posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 02:49 AM
Hi everyone, I have been having really bad headaches that nothing seems to relieves and also noticed numbness in my hands and slurred speech when I am
tired so I went to my Dr. and told her all about it. I had been dragging my right leg too, since I have a back injury I figured some of this was due
to that but not all of it, she agreed and ordered MRI's and when I got the results I was shocked to learn I have brain atrophy way beyond my age
group. Unfortunately that does not mean I use my brain more just that mine is aging faster and apparently getting smaller. I have an appointment soon
with a nuerosurgeon concerning all this, my back is worse too but the brain atrophy is what is scary. I have decided to wait and see what the dr. says
but would like to know more about it so as to know what to ask. Is anyone here knowledgeable about brain atrophy or know some good websites on it or
know anyone with brain atrophy? TIA