posted on Jun, 28 2014 @ 07:22 PM
It has already happened before and will happen again until we Learn. Now in this Age, most are Aware somethings not right so Doom Porn is at its all
time High. Could call it Mass Consciousness, somewhere Deep Inside we all know it is time to Realize Our Time is short.
Most will continue to say everything is just fine, nothing here to see, move on. Yet after saying this, most have problems sleeping! To aid in this
so-called "It Ain't Happening" Idea, some old books have seem to reappear if by Magic! Yet most of any story, is actually Filled In. Chop down Rev
into meaningful bits and what one has is nothing more then Karma.
Except that was in the past. This time it is more like God Himself; Dad coming home to find ? Just think if it was you coming back to said Planet;
while leaving said children alone to Take Care of said Planet and to See This? Yet the Church teaches us that God is Kind, Loving, and our Souls can
never be stripped from us! That when the day Christ shall come, We as sheep should Hide ourselves in caves and not Stand Outside Welcoming Dad
Somehow We will be considered As A Whole and not as an single person. That a great rapture will take some off to heaven and leave the rest to Burn!
Could be the other way you know, take the Ego Self Rightous evil bastards and Leave whats left, that is Good. Of Course, I would think Mother Nature
would have a say-so First, followed by every other living thing on this Planet!
Trying to find any date is pointless, will happen when least expected and everything seems well! Best one could do is Learn to do what is right the
best One Can. And Stand Up for yourself when the time comes! Plus, should be the Show of a Lifetime anyways! Why Miss It?
Never had to be Perfect, just Giving it your Best, with Your Heart! Would be nice to change the World, yet if one's Heart is only conserned with
Itself. The World would not matter anyways. We might have been given Right's to everything below us. Yet the Key was to Take Care of It as Our
If by Judging Yourself, Do Stand if you know You did give it Your Best when the time comes. Should not Need a God to do it for you. The World would
have you busy trying to find dates, times so somehow you can switch your tune quickly. First comes the 3 days of Darkness to clear out the BS within,
see where work needs to be done in your Life and start doing it.
Plus there is only a few ways a Great Quake could happen. Astroid, Pole shift, Nuke, Super Volcano and last would be we sucked Earth dry of Oil; Blood
and our core heated up so much. The land turned to water.