posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 03:04 PM
Politicians can now be bought out for the highest price, does anyone see anything wrong with this?
This piece of information is very Important and deserves more recognition. It deserves to be in the headlines.
This seems like proof that Americans votes don't really count, because one way or the other Corporations owned by the oligarch elitist will get who
they want into office. Especially now.
Why would they all of a sudden decide to raise the limit on federal campaign donations? Because they're paranoid. The American people are waking up
to their system of distortion and twisted transistors.
They know more and more patriotic Americans are trying to get into office. Individuals similar to Ron Paul, who are against their federal reserve,
which was created on Jekyll Island by the Rockefellers, Warburgs, Rothschilds etc.
I'm not a Liberal or a Conservative, I'm Independent. My opinion is that things were fine the way they were, this creates a new field day for those
who are very wealthy and it is unfair to those who don't have wealth.
Yes we're a democracy, but the wealthy have too much power, to the point that it is undermining what our democracy stands for, the classes have never
been so divided.
What are your thougts about this? And why do you think they set the limit to, no limit?