worse from industrialized farming versus small farming or free range as well. That said this was one of the major reasons I hunt, you cannot get more free range than that lol.

People really need to wake up to whats going on, farm animals or not, animals should at least be treated humanely even more so when it is for the food chain.

To Sublimecrafy:

"This is systematized cruelty on a massive scale and we only get away with it because everyone is prepared to look the other way....Thank-you"

No truer words have been spoken - and it's not just a relevant comment for the food industry either.

War also comes to mind, among other things.

Well said.


+6 more 
posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 07:17 AM
Ok now lets look at what the object of making this video was in the first place. Was it just a video of someone giving a presentation where people just happened to be shocked? Or was it done on purpose just to show people being shocked?

You have to ask yourself why there are camera's pointing at the audience? You wouldn't have them pointing at the people watching if the sole purpose was to video a presentation.

The video is posted on youtube by "Compassion in World Farming" and the description it says

Take a look at this so-called expert revealing food marketing's secret weapon.

No amount of marketing makes factory farming acceptable. You can stop the spin at

IMO this is a fake video presentation , it propaganda intentionally made to make you be shocked at farming methods.

edit on 6-7-2014 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: PhoenixOD
Ok now lets look at what the object of making this video was in the first place. Was it just a video of someone giving a presentation where people just happened to be shocked? Or was it done on purpose just to show people being shocked?

You have to ask yourself why there are camera's pointing at the audience. You wouldn't have them pointing at the people watching if the sole purpose was to video a presentation.

Yes, this is clearly an attempt to manipulate. I would be very interested in finding out the source of this video and the credentials of the people behind it. I'm sure it will not be as simple as we think.

That doesn't mean to say that we should just abandon giving reasoned and serious thought to the food we consume, but the same should be said for the information we consume and disseminate

+16 more 
posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 07:27 AM
Ah ha , it didnt take 10mins to dig up the truth on this video

"Compassion in World Farming" is banned from advertising on TV, deemed too political, so we asked supporters to challenge this ludicrous ban by funding the creation of a film that would show the spin used by food marketers to sell us factory farmed food.

Well over 5,000 people pitched in with donations to get the video made. We’re thrilled that it’s now getting such a wide audience; sincere thanks to each and everyone who helped make this happen.

Its fake video presentation as i expected and the reason "No One Applauds This Woman Because They’re Too Creeped Out At Themselves To Put Their Hands Together" is because thats what they were told to do.

Also the OP's claim that this is not an anti meat video is wrong

Congratulations to my team at Compassion for coming up with such a great concept to get the message across. And again, huge thanks to our wonderful supporters for making the film possible.

On Saturday, I had the pleasure of being at London’s Frontline Club sharing Farmageddon stories from the field, courtesy of the Vegetarian Society. I really enjoyed the diversity of conversation and meeting London-based supporters, old and new. Thanks so much to the Vegetarian Society’s Lynne Elliot and staff and to everyone who came out; great talking with you.

Deny ignorance everyone

edit on 6-7-2014 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: PhoenixOD
Ah ha , it didnt take 10mins to dig up the truth on this video

"Compassion in World Farming" is banned from advertising on TV, deemed too political, so we asked supporters to challenge this ludicrous ban by funding the creation of a film that would show the spin used by food marketers to sell us factory farmed food.

Well over 5,000 people pitched in with donations to get the video made. We’re thrilled that it’s now getting such a wide audience; sincere thanks to each and everyone who helped make this happen.

Congratulations to my team at Compassion for coming up with such a great concept to get the message across. And again, huge thanks to our wonderful supporters for making the film possible.

Its fake video presentation as i expected..

This group has been awarded by BBC Radio 4 and The Guardian/Observer. Both of these organisations take and espouse extremely hard left views.

+4 more 
posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 07:35 AM
One could argue whether the video is done to manipulate or expose.

Personally I don't really care. The message is valid whatever reason is behind it.

The real crux of it is whether or not we accept that producing meat for food is a factory or a game farmers play where the animals just happens to be killed when they no longer are fun to play with.

For as long as we choose the cheapest meat product in the cooler or freezer, then we have absolutely nothing to complain about. We are just silently accepting animal cruelty.
No amount of "I have gone vegetarian" is going to change that. If anything it actually makes it more difficult to make a living as a farmer.

What you have to do is demand better treatment of animals in the production system and THEN BE PREPARED TO PAY EXTRA for the privilege. Stop buying the crappy food and teach the producers a lesson.
So you can't afford it?
Well then you should run for government and change it that way. Good luck in being elected. And good luck when you are elected and actually try to do some good for the masses.

And yet again YOU (we) are the secret weapon number three.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 07:43 AM
"Willfull Ignorance" .... yep. Wow. No body wants to see what is really going on with anything - and that includes outside the food industry. I have to agree. And yes, I'm guilty of it when it comes to grocery shopping.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

. . . and it's not just a relevant comment for the food industry either.

War also comes to mind, among other things.


Even though the oligarchy make 'noticing' and 'speaking up' highly unlikely with their VERY SUCCESSFUL

frog-in-the-bucket small incremental changes strategy

most folks are not TOTAL IDIOTS. They just choose to look the other way AS THOUGH THEY WERE total idiots.

The Eloi have been well trained ALREADY to shuffle meekly, wimpily, idiotically, passively, compliantly,

into the caverns of the Morlach's . . .

for dinner

. . . as the main course . . .

And to continue to convince themselves that THEY, as individuals, ARE STILL SMARTER THAN THE AVERAGE BEAR . . . THEY, as individuals, are STILL keeping tabs on those ugly corrupt governmental forces and leaders. THEY, won't be caught unaware. yada yada yada . . . as they shuffle deeper and deeper into the caverns of the Morlachs.

The rot, already--actually--for some decades--has been infecting


. . . certainly in the 'Western world' but increasingly in every nation and almost every interest group.

This has been long planned. And the implementations in countless incremental escalations have been going on for a LONG time. Witness (Just because they are slightly [in terms of the 100-400 years they've been operating] behind their more 'optimistic' schedule . . . is NO sign they are failing. Far from it):

95."Psychopolitics is an important if less known division of geo-politics. It is less known because it must necessarily deal with "mental healing." "By Psychopolitics our chief goals are carried forward. To produce a maximum of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step." "Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression, and scientific turmoil. At last a weary populace can seek peace only in our offered Communist State; at last only Communism can resolve the problem of the masses." Laventi Beria Stalin's chief of security Speech at V. I. Lenin University

24. Harvard Psychiatrist Chester M Pierce Every child in American who enters school with an allegiance toward our elected officials, toward our founding fathers, toward our institutions, toward the preservation of this form of government... all of this proves the children are sick, ...

138."The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR, the Bilderberger Group, and the Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David Rockefeller - have prepared for and are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens." Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, PhD, former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO Secretary-General Manfred Werner, November 6, 2001


1933: On April 11, Max Mason, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, assured his trustees that in their program:

"The Social Sciences will concern themselves with the rationalization of social control , ... the control of human behavior."[35]
Four years later, the foundation gave a grant to Princeton University to study the influence of radio on different groups, and Rockefeller's General Education Board funded a study of CBS's 1938 broadcast of War of the Worlds, which was written up later as a 'study in the psychology of panic.'"[36]


100."The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists". J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI


1928: H.G. Wells authored The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution. By then he had broken with the Fabians, not in terms of their goals, but only in believing that they should be open about their plan to synthesize western capitalism with eastern communism, and create a world socialist government.

In a later book titled The New World Order, Wells said that many would die protesting against it.[26] In the same year as The Open Conspiracy was published, H.G. Wells received a letter from Bertrand Russell congratulating him, and saying:

"(Lord R.B.) Haldane (FS) would not forego the pleasure to be derived from the next war."[27]
Bertrand Russell would later write that a "Black Death" or bacteriological warfare might be needed to cull the population.[28] Wells had already written that 'they would have a cause that "would make killing worth the while."[29]

added paragraphing



Essentially . . .

the bulk of the operative values MARKETED, PUSHED, INFECTING every area; every institution; nearly every home; nearly every meme; virtually every interest group and category of clustered humans; every profession . . . and particularly the RELIGION OF SCIENTISM . . .

the operative values were CHOSEN by the globalist oligarchy probably 200+ years ago. They have been incrementally marketed in a carefully very slick laid-out plan for many decades.

Since the 1960's, it's been a rather full court press THAT HAS BEEN VERY SUCCESSFUL.

The foundational Judeo/Christian values have been marginalized and then increasingly trashed. We see the results of that in shrill terms on ATS every day and night.

Now, we have violence, mayhem, blood, gore, fear, terror MARKETED as though it were a wonderful VARIATION of thrilling excitement to relieve the boredom of everyday life; to relieve the watching public of having time from excitement and artificial adrenaline thrills to actually THINK about the coffins they are being increasingly shoved toward . . .

. . . to prevent the public from thinking about how their purported "freedoms" have been increasingly diminished, marginalized and out-right TRASHED WHOLESALE.

. . . and the sheeple continue to shuffle off to their mass chicken-caged jobs with little choice but to be compliant cogs in the vast globalist machine.

And their ONLY HOPE, God Almighty, has been defined away BY MARKETING STRATEGIES . . . as useless because the globalists SAID SO.

The globalists will not tolerate any populace but robots and puppets. Access to God Almighty sabotages that goal. They can't tolerate that.

They HAD to remove Almighty God from the equation for their plans to succeed.

With marketing skills and strategies, they've DONE VERY WELL AT THAT.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: PhoenixOD
Ok now lets look at what the object of making this video was in the first place. Was it just a video of someone giving a presentation where people just happened to be shocked? Or was it done on purpose just to show people being shocked?

You have to ask yourself why there are camera's pointing at the audience? You wouldn't have them pointing at the people watching if the sole purpose was to video a presentation.

The video is posted on youtube by "Compassion in World Farming" and the description it says

Take a look at this so-called expert revealing food marketing's secret weapon.

No amount of marketing makes factory farming acceptable. You can stop the spin at

IMO this is a fake video presentation , it propaganda intentionally made to make you be shocked at farming methods.

This is such a ridiculous comment if one understands logic; the audiences reaction is completely independent of the facts in the video and their reaction of lack of does nothing to change those facts.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 08:05 AM
Nothing she said should have shocked anyone. That wasn't even edgy or anything. Those people were paid to look exactly the way they did. What's shocking is that some people believe this tripe is actually real.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: Strewth
a reply to: purplemer

l feel sick.


I can only imagine, don't want to watch.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 08:16 AM
I feel a little lost in the discussion- I do nto exactly see what the objection is to this TED talk- that it is "fake" or meant to manipulate... I mean every form of media and art seeks to manipulate and influence the mind and emotions of the observer/listener.

But I guess I don't get what the message is that is not being expressed openly?
If anyone could explain to me, I'd appreciate it!

It seemed to me the message was quite clear- in a free market of capitalism, it is the consumer which determines the market- as long as there is a market for it, it will continue. We can blame TPTB all we want, but if we are buying the stuff, we are being hypocrites.

These practices are done as presented, and it is possible to have food that is not a product of such practices (I buy from our local agricultors and farmers; that are not big production). So what is being falsely presented here?

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