posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 07:28 AM
The FBI classifying this info to begin with is illegal if it was classified to hide illegal government involvement or foreknowledge of 9-11, but they
have classified so many illegal activities, that there might actually be very few real legitimate programs that are classified. This conclusion is
easy to reach just be looking at the aim of every effort this corrupt mafia style administration has made since being elected by voter fraud and total
compromised voting machines throughout thee nationwide network of them.
Once a person and people entrenched in government jobs get away with illegal activities, they do it all the time, and become as corrupt anyone can
become. The current administration traitors have been caught a few times and have never come clean. (fast and furious just for starters). These
people, including their stool pigeon at the FBI are the bottom of the barrel for the human race, and are even more corrupt, and twisted than the
Islamic state of Cult religions we see our own current president aligning himself
Look at how backwards everything else is with this administration and it is actually a small step back to see them illegally use the classified
material program.
Eric Holder is moronically in charge of the "Justice Department" but with him at that post, it is totally the opposite, and instead of it being
chaired by a person of good morals and ethics, it was intentionally chaired instead by a man of absolutely overwhelming filth in a human being, which
was intentional so Obama would have one less thing to worry about while conducting criminal activities, and further decimating the country into
nothing but traitors and imbeciles, and willing useful idiots to keep that garbage scow headed straight back to perdition where they spawned from.
Abusing the classification system by Obama was one of the very first things he did immediately after telling the world how transparent he would be,
signifying exactly the level of parasitic talents and criminal intent would be required, and a prerequisite for seeking employment within the Obama
administration, for 100% proof, look at all the dregs of even the criminal world, that Obama posted to dozens of cabinet positions, and all the
kickbacks and threats and bribes used to accomplish this amazing pile of excrement. Look at how one of his right hand retards in Harry Reid has used
the same proven mafia style tactics and goals of using his government position to acquire money, power, political positioning for himself, his family
members, and people that Obama sends his way for a payoff here, or an illegal operation committing treason there, and all of the above improperly
swept under the classification system to hide it all from honest hard working Americans.
The things they have done deserve no less than permanent leg irons and solitary confinement with only cockroaches served up three times a day, and
for obama, the appropriate punishment for him would be a gunny sack with a starving rat inside it, put over his head, just to kick off the "Welcome
back Freedom" festival that would take place the day these scum are incarcerated.
These things are far less harsh in comparison to the damage that they have done to our country at this point.
Abusing the classification system is one of their best tools they keep on using, and just imagine it all being opened up and audited what kinds of
crimes would be uncovered. Historical precedence for this already exists and has been exposed many times already.