posted on Jul, 2 2014 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to:
"Is the first trumpet of revelation preparing to blow at Yellowstone?"
first trumpet blew a while back.I guess a couple of years ago.
No one took notice, nothing much happened....
God is losing his/her/it's mojo
I figure It means god is saying to us down here........... "you all are on your own"
So just like chicks kicked out of the nest we alll must make our own way.
so me thinketh...........
We are all godlike beings in charge of our own destinies and futures in charge of our own destinies.
endowed with the the power to do good or harm and enabled with the capacity to know the true path.
so govern yourselves accordingly!
edit on 2-7-2014 by grubblesnert because: (no reason given)