Hi OP, Behold a Pale Horse is mandatory for any new truther.
Take it with a pinch of salt, but hold in in respect, William Cooper deeply believed it to be true.
I'm posting from Crapberry in a hurry, so will quickly jot down my two cents.
Jumping in at the deep end, which you are about to do can deeply effect you and threaten your reality.
Over time, when you start to unravel the true history of the human race, and the true knowledge of the last century will things begin to make some
I'd recommend;
Study into Theosophy (HPB & Alice Bailey), The New Age Movement and the United Nations.
Early Airforce, the Nazi Connection, Luciferianism, Magic, and UFO's. (Peter Levander lectures online are a MUST).
Youtube "Nazi New Age Agenda".
Peter Beter, and Geo-politics of the 20th Century (thread on ATS by NoRegretsEver).
Ended up deaded.
Serge Monast, BlueBeam whistle Blower, ended up deaded. (Link in with Beter).
Frits Springmeier, Christian Constitutional Patriot - Exposes the spiritual corruption engulfing the human race, hightlights how Luciferiansism has
seeped into the Vatican, Chritian houses of Worship, Media, Education etc etc, ended up locked up for ten years. (Authored Blood Lines of the
Eustace Mullins, most excellent and brilliant author/researcher, known for his books about the Demonolgy of History, and the Federal Reserve, was
nearly deaded, but he has an angel watching over his shoulder, must be pushing 90' something if he's still with us. Google.
John Lear, the only 'whistle blower', to tell the public about our Holographic Conspiracy - Google, or see my thread list.
And of course be sure to follow the News, but wear your BS protector at all times and read inbewtween the lines to see how all of the above relate to
todays current events.
I work by the rule that if somebody got deaded or suicided, they were damaging to the elite.
Disreagrd ALL that do not share INFORMATION FREELY (except for distributions costs), and disregard all that are free to air their information with no
'pressure' being applied. Always wear your BS detector.
Have a look at Icke and his works, they will expand your perception, however beware his New Age Doctrines.
John Keel and J. Vallee cover points beyond the ET hypothesis, leaning more towards a terrestrial prescence, which again will link back to Nazi,
Occult, Spiritual.
I hope you have a good journey.
edit on 29/6/2014 by ObservingYou because: (no reason given)