posted on May, 27 2003 @ 10:43 PM
I figured I would add a stupid little bio of my stupid little self...
I live in Arizona and have lived a difficult life which has made me an angry person. I have some interesting Obesssive Compulsive Disorders, Anxiety
Disorders and Dependancy Issues...and that's, ok...
My family has a history of drug abuse and mental illness, so the outlook for my future is about as bright as Bush the Pretzeldent.
I love/hate all things in life, things I call the perfect imperfections. I tend to be dark and moody, but I find humor in such things. Most people
tend to stay away from me and evidently I don't make friends very often (i.e. never)
Music, books, movies, learning, drawing and writing are my passions. I live for my girlfriend and my passions, all other things are secondary--work
isn't much of an accomplishment for me, except for trying to improve myself as a person, which takes some serious work.
So there you have it, take what you will, learn what you can, and try not to vomit.