a reply to:
Let me give you some of my perspective. We all have them, and they are driven by differing experiences.
I spent 2 months of my life working in a HUD project. I interviewed person after person. I heard BS that would make you ROFL, and I heard truths that
would outrage you. I heard truths that would break your heart.
I heard from too many women (since they are the head of the family in 90% of the cases) who were content to remain in that cesspool and have child
after child. I heard women with 6 kids talking trash about "babies having babies" .. wrf? Who pays the price? Certainly the taxpayer does....but
the children pay the highest price. They are brought into a world by the worst parents imaginable. They are taught how to survive by either a) riding
the free train of welfare or b) entering a world of crime and violence or both. Most often both.
I would not mind at all if my pocket book were a bit lighter if we could get those children out of that situation and turn them into productive
citizens. Break the chain of poverty. Powerful words. Meaningless words.
When people do not want to change the way they live...how do you make them do it? You cannot force them to use contraceptives. You cannot sterilize
them. You cannot, effectively, take their children away from them and attempt to break that chain.
People are effed up... so I rant about the free train because unless people are FORCED to face their responsibilities some will never do so.
Personally...if they will not help themselves then I resent being extorted into helping them remain as they are.
I have been pretty nasty at times here...I apologize. We have a difference of opinion. I would fight to the death to maintain your right to disagree
with me. I just happen to have a lot of years of seeing how the liberal approach to poverty just results in more poverty.
Not everyone will be responsible adults. It seems that those who refuse to accept the responsibilities for their actions or inactions may have to be
left to their own devices so that they will learn.
Back up 80 years and see there was no welfare...you find a lot more people that were responsible caretakers of their lives and of their children...not
everyone, but it seems that without a safety net more people will work to better themselves and their families.
I do favor a safety net...but not a blank check one. If you have fallen on hard times, you deserve a helping hand. One who teaches you how to
fish...not one that hands you a fish and tells you there will be another fish in the morning. Not one who tells you that if you have more children
there will be more fish. Way to create a cycle of poverty, Mr. Uncle Sam!! Way to undermine people's sense of pride. Way to expand poverty and
perpetuate it.
The alternative is where we have arrived: 48% of the country is receiving money from the govt. That is a sad, despicable, deplorable situation that
has to stop. What is the trend, you may ask? Guess.... if we do nothing to halt it, it will only get worse.
There...you see where I am coming from.