a reply to:
WOQ whispers quietly to herself...
"Yes, I'm normal...and there are others out there like me!!!"
I still have almost every book that I have ever read,
except those from the library, or that were borrowed from friends!
My family does not get it!
Why would anyone, keep a book that they have already read???
My cousin gets it, she has 230 books!
She has a spare room upstairs with piles of books in it!
My Aunt asked her if they are coming down the stairs yet!
And no Kindles for us!
We like the sound of a book cracking open, & the 'book smell'!
Besides, falling asleep while reading in bed,
would kill a Kindle very quickly when it hit the floor!!!
I have seven bookcases, four totes full,
and a giant pile beside the bed that I'm working on!
Any that I have by the same author are kept together,
& put in alphabetical order.
Then the others are grouped by fiction, non fiction,
& subject, & are also in alphabetical order.
I've never counted them, but it might be getting to be a problem.
Given the fact that most ink is soy based now,
& hubby has a mild allergy to soy!!!
He has been getting a little stuffy when he's near a bookshelf!
I've been wondering if that could be it?!
It isn't dust...he not allergic to that, thank goodness!
The books in the totes, are the ones I'm thinking of passing along or donating.
Those with out of date information, old medical books, cookbooks, how to manuals...
We both would like this:
edit on 28-6-2014 by wasobservingquietly because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-6-2014 by wasobservingquietly because: (no
reason given)
edit on 28-6-2014 by wasobservingquietly because: I did it! Idid it! I made a pic!!! Lol!