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Healthcare nightmare!

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posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 06:56 AM
The medical industry is based upon the premise that the people are ignorant of the fact that their body will heal itself in most cases with very little and frequently no help, such as carpal tunnel surgery which is often performed to remedy it when in reality time off with rest and the cessation of the repetitive movement that caused it will make it go away.

I know this from experience after being laid off from a job which caused carpal tunnel, the doctors wanted to do surgery which frequently causes the disorder to be permanent if scar tissue is formed from the performing of the procedure which is caused by inflammation in the area of a nerve canal or inflammation of surrounding tissues and muscles in the wrist, sometimes, believe it or not, it can be caused by inflammation from allergies.


The same as a mechanic telling someone who owns a car with a timing chain telling them they need their timing belt replaced, I caught a dealership trying to take advantage of my mother this way once.

I really don't understand how people have become so greedy but it appears that it is simply taking advantage of ignorance much of the time which is somehow thought to be a justifying factor for the greed, like people who invest in the stock market with no knowledge of the risk, your stockbroker will be more than happy to exploit you, or drive like complete lunatics in their cars assuming those airbags and seatbelts will guarantee they live through an accident that never should have happened.

The exploitation of the ignorance of people goes on in every business sector in existence, but should not be allowed when the services are required for survival and the efficient function of society as a whole, whether people disagree with socialist policies or not they support them to a point and they exist to different degree everywhere.

Here I go again with my whacky idea that those things people need to survive should be carefully controlled to guarantee at least the majority of or EVERYONE can attain them, and that ain't by making them buy mandatory health insurance considering insurance simply increases the cost of everything.

Insurance = Meddling Middle Men (who are there to be paid....).

Another problem here is how everything (business sectors and fields and specialties) are made to appear fragmented and compartmentalized and somehow unrelated to one another when they are actually parts of the same whole, which justifies another complete bureaucracy and set of laws, just another compartmentalization which looks to be profit driven once again.

....For the sake of Inefficiency....

Just my twisted little perspective from down here in the mud.

reply to: candlestick

posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: MyHappyDogShiner

When did you start generating the illusion of "there's someone loving you"?
Doctors do not love you.

posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 09:45 AM
We used to have mutual insurance companies, where the policy holders owned the company. Profits were returned to those who owned the policies. Now all that profit is received by those who had nothing or little to do with the care given. To expect that they will put your care ahead of their profit is unimaginable, though I'm sure there are some sweet souls who still do that.

If we ever want to fix healthcare and everything else that is wrong with the profit centered approach of our country, we need to remove all current office holders by voting for the non-incumbent. Then we have to do it again. After a few cycles only those that want to help the citizens rather than enrich themselves will be interested in running for public office. If instead you stick with your same old partisan ways of voting only for one party nothing will ever change. Who is your congressional hero?...Sorry, but you need to vote them out...they are part of the problem...just go ahead and admit it. This is the only change the people can effect that has any chance of ever getting results. Just say NO to Incumbents!

posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 11:47 AM
I think to describe this as mal-practice is an unerstatement. It looks more like murder to me. Have you ever thought about contacting documentary makers? It could be a decent way to really expose the extreme corruption you have highlighted.

posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: twfau
I think to describe this as mal-practice is an unerstatement. It looks more like murder to me. Have you ever thought about contacting documentary makers? It could be a decent way to really expose the extreme corruption you have highlighted.

We contacted the OSBI(Oklahoma FBI) and the FBI they both said it was a civil matter, and they didn't even look into it, I assume because they don't have doctors to review it. Regardless doctors back each other up, it was extremely hard for us to find a doctor to say that anything wrong happened. Every nurse we showed it to knew right away there was something wrong, but a court needs an 'expert' witness. We contact President Clinton and he wrote a letter back to us stating he was sorry. We tried contacting the news, but they didn't want to report against their hospital. After the lawsuit we are now barred from ever telling this story.

posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 03:33 PM
I was going to respond, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what to say.

Your reply was just really strange.

a reply to: candlestick

posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 07:33 PM
I can relate to all you have mentioned. Hubby got a hospital infection after his second bypass. The operating room was on the first floor and there was a bird atrium right across the hall and just outside from the OR. I would constantly see bird feathers and bird crap floating into the OR when both doors would happen to be opened. One cause for infections maybe. Garbage cans everywhere over flowing with food and dirty gauze and more.

Hubby went into a coma and died and they brought him back with the heart paddles but he stayed in coma for 3 months.
He was in 3 different hospitals and they all sucked. The first one messed him up and sent him on to VA Hospital. The students poked and proded and when they were done learning they wanted to send him on. While at VA, he had a leaky tube from his resp. therapy and instead of the lazy heifer nurses changing it, they would kick a filthy, over flowing garbage pail under I to catch the water. I moved the pail once and got reprimanded for it. Once he left ICU he was sent to a regular floor still in a coma with no more monitoring, no IVs, no more stomach tube feedings or respiratory care...the "pathway to death" I suppose. I put a stop to that as I spent 16 hours everyday for 3 months with him to ensure proper care.

They then sent him to a Nursing Home type place. There, I saw nurses drop open pack of rubber gloves on dirty floor, pick them up and get ready to tend to a wound with contaminated gloves. I had a constant battle relevant to his meds and what they were giving him. After he woke up, they hardly did anything to get him walking and sitting and such and wanted to sign him out and have him go to their sister facility...of course, to get more insurance money. I took him home myself and we did what was needed ourselves. I had to bathe him at the nursing home and some of the hospitals and change his diaper and such because they never did it. I could hardly ever go home as I feared if I did, he would get bedsores. One early morning, I came in to find him caked in dried up crap that had to be on him most of the night. The mattress always smelled of urine as it had rips in it.

I saw so much ineptness. mistakes, and such, I still have nightmares over it and that all happened 10 years ago. So, I can definitely relate. It is all so tragic and horrible for you and your family and mine and many others I suspect.

posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 07:41 PM

edit on 7-7-2014 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: MyHappyDogShiner

People who trust medical staffs since they believe medical staffs have universal love.

But they don't ,they don't have a little bit of it .

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: lobograndemalo


Bumping this thread for the sake of awareness!

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 10:17 AM
You've been brave to write this thread then, especially to call the perpetrators out. It is my understanding of a gag order that while it is illegal for those involved to comment on the story, it is not illegal for an unrelated journalist to reveal the story if they get an anonymous leak, although you'd really have to trust the journalist.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 01:42 PM
This thread needs to get about 50 flags to get on the top list. I really want awareness so please help guys!

posted on Jul, 12 2014 @ 01:40 PM
Yes I know the medical industry is motivated only by profit, as I witnessed it first hand while training for a job in the medical industry.

It's about the love of money and nothing else in the end when everything plays out to it's logical conclusion.

But the true root of the problem is FEAR.

The root of all problems is fear and insecurity looking forward to a future that does not and may not exist, the root of all good things is the opposite which I have still to identify but it isn't something so simple as love.

a reply to: candlestick

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