posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 09:29 AM
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this grant guy is on to something. he reminds me of anikan skywalker from the first couple star wars when we was smoking people in the races all jedi
Forcelike without even knowing it.
this guy talks a load of # but he's not talking #.... if you know what i mean. if you do what he says then you will probably get results like he says
but NOT BECAUSE of what he said. the actual mechanics of it all are off..
im not sure crowley had it right either. a lot of the old "Mystiks" basic premise is "manifest destiny". if you work hard enough and think enough
towards one goal it happens. whether your spitting spells in rhyme or thinking of the devil or whatever if you spend enough time contemplating and
trying to make things happen.... THEY HAPPEN!
this being said... i dont understand the mechanics behind it either very well. the whole kymatica idea is pretty flawed, the new age if we all think
it, it happens. or the mind of the whole... like whats happening is happening because we are all thinking it.. all flawed IMO.
i reckon the symbolism has become so blatantly obvious and popular in recent years past because more and more people are attempting to use these
"magicks" for whatever purpose and at times i think they fall short. using it more like a "tag" system and just trying to show off? idk its a big
huge mess.
buncha little kids running around dressed up in mommy and daddies clothes trying to play house is what i see.
theres a lot to our deep deep subconscious mind that we dont know. those "shapes" and letters and words and ideas could all just be images from many
many lives ago that we might gravitate towards... just imagine if we all were salmon.. if someone could make a "Vacation" spot that felt and looked
just like that spot thats engrained into salmons sub conscience for breeding then i bet that vacation spot would pull a lot of business.
the whole idea is very very complex too with many different levels of understanding and practice. think of these "magicks" like Killing. theres MANY
MANY MANY different levels of killing... accidental killing like a car accident. purposeful killing because the GROUP calls for it like soldiers and
marines. sick and twisted trying to enjoy every aspect of the emotion and control type of killing like a psycho serial killer. I'm sure theres 100's
more examples but you get the idea. some killers dont even know they kill.. others patiently plan out every aspect of every "kill", same with
magicks. some people accidentally are magicians.... OTHERS DO IT CAUSE THE GROUP IS (pop culture symbolism for the most part i think) others are high
paid ad executives making hundreds of millions a year cause the color/shape/hype combinations they know work great and people want them. their
"spells" are top notch so to say...