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Should alcohol and tobacco be illegal ?

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posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by sen5e
I will continue to whistleblow on anyone using pot illegally.

It's an American expression translated to mean "I'll call the cops/feds on you".

Be forewarned immigrants.

Your little negative comment about immigrants - tells us what kind of person you really are.

Get a life and worry about yourself & quit intruding on others beliefs. You're nothing but a snitch. I'm sorry that your life has been so boring & negative that you have to put others down in order to bring yourself up out of that trailer park. Most cops are not concerned with trivial matters like people smoking pot unless it's in an inappropriate place. Cops are there to help people, but when their time is wasted by people like you they're not available for people who need help. I feel sorry for your friends, relatives & neighbors - if you have any.

[edit on 5-12-2004 by outsider]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 05:11 PM
Well said Outsider...we call them dobbers in Australia, as in from the people who agreed with Judas Iscariotes take on Jesus, come the self righteous dobbers...

I hope your proud of yourselves...

The problem with banning what is 'bad' for you is that there is no end to it, no end at all. Practically every field of human endevour is risky on one level or another, so where and who draws the line. There can never be one overweening principle of bad=banned because we'd utterly paralyze society overnight...

Who's going to be the first political party to ban cars because people die from car accidents?

Trust me, It'll never happen...

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 02:28 AM
Just giving my two cents, I personally believe that pot is less harmful in all aspects than cigarettes and/or booze. Making this post right now I am recovering from a massive hangover. I am not trying to be hypocritical though. I do smoke cigarettes and drink. I am heavily addicted to both. I just want to say though that I would give up both in the blink of an eye if offered legalized marijuana as a trade. Cigarettes to me are the most evil thing of all, more addicting than heroin in my opinion. But hey, they make the gaverment all kinds of money annually in the form of an almost 100% tax. I will also say that, yes, marijuana does have an adverse affect on ones motivation, but I believe used in moderation is hardly as harmful as good ol' booze. Anyways, thanks for listening.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 02:39 AM
Every doctor/flight surgeon just about 100% of them belive pot is less harmfull than alcohol. Alcohol is the ONLY drug that when one is physically addicted to it that you better go to the hospital to withdrawl from. It is the ONLY drug that can kill you in withdrawl.

Yes, I know from experience. Its no fun at all. But they load ya up with benzos and pain meds to bring you down. It really sucks if you PHYSICALLY need alcohol. Not mentaly, that goes on forever. The physical part kills you.

[edit on 12/12/2004 by just_a_pilot]

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:09 AM
Neither should be illegalized on the basis that it's bad for you.

Red meat, excessive sugar, soda, motorized vehicles (cars, planes, trains, boats, etc), all of these are bad for you. Should these be illegal as well?

Not brushing your teeth, jumping from the top of a house, not bathing, should all of this be illegal? It's all stupid decisions, and dangerous. Should these things be outlawed?

Making smoking and drinking illegal would be just as bad as the above mentioned items.

(For the record, I do not smoke or drink. I cannot stand the smell of either, and would be quite happy if both were removed from store shelves.)

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:20 AM
Turns out that smoking by laws have been extended in Canada. Places that you were once allowed to smoke (ie restaurants), is now illegal. This whole smoking fad was driving up Ontarios health budget, so the gov't restricted smoking to outside areas only.

Also smoking at popular events is now illegal, as is tobacco advertisement. Packages of cigarettes also contain gruesome images. You see where this is going. With all these laws in effects, not many will start smoking.


As for the beer, if you don't like it don't drink it. Beer has a lot of health benefits when not drinked excessively.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by tebyen
Neither should be illegalized on the basis that it's bad for you.

Red meat, excessive sugar, soda, motorized vehicles (cars, planes, trains, boats, etc), all of these are bad for you. Should these be illegal as well?

Not brushing your teeth, jumping from the top of a house, not bathing, should all of this be illegal? It's all stupid decisions, and dangerous. Should these things be outlawed?

Making smoking and drinking illegal would be just as bad as the above mentioned items.

(For the record, I do not smoke or drink. I cannot stand the smell of either, and would be quite happy if both were removed from store shelves.)

Well in most states not wearing a helmet on a bike or motorcycle is ilegal. Not wearing a seat belt. Going 200 mph on a deserted road in the wee hours of the morning out in the middle of, um , lets say Death Valley with noooo traffic except for the cop who just tried to pull you over.

No pot should not be illegal. Its a herb isn't it? I tried it a couple times and all it did was make me eat Captn Crunch till my mouth was raw and laugh my head off then want to go to bed. hmm Sex was pretty good with it though, the good ol toke n poke.

Cant wait to see what sport legalizing pot will bring. Moonshiners running ilegal booze gave us NASCAR maybe we will have great boat races or a return to the golden air races at Reno or Dayton.

Don't care either way Alcohol was my drug of choice and it was great till it didn't work anymore and untill ya were always sick swear ya wont drink again. You cannot just quit. The body itself now NEEDS alcohol or you have a darn good chance of dying. Dont think pot will do that. I KNOW POT won't do that. I cant think of any other drug than alcohol that will. Of course they hook you on benzodiazapiens which is alcohol in a pill to your head and getting off those is like a month long mild hangover but it still wont kill you coming down.

Nope, Tried to take alcohol away, just keep selling it. I still think about it but now IM SCARRREEDDDD of it. Thank god and Im not religious.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 02:16 PM
Aye, I'm aware of those laws as well Just_a_pilot. I've never been a supporter of them, even though I do buckle up when I'm in a vehicle and wear a helmet when on a bike.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 02:29 PM
I don't ride but I would wear a helmet. THE only reason I can think of that seat belts and helmets should be laws is not to protect the crazy loon who doesn't want a brain bucket and the person who doesn't want to wear a seat belt. But what if you cause an accident because a pebble hit you in the eye on your bike without goggles or helmet on? Your fault? Should be. What about if you have to abruptly manuever your car and slide across the seat because seat belt and cross traffic and kill someone head on? That should be the law. Not to protect the driver or rider who is just crazy imo not to wear a helmet or use seatbelts but if they kill someone with out using those saftey items. THE SHOULD be held liable and accountable.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by just_a_pilot
I don't ride but I would wear a helmet. THE only reason I can think of that seat belts and helmets should be laws is not to protect the crazy loon who doesn't want a brain bucket and the person who doesn't want to wear a seat belt. But what if you cause an accident because a pebble hit you in the eye on your bike without goggles or helmet on? Your fault? Should be. What about if you have to abruptly manuever your car and slide across the seat because seat belt and cross traffic and kill someone head on? That should be the law. Not to protect the driver or rider who is just crazy imo not to wear a helmet or use seatbelts but if they kill someone with out using those saftey items. THE SHOULD be held liable and accountable.

I don't recall that as being the reason those paticular laws were passed. All of the major compaigns for those laws here in GA were because it was due to the safety of the people who were not wearing a seatbelt or helmet, not because of the safety of others.

Of course this is the state that outlawed genital piercings for females, so who knows.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by just_a_pilot
But what if you cause an accident because a pebble hit you in the eye on your bike without goggles or helmet on?

If you had ever rode a motorcycle you would know that you always wear goggles or glasses. After you forget the first time you won't again because besides the air making you eyes water - the little bits of dust & bugs hurt. It's one of those things you always keep extras around. No doubt helmets are a good thing, but I would rather have the choice. Every once in awhile it's nice to feel the breeze & take that risk - now you have to worry about cop cars when you do.

What about if you have to abruptly manuever your car and slide across the seat because seat belt

Seat belts are good just for that reason, once we lost control in the snow & if not for the seat belts nobody would have been in the drivers seat to correct the car - or the passenger would have been on the drivers lap. Still though I don't agree with the law especially when it's use as an excuse to pull you over. There are times when you don't need a seatbelt & I think we should let people make that choice. It would be more agreeable if only at speeds higher than 35.

Maybe if someone invented easier to use & more comfortable seatbelts it wouldn't be such a big issue.

Somebody must have been smoking pot, because this thread was supposed to be about pot & alcohol.

[edit on 12-12-2004 by outsider]

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 06:58 PM
Oh I agree outsider. If you want to risk your head be my guest. As for a speed limit for seat belt use. Jump ofg a one story building which wont get you velocity close to 35mph and land on your face. Then decide if you want the seatbelt law THAT high. One story is only about 10 feet and velocity is calculated 32fpsps and from 10 feet it will take less than a second. So you must fall from about 51 feet to get to 35mph and I bet it would hurt too.

Um how much pot have you had today? The topic is tobbacco and alcohol

[edit on 12/12/2004 by just_a_pilot]

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:23 PM
Here in Australia we have a place where all the excessive pot smokers go its called Nimbin, there they even have a pot olympics (including joint rolling and bong throwing).
My personal view is that if alchohol was banned people would just start making there own and/or it would go underground into organised crime like 1920's america

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by just_a_pilot

Um how much pot have you had today? The topic is tobbacco and alcohol

Apparently not enough

posted on Dec, 13 2004 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by outsider

Originally posted by just_a_pilot

Um how much pot have you had today? The topic is tobbacco and alcohol

Apparently not enough

Just make sure when you jump you REALLY get HIGH LMAO.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Flange Gasket
As a Christian country we can't very well ban alchohol, thats what the muslims would do...

and we couldn't have that...


posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by Sistinas
No it is not justfied. Either make it all legal or make it all illegal. Its time to stop the favoritism. Fyi I am all for the banning of alcohol and tobacco. Yeah I am saying that as I light up. I have tried to quit for years and everytime I go in public there is someone smoking. I did great once for like almost a year and then I go in public and get stressed. Boom next thing I know I have a pack of smokes in my hand. Now if it was banned then I would not have access to it. I would be smoke free right now. sigh

wrong. it would be banned, you would have to pay much more for it on the street, and you would still be smoking. Tobacco being illegal doesn't rid you of addiction.

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