originally posted by: sputniksteve
I can't quote everyone, but you all just blew my mind with those explanations thank you. I am so far away from reality, I just assumed that thing
would float around and shoot rail guns. I had no idea that was the weapon itself, it makes a lot more sense now. This is all very cool stuff.
Could this be used as a kinetic weapon for something on earth, if it was stationary? Could you "shoot" it at a building and use it like a man made
meteor or something?
You CAN use rail guns on Earth!
They just need enough POWER and Rail Length
to create the desired kill energy!
Kinetic Energy Kill means using Inertia and Mass to effect
a designated stop-action outcome on a given target!
There are three ways to increase the ability
to stop a fast moving object via kinetic kill!
a) Increase Mass
a) Increase Velocity
c) Increase Both Mass and Velocity
I like Option-C so Tungsten rods (which has near the same density as Gold)
is an ideal material to give some WEIGHT/MASS to a moving projectile.
Also add in some SPEED using a linear induction coil system
where the caveat is that you need REALLY FAST DISCHARGE,
HIGH CURRENT capacitors so you can QUICKLY PULSE linear
inductions fast enough to launch a project at a high velocity.
Based upon our parent company's tests, they needed a
240 Kilowatt generator and at least 80 feet to get a projectile
past 30,000 KPH (20,000 MPH). Using a multi-state nano-second
discharge capable transcapacitor setup where three high-current
capacitors discharge nano-seconds apart into one coil, they could
get a 4 foot long tungsten rod with closely-spaced copper coil
rings as sheething under ceramic heat reistant coating, to PAST
100,000 KPH (60,000 MPH) over a linear induction system
that was 250 feet in length. With higher currents and better
coils, a linear induction rail length was estimated to be able
to be brought down to less than 80 feet for 100,000 KPH
velocities !!!! That is mountable on a large Boeing 747
aircraft and/or a large enough warship or
an orbiting satellite system !!!
The 160,000 KPH (100,000 MPH) velocity I alluded to earlier
was a theoretical simulation done on a high speed computer
showing that aerodynamic friction issues start mathematically
SQUARING at those velocities and electrical discharge currents
requiring a quadrupling of power! It starts getting ridiculous when
you need a MASSIVE 2.4 MEGAWATT gas turbine generator for a
linear induction coil-based rail gun!
That said, some enterprising Do It Yourself
builders have built their OWN rail gun systems:
See here:
DIY Rail Gun Field test:
DIY Rail Gun 6x6 Wheeled Tank:
If anyone needs a good DIY Rail Gun design, I've got a few
with some parts sources and build-designs. Mine are a bit
more on the expensive side, but they ARE much more
POWERFUL than those detailed above because I've got
CATIA and MAYA for 3D modelling and some CAD/CAM/FEA
simulation software to make it work on a computer first
before machining! It also helps to have EBM (Electron Beam Machining)
powder deposition 3D printers in the shop allowing me
to get any part in just a few hours! I know that's not
fair to brag like that about our gear...but it IS nice to
have around!
We use a version of this machine for the smaller and
finer pieces because of its high-quality surface finish:
This is our other EBM printer for the bigger pieces!
Sciaky's Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM™) Solution
Outine of the Differences between EMB (Electron Beam Machining)
and DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering)
Steps to an easy and great 3D machining or 3D-printing job:
use Coreldraw to draw an overhead plan view of EACH of
the X-axis (Horizontal), Y-axis (vertical) and Z-axis (Depth)
planes of your 3D object.
Export each overhead X,Y or Z-axis plan view object as
a spline-curve-based object (use Adobe Ilustrator file export)
which is then imported into Maya, Softimage, Lightwave or Blender.
Then EXTRUDE each X, Y and X-axis plan-view object into a separate
3D object. Now MERGE all the extruded plan-views using a Boolean
AND, OR, XOR or NOT-based Merge, Exclude or Sculpt operation
which will add, remove or keep the intersecting portions of the
individual extrusions to form a SINGLE 3D-object that keeps
only the parts you need.
Clean up your edges, and curves and maybe do a polygon-count divide
(i.e. make a smoother object by increasing the number of polygons or curves)
Then use the PARTICLE ANIMATION portion of Maya, Softimage, Lightwave or
Blender so that the small particles (i.e. as smoke or water) will collide with
and flow into or around the parts of the 3D object and record that animation
to multiple viewpoints as an MPEG-4 animation (use at least a 60 to 240 frames
per second output frame rate or make your particle animation in-between
frames of a HIGHER count (i.e. 240 in-between frames per key frame)
This will result in a slow-motion aerodynamic and/or hydrodynamic
simulation of air or water going around and/or into or through your object.
That will give you an idea if you need to make CHANGES to your basic design
BEFORE you do an expensive 3D print to Titanium, Aluminum, Steel, Ceramic or Glass.
After you have cycled through multiple iterations THEN do a final export
to a file format (DXF or Inventor, etc) that can be imported by for
CAD/CAM/FEA software such as Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD,
CATIA, Solid Edge, Solidworks, etc.
THEN do an FEA (Finite Element Analysis) for thermal loads,
aerodynamic and/or hydrodynamic loads, mechanical stresses
for shear, torsion, tensile and compressive and expansive loads.
Then output your G-code file for final 3D-printing!
I hope that helps !!!!
edit on 2016/10/20 by StargateSG7 because: sp