There was one time...that I got rid of some, not so great paperbacks!
We had only been married a short while & were moving to the East coast.
We were going to be flying, so we had to do quite a bit of downsizing,
Thank goodness we were just starting out or it would have been horrific!
If we ever had to move now, we'd be doomed!
Anyway, I was selling a bunch of stuff at the swap meet.
A couple came over & was thumbing through the paperbacks.
All of a sudden, the girl got really excited & asked how much I wanted for one?
I said a quarter & she bought it & quickly left.
Everything that didn't sell I took to the Salvation Army.
I just happened to mention what happened to hubby later.
He got a funny look on his face,
& asked if I had gone through the books, before I got rid of them?
Usually I would have, but I hadn't had them very long,
got them second hand, had read them all,
don't make a habit of putting things in books,
& I was in a hurry, so I didn't. I asked him why?
He told me that he had put a $100 bill in one of the books,
so that I would find it someday & be surprised!!! Aaaagh!!!
True story!!!
Maybe subconsciously, that's one of the reasons
why I hesitate to get rid of them now!!! Ha, ha!