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Weird California sighting

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posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

Lol. It wasn't me was it? Cause I'm in the same boat you are.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

The one question that keeps popping up in my head as this thread progresses is the why of it all?

It's become fairly obvious we have functioning black ops aircraft, in operational service. Now to my mind, there must be at least two examples of this tech. One is the high level, high speed recon aircraft whose basic premise is high speed, high altitude spying of other countries. The idea of the SR71 was to go over fast and high, so it could either not be intercepted or tracked before it was gone again. This new aircraft would share the same basic principles.

The other is a very specific either nuclear or non-nuclear deterrent bomber/attack aircraft with the same principles. High altitude, high speed, unseen. The same principle that keeps all these world-over nutjobs hands off the triggers is the same principle that you could have a nuclear sub sitting off your coastline with enough firepower to basically end it before you press the shiny red button.

The question is, if these are advanced, Mach 10+ aircraft, why so very advanced compared to the rest of the world's tech? I mean, Russia, China, sure they have most likely never stopped developing tech the way the world is told, but even if they are catching up, where would this tech be in 10 years when they do?

Is there some other, perhaps yet unseen enemy this tech is designed to defeat? I really don't want to broach that subject, a little too exotic even for this thread, but when Zaph said use of this new aircraft is like using a flamethrower to get rid of a cockroach, and this was much more specific, specific to what enemy?
edit on 25/7/2014 by 74Templar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: 74Templar

This tech is more conventional. Some of the exotic weaponry is the kind of thing that could stop any conflict cold, so fast that it's not even funny. This tech is for the average person to eventually see, and for our opponents to see at least somewhat. It's the stuff that we won't ever see that should scare the living hell out of you.

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

That's what I'm saying though. This extreme futuristic-style weaponry that is used against what is essentially third world countries with 40-50 year old tech. I mean the peak of the world's air force these days could be noted to the F16 Block versions, which in itself is 30+ year old tech. Still awesome, but dated compared to the public stuff coming out now. As much as I don't want to the one to say this out loud, this kind of tech could be being developed with a largely more advanced enemy? Even just in case?

One can only assume the kind of tech these black ops craft use is matched by the armoury they use.

The kind of weaponry that could stop a war in a heartbeat would be safe to say either biological or even electrical in nature?

posted on Jul, 25 2014 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: 74Templar

So far none of this has been used in actual combat. Most of it hasn't even reached full capability. This particular aircraft is only just past its initial operational capability. If it had been used, there would have been a lot more destruction.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: 74Templar

Most of our tech used against the third world countries is our low end tech too. F-16s, blackhawk helicopters, tomahawk missiles this stuff is not exactly state of the art. The only tech used close to cutting edge is our surveillance, radar, etc. You will not see the real crazy stuff unless there is another world war. There are current conventional weapons in the U.S. arsenal that can do comparable damage to small nukes. Not all are ready for deployment of course though.

Surveillance is pretty well covered with drones and satellites now, there is not much need for a super high speed/high altitude jet. Nukes are the main threat to the U.S. nuclear missiles deep in silos are hard to take out with the conventional payload a rocket can carry. Lets "assume" we have the technology to know if any other country in the world starts to spin up a nuclear missile. Depending on the missile, launcher, personnel this can take 7-15min once the green light has been given under perfect conditions. After the spin up period there are still several steps to take to actually launch that bird. Lets assume all the personnel involved are 100% committed and not dragging their feet the final sequence will probably take at least 3min under perfect conditions.

The U.S. would have between 10-18minutes to respond to a nuclear missile launch before it leaves the ground. This would require a bunker busting bomb or solid metal rod type ammunition. As well as an insanely fast jet. With strategically placed jets armed correctly the U.S. could have a reasonable chance to blow up a nuke in its own silo before launch. The only other option would be with anti-ballistic missiles where fall out can be a serious issue.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: cosmicts

WHy blow them up in their silos when we can just turn them off? and they can be doen rapidly too. This tech is just that dam good.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 01:13 AM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: BlackDog10

Who says its the govt. Plenty of desperate souls from across the seas fishing for ...anything....any lead. Besides not saying I'm sure thats whats up. Just sayn'

But it is a little uncanny. hit up ats un logged. computer at work, works just fine. log on as bassplyr computer at work starts booting me from ats every few minutes, starts alerting me to spyware. The govs. slicker then that. Maybe theres some desperate guys from across the way storming a dry hole.

I ran into something similar, at about the same time. Reading today's (closed for review) thread from our good friend.

On page 3, internet started crawling while logged in. Closed the browser and reopened, it was better while not logged in. Tried to log in, ATS "server sent no reply" hmm.... Even googling to check if ATS was just down resulted in "SSL Certificate not valid or authentic."


While un-logged, I could read one page at a time, load the next, and then the ATS server was unresponsive. Close the browser, rinse, repeat. Resetting the router did nothing. And no, its definitely NOT my machine. Something was fishy. Never had an incident like this.

Appologies for the late reply, but... A lot has happened in here since my last post on pg 24, I had a quite a bit of catch up reading to do.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58You do know California is a huge state.How about being more specific.What county, what area. Edwards AFB is to near public spaces now.Most testing in California takes place at NAS China Lake. The Navy also has a long runway on isolated San Nicholas island. A lot of testing is done in this area, They will fly from China Lake to San Nicholas and use that air space.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 04:58 AM
Quite the interesting thread here. I live in the desert to ocean corridor down the road a piece and due west of Edwards. I will definitely keep my eyes peeled.

As for the posts regarding website and connection performance, there are mundane and extremely common explanations for each of the scenarios listed. The serving and routing of content across the web is extremely dynamic and there are countless variables that effect data transmission.

As was eluded to above, it is HIGHLY unlikely those with the requisite skills and desire for gaining classified information by forced entry into other systems would be targeting any posters on this site. Unless you happen to be one of the few that work directly on SA programs.

BTW, is there any specific time our girl might mosey on through my neighborhood?

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: 74Templar
a reply to: BASSPLYR
The one question that keeps popping up in my head as this thread progresses is the why of it all?
Is there some other, perhaps yet unseen enemy this tech is designed to defeat?

Sort of. Consider how often the balance of regional/world powers changed between say 1900 and 1960, and how quickly and unpredictably those changes occurred.

In fact throughout history there have been innumerable times that a power has achieved a seemingly permanent and unassailable position of pre-eminence in regional/global affairs, before being replaced. The US is special in that it is today's 'top dog', but tomorrow it could be yesterday's, and for many (me included) that's not a pleasant thought. It is therefore unwise to rest on your laurels, satisfied with being just that bit better than everyone else.

It is only sensible to attempt to retain the capacity to snuff out any pretenders should needs must. And because it is difficult to know exactly where we're going to be in 10/50/100 years, it is only sensible to race ahead.

Setting the standard in the 'white' world with everyone else chasing it, whilst moving relentlessly ahead in the 'black' - a bit like holding a midget at arm's length with an arm that grows longer as time goes on - is rather a good strategy, I feel. No pretender can ever feel safe to make a move, because it can never be sure that it has achieved parity. If it does, you can cast off the veil and slap them down.

Just my two pence.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 10:11 AM
Do any of these black projects fly over the Sioux Falls, South Dakota area?

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: RealityTrip

When she comes home, she usually flies late at night/early in the morning. Up and down before the sun.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: TStoops88

They had one hiding in a remote city in Montana, so yes, I'd say they probably do. I've seen one flying over Wyoming heading east, so keep your eyes open, you might see something.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

What about the Omaha area?

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: TStoops88

There has been one seen over Wyoming heading towards Nebraska several times. That one was fun to see. Sucker is FAST. And quiet.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Anything exotic ever go over Northern Michigan? From what I've heard, the B-1s are still using Hog and Garden Islands in Lake Michigan for simulated low approach target practice every so often. I know that's not as exotic, but still something I'd like to see. I remember watching a B-1 doing touch and goes out of Selfridge once. Pretty amazing.

Also, years ago I was told a story about strange craft collecting water from Lake Michigan in the same area. I believe that was to the south (less populated) end of Beaver Island. But that was really years ago, so no idea on the credibility of that or if I'm remembering it correctly.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: cmdrkeenkid

This beast may occasionally, going in or out, but nothing that I know of that regularly tests up in that area.

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Makes sense. Not much of anything that goes on in this area!

I'll keep my eyes peeled anyway. I'm excited to be fully moved up here, buy a nice new telescope, and get back into stargazing. Not even a ten minute drive to some of the darkest skies in Michigan. (But enough about that, I'll let the thread get back on topic.)

posted on Jul, 26 2014 @ 05:09 PM
Oh screw it, what about Seattle area?

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