Well, I hope this is an ok place to post this as I can’t start a new thread yet, and I don’t think this really deserves its own thread in any
case. These are just the suppositions of someone new to the rabbit hole, and I hope you all can correct me where I’m going wrong (within the limits
of what can be posted safely of course, no need for orange jumpsuits here!)
-The “Green Lady” is a very high speed, high altitude manned platform. Very cool to see, might be confused with a meteor.
-The Wichita and Amarillo sightings/photos are two different platforms, one which is possibly grey (?) the other is black and will stay that way for
the foreseeable future?
-There is a companion aircraft to the F-117 that is still black and will likely stay that way forever, unless her mission gets taken over by another
platform, and even then, might stay black.
-There have been multiple technology demonstrators/one offs over the (many) years that are still black and will likely stay that way. They are either
in a museum at groom lake, buried, or blown up (on purpose.)
-We (humans) have damn near silent/totally silent depending on the platform black (or other colours, or “invisible”) triangles that can hover, and
go very, very, very fast. The ability to hover and go fast might not be the same platform, I’m not sure. If you think about 6th generation fighters,
these are “9th generation or beyond” for lack of a better term. Many, many, years in advance of the white world.
-We have space capabilities far beyond anything the average joe could imagine (Going by stories and individual posts from a certain member who hung up
his boots in 2014, you know who I mean.)
Are there any I'm missing? Are there any projects scheduled to go grey/white soon minus the LRS-B?
Hell, none of this is probably correct, but I’m doing my best to circumnavigate the few rabbit holes I have found so far. Am I even sort of in the
right ballpark Zaphod/BASSPLYR/etc…those who are much more experienced than I?
Also, if anyone who reads this could point me in the direction of interesting threads, rabbit holes, and posts related to the black world of aircraft
(and beyond) I would really appreciate it. I’m trying to learn as much as I can, by reading between the lines, and putting together little bits and
pieces, to try and form a bigger picture.
Thanks for the help and again, I apologise if this is an inappropriate place to post this