posted on Jun, 29 2014 @ 01:42 PM
I’m not a pacifist, in other words I agree with a strong response to any aggression by any people.
That’s not my point in this op.
Of course Hitler should have been stopped and this present menace of mad dogs from ISIL, indeed the world should ally together and stop menaces like a
Hitler type tyrant and certainly groups like Boko Haram and ISIL.
But the point is that if young people were urged internationally, in all countries to CEASE AND DESIST joining an army in their respective countries
(of course unless they are being attacked by an external force in an emergency this wouldn’t apply).
My point is what if a nut like Hitler didn’t have enough young people to fight his war of aggression, then maybe it wouldn't have happened. Or the
young fools who go sign up to fight for ISIL got some sense and didn’t join.
These war mongers wouldn’t have any one to fight their wars of aggression.
I say one day we all should go on social media, facebook and twitter and urge the youth who fight these wars for the old men who start wars of
aggression, to just DON'T SIGN UP.
Maybe the war mongers could be forced to fight each other.
Imagine that, seeing Saddam Hussein in a fight to the death against Dick Cheney
We might finally get world-wide peace.