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The Hypocrisy Of Islamic Homophobia

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posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 03:42 PM
Many Gulf War/Iran/Afghanistan vets are aware of how Muslim soldiers tend to go way beyond what are considered heterosexual acts while in the field, away from women and prying eyes.
It wouldn't be any big deal if it wasn't for their treatment of homosexuals, namely stoning, death, mutilation and torture.
It seems to me indicative of the hypocrisy of Islam (and many religions) as a whole.
Sodomy acceptable while engaged in Jihad.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
Many Gulf War/Iran/Afghanistan vets are aware of how Muslim soldiers tend to go way beyond what are considered heterosexual acts while in the field, away from women and prying eyes.
It wouldn't be any big deal if it wasn't for their treatment of homosexuals, namely stoning, death, mutilation and torture.
It seems to me indicative of the hypocrisy of Islam (and many religions) as a whole.
Sodomy acceptable while engaged in Jihad.

I doubt this is a widespread problem among Muslim soldiers or any other soldiers. Do you think that there are more Muslim homosexuals in the military than in other countries?

This sounds silly to me.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 03:51 PM
Possibly a way to some not to get hanged ?
Soldiers? propably not maybe terrorists.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Heck if we give the religious their way they will kill all homsexuals.
I feel sorry for the poor gay dudes whom fight their sexuality because of what their religion tells them to be.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: abe froman

Soldiers bumpin uglies while away from women has been pretty common throughout history and across many cultures. It just isn't always publicly acknowledged.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 04:03 PM
Just like every religion, do whatever you want but either in the name of God or after you do whatever it is that you know is wrong just ask for forgiveness and everything is forgiven .
If you are going to live by a book then I don't see how it is right to pick the parts that you like and ignore the rest.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 04:10 PM
It sounds silly but it makes perfect sense with their agenda. Disgusting. Anyone who is dumb enough to stick a bomb up their a@@ will believe anything anyway.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 04:29 PM
But, it is their country, they should be able to do what they want on their own soil. I would put one exclusion on that, that would be polluting things that could negatively effect other countries around the world. Also rerouting natural rivers that effect other countries, or overfishing the the exclusion is environmental destruction.

Too bad everyone did not feel that way.
edit on 1-7-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 04:40 PM
Interesting topic.

I'm glad you divided "homosexual acts" from being gay.
As a gay person I thought when I was younger we had to copy heterosexual acts with "sodomy" and "top" and "bottom" gender identities.
Now I see for many years it isn't true, and "sodomy" is just an act (which I realized isn't for me) and being gay is an orientation of being attracted to members of the same sex that's also romantic.
Sodomy also isn't uniquely "gay", and occurs amongst heterosexual men and women too.

I think many religions and politics have a problem with sexual hypocrisy.
It took a long time for the UN to admit that the rape of girls and women is common in war zones (I think only in the 1980s).
Male rape figures in war zones are just 10 percent less apparently, and that goes for Muslim and non-Muslim regions.
It has never been officially studied or declared a specific crime against humanity.

I know many Muslims who are gay-friendly and debating gay rights with Islamic fundamentalists.
I think we even had a gay Muslim float at the Cape Town Pride parade.
I also know of many gay people who are pro-Palestinian and "anti-Imperialism".
However, for myself, I made a choice in a world where sides must be drawn, and I think gay people standing for Islamism are like turkeys voting for Christmas.
I will not stand for such ideologies.

The more I look at cults and extreme religions the more it seems such structures enable patriarchal abusers and pedophiles.
Muslim sodomy has always been a fear of Western Orientalism, and former white slaves of the Barbary system who were ransomed back had to perform elaborate purity rituals (especially if they "turned Turk", often after much torture).
Neither is it always untrue, and in homosocial societies where women are virtually imprisoned, the focus turns to adolescent males by older male lovers.
More shockingly, in a recent episode of "Banged Up Abroad" an Irish gay man recounted how the religious police raped a gay man from the Philippines to teach him a "lesson" in Saudi Arabia.
Furthermore, much of the Islamist material I've seen is strongly homosocial and homoerotic.
Although, I've also seen that from other religions, like ISKCON or the Christian fundamentalist Promise Keepers and Mighty Men.
The more anti-woman these cults become, the more they heighten repressed same-sex feelings, and the more they must police the boundaries, or at least they try.
I've noted though from the clips of the German Salafist Pierre Vogel that punishments for casual homosexuality are quite light (perhaps a whipping), while "sodomy" requires four witnesses and is difficult to prosecute.
They don't want the "private sin" to go public however, and if one "falls" one shouldn't mention it.

It's still strange to indulge in a sex act in order to hide dynamite in the body.
Why immediately jump to sodomy?
Don't these people have cucumbers?
Perhaps they don't grow there.

But, you know there's always the argument that people who do this follow a corrupt version of the religion, and one day they will all be cleansed, and they're just sinners.
edit on 1-7-2014 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: halfoldman

"Don't these people have cucumbers"

Bwahahahaha!! Sorry, but that was absolutely hilarious 😂

The rest of your post was excellent btw!

This is an interesting thread, I hope it doesn't get ruined by the God Squad.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: halfoldman

I also know of many gay people who are pro-Palestinian and "anti-Imperialism".
However, for myself, I made a choice in a world where sides must be drawn, and I think gay people standing for Islamism are like turkeys voting for Christmas.
I will not stand for such ideologies.

Come on... Really ?!

Like Christmas is created by Christians... It's originally e heathen holiday, that is adapted from the infidels, living North of the Roman empire.
The world where you are forced to pick a side, it a result of people who do, thinking like you. The Turks have also been living in the very center of the Byzantine empire, that adopted Christianity as their only religion for some time.

The social behavior among me, that looks gay to us, is mostly just socially accepted, and normal. As only a small percentage is actually gay. The lack of woman around might indeed cause a little more experimenting among men, as they still go through the same sexual period, with hormones and lust clouding the mind.

The societies that are closed from public view actually are a source of sexual abuse, as people usually don't see it happen. Also the religious dogma of forgiveness, creates a major reason, for sexual predators to get away with their deeds, as their community keeps their mouth shut if they are aware, because they believe that judgment day will be upon you one day, and they are trying to forgive anything, as they believe forgiveness to be a virtue.

Edit to say that I fell on the floor laughing, from your cucumber comment.

edit on 7/1/2014 by Sinter Klaas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
Many Gulf War/Iran/Afghanistan vets are aware of how Muslim soldiers tend to go way beyond what are considered heterosexual acts while in the field, away from women and prying eyes.
It wouldn't be any big deal if it wasn't for their treatment of homosexuals, namely stoning, death, mutilation and torture.
It seems to me indicative of the hypocrisy of Islam (and many religions) as a whole.
Sodomy acceptable while engaged in Jihad.

Really Op you had to go on and create a thread because you didnt feel your Rant was getting enough Attention in the other threads?

Your words

No amount of evidence is good enough for you and you have been presented with enough for conviction. You act as though you are a blind man and you refuse to see. Mohammed had sex with children, your false prophet is a lie. Your religious leaders brainwash you into a life of poverty while they hoard cash and gold and have hidden their Rolls Royces from your eyes.
Your religion and it's adherents have committed vulgar acts against it's own women and children and it's end goal is to force itself on everyone. You are fully aware of these truths and instead of answering the charges you point a finger at the Jews.
It is always pointless to debate with a stubborn,stupid,jackass. They will turn their head from the nourishing waters and die of thirst out of spite and ignorance.

So I am leaving this thread to you and your other thirsty friends.

One last thing, I also served in Desert Shield/Storm and those Muslim Men were performing sodomistic acts on each other on the DL and it is quite common and accepted behavior in the field, when there are no women around, even though they never speak of it or admit it.

This should go in the rant forum ...

Just saying..

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 06:59 PM
The definition of religion IS hypocrisy!

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere
I stand by my every word and the blood that I and my brothers and sisters spilled in the sand to earn the right to say them. Here is the truth and you still won't accept it.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere
I stand by my every word and the blood that I and my brothers and sisters spilled in the sand to earn the right to say them. Here is the truth and you still won't accept it.

What truth? That the population in the Middle East has homosexuals?

I think we already knew that despite what Iran says.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: abe froman

This thread is so stupid it makes me laugh ...

I don't condone using Wikipedia as a good source for religious info .

But i decided to use a neutral source to disprove the OP link.

Since Islam does not approve homosexual relationships, anal intercourse is strictly forbidden on all grounds and under all circumstances. The same ruling applies for heterosexual relationship (i.e., married couple) when performed as "an alternative" while the wife is menstruating. When married, it is rightful and obligatory for the husband and the wife to mutually fulfill their needs but only by upholding the guidance of Hadith and the Qur'an.[14] The Quran says:

Read all about it

Their is no doubt Islam has harsh punishment for homosexuality.
Most often the punishment is death.

The way of execution is decided upon by the judge.

However ! As harsh as it may be as a Muslim I don't have to agree with how people are prosecuted for it .
Their has to firstly be witnesses to the act . I believe three of them .... And it most often has to be proven.

This under sunnie form of Islam.

Iran /shia seem to opperate differently they seem to ecicute people over accusations... Sad really..

I am not trying to justify the harsh punishment for homosexuality.
But I fully understand why .

Firsly god forbid the act in the bible and Quran .

Because it stops the natural prosess of the creation of life.
God created man and woman without these two life cannot be created . unless god otherwise wills it
Like he did with Jesus.

Go forth and multiply!!

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: abe froman

Never heard such nonsense.

What were you searching when you found this great gem ?

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere
I stand by my every word and the blood that I and my brothers and sisters spilled in the sand to earn the right to say them. Here is the truth and you still won't accept it.

Your an honoable man i get it !

My brother is a 3 time war vet , kosovo , afganistan , iraq.....

11 brovo 82nd AB.

Just asked him if hes has seen these acts while on duty.

His reply " its common for arabs to hold hand and he's never witnessed homosexual acts by them"

Just saying...

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
Many Gulf War/Iran/Afghanistan vets are aware of how Muslim soldiers tend to go way beyond what are considered heterosexual acts while in the field, away from women and prying eyes.
It wouldn't be any big deal if it wasn't for their treatment of homosexuals, namely stoning, death, mutilation and torture.
It seems to me indicative of the hypocrisy of Islam (and many religions) as a whole.
Sodomy acceptable while engaged in Jihad.

I have two nephews that are marines and one that is in the army. They all pulled multiple tours and all of them would back up what you say. They all have stories and it goes beyond just soldiers. It's the general population as well. It's rampant according to all 3 who served different tours at different times.

It's beyond hypocritical, but I suppose if the lights are off and the sun has set they can just pretend it's not. You'll never find any that admit to it even if you literally caught them with their pants down.

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