a reply to:
The BS in America is no different to the BS in the UK, or in any other nation which has an identity of its own, to set it apart from other locations
on the planet. There are people in every nation who do bad things for bad reasons, people who gain power, prestige, and status beyond that of their
fellow countrymen, and America is no exception. However, one must learn to separate the behaviour of a government full of such persons, from the
wishes and needs of the citizens of the nation in question.
The brainwashing you see happening in the US is happening all over the world, from various governments toward their people. The Iranian government,
the Chinese government, the Japanese government and the UK government all do it to lesser or greater degrees, as do all the others, and to think that
the US is alone in that is such a vast fallacy, that for the thought to cross your mind, means that you simply have not been paying attention. While I
cannot blame you, for surely, the state of affairs in the world is a deeply depressing matter to cogitate upon, it would be wise if in future, you
took a broader view of things, before uttering with such venom toward your countrymen.
Blaming the people for being brainwashed by government is no more sensible than blaming the victim of a random sniper for standing at the wrong bus
shelter, and thusly having their brain pan emptied at a thousand yards.
You judge them far too harshly, and by a measure you have concocted while you, yourself, are a victim of one level of the multifaceted brainwashing
that is occurring. The level you are at, has allowed you to take on a superior attitude toward your fellow countrymen, as if you have answers that
they do not. This is, one could reasonably suggest, is merely another bit of psycho conditioning, a tool that levers countrymen against one another,
and is not part of any solution worth a damn, to any problem worth solving.
In addition, I should point out that whilst "busy drinking" I have contemplated the hearts of stars, the form and function of black holes, the
staggering breadth of the contents of our galaxy, never mind the mind buggering fact of its insignificant scale when compared to that of the wider
universe. I have mentally sifted the news medias output since being a member here, and formed my very own opinion based on fact and morality in
combination, rather than tub thumping and rabble rousing. I have written poems, and thought deeply about the affairs of mankind, considered the
sicknesses of the human mind, the plagues which affect the spirit, the illnesses which afflict societies from the top down, and the giant hypocrisies
which haunt us now, and will haunt our children, and our children's children.
I have developed ideas which could save people's homes in the event of natural disasters, I have suggested ideas for helping clean up the space
around our planet, and in so doing collect enough debris to build a space station many times the size of the ISS, and power it too. I have done many
things while drinking, of which I am not proud, but not one of those things have I done while on this website. I love this website, and I love its
membership, and in thanks for their existence, I choose to make my contributions as full, and as positive as possible, because the membership deserve
that level of interaction from me, by way of having provided this wonderful place to meet and share knowledge.
It is, therefore, somewhat unfortunate that you assume that my pastimes have any effect what so ever on my ability to contemplate the issues of the
day. Even with rum in my belly, my mind is always working on something abstracted from my personal life, indeed, sometimes that makes it easier to
imagine my fellow human beings complexly, and that is something I believe you could benefit from.