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Ultra-rich man's letter: "To My Fellow Filthy Rich Americans: The Pitchforks Are Coming"

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posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: KarensHoliday

Don't worry Mr Billionaire, the Republican party, along with funding from the Koch Brothers and others, are doing a fantastic job of protecting you. They are getting the middle class to blame the poor for their sorry condition.

It isn't corporate welfare, or the greedy rich skipping out on their fair share of taxes, it isn't even the high cost of war. It is the welfare moms and homeless veterans collecting handouts.

edit on 3-7-2014 by Loveaduck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 04:05 AM
The mission of the rich, is to get the middle class to blame the poor for their plight.

edit on 3-7-2014 by Loveaduck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: KarensHoliday

I would have to ask the guy....

You can see all that from an ivory tower?
You are not filthy rich, if you are watching the rabble from the street.
edit on 3-7-2014 by Loveaduck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: NoRulesAllowed

Ha ha ha, are you serious? You think they backed a truck up with hundred-dollar bills? They do have such things as checks, you know....

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 06:27 AM

originally posted by: Loveaduck

The mission of the rich, is to get the middle class to blame the poor for their plight.
and to get the poor to blame the welfare mom's, and to get the welfare mom's to blame the homeless, and I suppose the homeless can just blame random animals that wander by....

I like to ask people who tend marginalize other people for whatever reason, what they would move on to if everything and everyone they marginalized were no longer there.

I figure they would just move on to something else to marginalize to make their tiny little selves feel better.

Just us chickens pecking at the one that doesn't look like the rest.

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: Loveaduck
a reply to: KarensHoliday

Don't worry Mr Billionaire, the Republican party, along with funding from the Koch Brothers and others, are doing a fantastic job of protecting you. They are getting the middle class to blame the poor for their sorry condition.

It isn't corporate welfare, or the greedy rich skipping out on their fair share of taxes, it isn't even the high cost of war. It is the welfare moms and homeless veterans collecting handouts.

Yes, because people like George Soro's are full of puppy farts and rainbows.

While the Koch brothers are like the emperor in Star Wars.

Wake up and smell what you are shoveling.

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: MyHappyDogShiner

And as long as you are pecking in exactly the right order - nobody seems to have a problem with it.

We have 'a caste system' that is pretty reliable with very few exceptions, or breakaways. We are living in the illusion of a free republic and some semblance of democracy but this is a system easily corrupted by a few. I don't know anyone who won't admit that. Who are the few? Some people want to blame politicians but they are indirectly involved and relatively poor, not very influential.

Do you think the poverty and homelessness in the world, restlessness and strife, might come down to the wealthy being greedy, already having a self sustaining system in place and no one being able to make them play fair or to share? I do. Think it is as simple as that.

edit on 3-7-2014 by Loveaduck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: Hmmmmmmm

originally posted by: Loveaduck
a reply to: KarensHoliday

Don't worry Mr Billionaire, the Republican party, along with funding from the Koch Brothers and others, are doing a fantastic job of protecting you. They are getting the middle class to blame the poor for their sorry condition.

It isn't corporate welfare, or the greedy rich skipping out on their fair share of taxes, it isn't even the high cost of war. It is the welfare moms and homeless veterans collecting handouts.

Yes, because people like George Soro's are full of puppy farts and rainbows.
While the Koch brothers are like the emperor in Star Wars.
Wake up and smell what you are shoveling.

I see what I am shovelling...but while you are looking at it, maybe cast a glance on your own pile of excrement, getting dangerously high, so high one of these days it is going to come tumbling down on you. I am only afraid to be in the way.
Koch Bros biggest investment is oil. Soros biggest investments are in labor unions. How can you stand there, look me in the threadpost and say that working for the security of one is the same as working for the security of the other?



REAL LIVE AMERICANS WORKING FOR A LIVING vs A BILLIONAIRES PLAYING A CON GAME (called how the Rich Get Richer and why the poor stay poor) insert evil laugh

Fingers have been pointed at labor unions, billionaire investor George Soros, billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer and the Tides Foundation as the supposed liberal counterparts to the Kochs. But the numbers just don’t add up. And these progressive groups tend to operate in the sunshine of public disclosure, unlike the Kochs’ semi-secret political empire. Let’s start with the misunderstanding — or the deliberate expansion — of the term “dark money.”

...and it gets worse.
edit on 3-7-2014 by Loveaduck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 10:11 AM
And sorry double post that I had to fill with more information.
This from

If you spend any time on political sites on the Internet, you have no doubt run into Joe or Jane Conservative who believes that the Koch brothers are just good public citizens who get picked on because they contribute their money to conservative causes. If you have the patience or the inclination to try to educate them by presenting facts, there is also a low chance of acceptance of the truth.

You can say that again.

New Republic article written by John Judis:
“The hysteria over the Koch bros always reminds me of Soros, who spends FAR more money and has his fingers in more pies than the Koch bros could ever dream of. The man gives millions of dollars to over 30 “news” outfits. If you pull the strings at nearly every left-wing outfit, you find they lead to him and his money. So I have to laugh whenever a liberal whines about the Koch bros and the improper influence of money since they seem to find Soros just a harmless old philanthropist.”

This is classic right wing misinformation. Together, the Kochs have approximately $68 billion dollars combined wealth...George Soros has $20 billion. Right away, common sense should prevail upon a conservative afraid of a Soros boogeyman that he doesn’t have the resources of the megalomaniacal brothers. Where does this misguided commenter get such nonsense? Where else but the conservative media-sphere, so well-known for its distortion, it’s become cliché.

edit on 3-7-2014 by Loveaduck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 10:36 AM


posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: WhiteAlice

I honestly think that the motivation at this point isn't so much as buying yet another house but being the top dog of all the planet.

This is exactly right. And it is the sovereign reason why simplified prescriptions of equality and 'enough for everybody' don't work. The competition isn't really for money; it is for status, and it comes right out of our primeval heritage as social mammals. We can't get rid of it without changing our nature, and human nature doesn't change to suit human wishes.

No matter how much we have, it will never be enough for some people.

Exactly. It is human nature to compete for resources whether it was a couple hundred thousand years ago and the resources were food or today's world where one just needs that almighty dollar. It's why, in the end, nearly all isms fail to an extent as, for as good as they look on paper, they either ignore this human strength and weakness (for it is both) or they fail to foresee how extreme it can get. I saw this in the USSR where Communism was supposed to reign and yet, the chasm between the Russian haves and have nots was huge. One lived in gated communities with lush gardens and the other in ghettos. In many ways, we risk becoming the same here despite having such a fundamentally different ism and the only sufficient answer I have for it is "human nature". Someone always wants more and aims to be the top dog regardless of whether or not their ascent is doing harm to others.

I wrote my capstone paper for my SBA on the issues within Capitalism and a push towards a more sustainable form of it. I took a risk with that one and got an A+. The way that its working right now isn't really working and it is a good system that needs to be tweaked. Once upon in this country, opening a business was coupled with the idea that it would last within the family for generations as a source of income and familial pride just like Hanauer's family. Today though, it's build a business and hope it takes so that some large firm or corporation comes along and offers one a fortune of it. The pride and longevity motivations are gone and with it so much more. One requires quality to survive while the other takes what was gained and brings it to maximized efficiency and profit, which almost always seem to bring along a lowering of quality. Tim Horton's in Canada would be an example of that as a bakery well known for its fresh made donuts. They got purchased and now those "fresh" donuts are made elsewhere, freeze-dried and shipped to the stores.

We sacrifice a lot in today's variant of Capitalism and I could and have written a whole paper on the subject.

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: Chiftel

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: Chiftel

Of course you have to be evil to be rich.

I've been agreeing with you and starring your posts all this time, but this is going too far.

Like Bluesma, I know lots of rich, even very rich people, and they are no more (and no less) evil than poor people.

I was thinking today about how it must have been to be a king in times when kings were despots. Since kingship was also hereditary, men didn't (by and large) get to choose to be king. It was something they were born to. But once they achieved kingship, they had to be forever vigilant of those who might seek to depose them, often by dint of regicide.

Some of the shifts to which they were driven in order to do that were undoubtedly evil, but the motive was simple self-preservation.

Imagine the anxiety, the suspicion, the justified paranoia that must have engendered.

The rich — whether they have made their fortunes or inherited them — are in a similar position. Being in that position creates a certain mindset; it also obliges you to do certain things to stay alive, well and solvent. Even those who do not aspire to prey upon the rich are still envious enough to hate them, and many would do them harm if only they could. If you doubt it, honestly examine your own feelings.

Of course nobody 'deserves' a Ferrari. But Bluesma wasn't saying that. You were saying that.

Have a care that you don't, as in the old Yogic saying, become what you hate.

Yeah, cause giving most of their income away would, like, surely kill them.

That wasn't my point, about the Ferraris. That was just a prop to make my point.

My point is: what do the rich contribute, in real terms, to society for all the reap from it and deny others? What value do they provide?

What do they do to earn their keep?

Nothing. They just appropriate other people's labour and the fruits thereof.

At most they invest money.

Which is conjured up out of thin air for them by their banks, which they also own.

So basically, the rich don't do nothing. And you don't get rich by doing stuff.

You get rich by owning stuff. Specifically means of production. Including means of production of money (literally), which are the banks. Banks are money factories.

You own a bank, you're legally entitled to loan at interest money you don't have. Alternatively, you might also think of .

You you are making excuses for them.

Why? Why do you feel the need to make excuses for them, empathize with them?

# them.

Why should I or anyone care about them or empathize with them?

Do they empathize with the poor? Do they empathize with me?


Can I go and just take a piece of food from one of their factories or retail chains if I'm hungry?

No. I'd go to jail.

Can I counterfeit money and loan it out at interest like their banks (NOT JUST THE CENTRAL BANKS, which only issue physical cash, which is like 3% of the total money supply, the rest is electronic money with no cash backing it issued privately by private banks) do?

No. I'd go to jail.

Can I simply go steal the fruit of someone's labour, like an employer can?

No, of course not.

The only reason the rich are finally even starting to concede to minimum wage hikes is, simply, that they've finally seen the writing on the wall: self-preservation.

Hopefully, it's too little too late.

I want to see me some heads rollin', rollin', rollin'!

I agree.

If even one of these POS wanted to actually make a difference they could. Just give half of theor annual income back to their workers, in the form of pay, all those lives improved, no real loss to the already retarded rich.

They dont and wont though, because they have to have the most, it is pathetic to see and read honestly.

Every single one of them could change thousands of lives tomorrow, but they wont, because they have to have the most, and they are waiting for others to do it at their own expense, so they can have the most.

What f.cking good is thousands of times more than you could ever need? Why not let those that actually need use it?

posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: nOraKat

originally posted by: SheopleNation
We cannot shoulder World Poverty, period. What Nation can?

... not that we should have to shoulder anything.. but everyone should realize that this Earth is a closed system.

A problem existing in any part of the world will eventually affect everyone - whether it is poverty, ill habit and culture, or ill views and beliefs. You cannot just isolate it somewhere.

One way or another.

posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 04:44 PM
I don't believe for one second that this is a real statement from Mr. Amazon investor. Not for a second.
Nice straw man created to get people to react. The filthy rich believe the masses in this country are retarded and complacent and as long as reality tv keeps its ratings they feel safe....and they should.

Such a stupid waste of time this thread is.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Res Ipsa

One can argue that the events in Ferguson are more the result of a gap in income more so than the actual shooting itself. The pitchforks are still destined to come, just don't expect all those who are tired of the inequality and injustice to be an angry mob with an angry mob mentality. That style of protest is easy to demonize....

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: Res Ipsa

One can argue that the events in Ferguson are more the result of a gap in income more so than the actual shooting itself. The pitchforks are still destined to come, just don't expect all those who are tired of the inequality and injustice to be an angry mob with an angry mob mentality. That style of protest is easy to demonize....

I'm actually glad you resurrected this thread because this article by Hanauer's pitchforks and apparently, he sees it, too, based on his tweets as of late:

Even Rupert Murdoch is seeing it as well:

US has historic high in people out of work. Major changes needed to open opportunities, fix schools,or face more Fergusons.

One of the first things that I looked at in regards to Ferguson was its economics. According to the 2012 census, 22% of people in Ferguson were living below the poverty level. In 2000, 17.6% of the population was living below the poverty level so it's a slow and inexorable decline into poverty. That's an increase of 4.4% with poverty increasing at a rate of 1.88% each year.

For the total US, the percentage of the population living below the poverty line was 11.3% in 2000. In 2012, that percentage was 14.9%. To put that into number context, that's 28,104,216 million people living below the poverty line in 2000 versus 47,103,197 million in 2012. That's a difference of around 19 million more living below the poverty level. Interestingly enough the increase is in poverty overall was was 3% with a rate of change of 1.89% per year.

What does that mean? Well, both of the rates for Ferguson and the US overall are very, very close and indicate a slow increasing decline into poverty. Ferguson is, in many ways, America.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: Res Ipsa
I don't believe for one second that this is a real statement from Mr. Amazon investor. Not for a second.
Nice straw man created to get people to react. The filthy rich believe the masses in this country are retarded and complacent and as long as reality tv keeps its ratings they feel safe....and they should.

Such a stupid waste of time this thread is.

Nice try, Res Ipsa. Don't believe it's from Hanauer? Try video of Hanauer discussing those pitchforks.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

Bill gates, George Lucas and co have donated billions to charity and kudos must go to them.

Kudos nmay have missed that Gates is strongly in favour of depopulation at any cost

Young Tribal Girls Tested With HPV Vaccines

The Economic Times India published their report August 2014. They stated that in 2009, tests had been carried out on 16,000 tribal school children in Andhra Pradesh, India, using the human papiloma virus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil.

According to the report written by KP Narayana Kumar, within a month of receiving the vaccine, many of the children fell ill and by 2010, five of them had died. A further two children were reported to have died in Vadodara, Gujarat, where an estimated 14,000 tribal children were vaccinated with another brand of the HPV vaccine, Cervarix, manufactured by GlaxoSmitheKline (GSK).

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