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I have no idea where the 12 strands comes into play, nor do I know of 12 dimensions.... I know Brian Greene and other physicists have postulated 9 dimensional subatomic dimensions.
For every gene set there may be a meme set. Where a meme is a
set of semiotic signs, symbols, meanings, beliefs, instincts, cultural patterns, spiritual patterns, archetypes. In spiritual terms, there are postulated, 12 strands of DNA, which extend into the other 12 dimensions of the reality.
It is said in myths that human beings once had 12 strands of DNA hundreds
of thousands of years ago, and that the DNA was lost due to genetic experimentation or due to changes in the environment and body.
While it's true that changes in the DNA code, RNA message, or disruptions in translation can disrupt the activities of cells, only changes in the DNA will affect the organisms long term survival, provided the disruption isn't extended. However, I am not sure that nucleotides absorb very strongly in the IR spectrum. I do know that nucleotides absorb very strongly in the UV spectrum, and that UV light can damage DNA. However the IR spectrum is considerably lower in energy, and IMO it is questionable whether or not it contains sufficient energy to even penetrate the cell to cause damage. Basically this individual is proposing using a heat ray to alter DNA. Heat will destroy other vital cell components prior to destroying DNA.
Genetic traits in human beings can easily be changed by means of infrared lasers which mutate either the gene nucleotides, the rna template, or the process of transcription of a proteins (polypetide sequence).
The interferometry part may be true, while I am not a physicist, certainly interference patterns are capable of altering wavelengths, however this dude has a serious problem. he states: "for gene modification of the nucleotide one only needs sound waves, gravity waves, or light waves in the range of 10^-9." I am not sure that sound waves have a wavelength of 10^-9, to my knowledge the concept of 'gravity waves' is speculative at best, and light waves in the 10^-9 m range hitting us all the time everday, they're called X-rays (.1nM-100nM) UV radiation (~100- ~400nM), visible light (~400-700nM), and Infared radiation (~700-~1000nM). Incidentally, these waves originate from space. Why are we not harmed by them? Because of our atmosphere. No man made device shown on this guy's website is capable of producing enough radiation to get through the atmosphere and affect you. This death ray already exists, has existed for thousands, perhaps millions, and some would say billions of years, it's called the Sun.
By the process of interferometry, sound waves, and infrared waves can be mixed to create wavelengths down to 10^-40, and for gene
modification of the nucleotide one only needs sound waves,
gravity waves, or light waves in the range of 10^-9. For
modifying the transcription process from an RNA messenger to
the protein synthesis, one only needs sound waves or light
waves down to the size of the amino acid of protein which is 3
times the size of a genes nucleotide.
Also the technique of inserting genetic material into a body through the skin, is called telephoresis , and has been around since the time of the
convenant of the arc, where the arc was a radionic device which
transmitted sound or gravity waves in the form of genetic templates through the skin.
My thought was that if this is all true than evolution is nothing more than the result of the suns mutagenic properties.
Well, my personal opinions re: evolution notwithstanding, I would be willing to say that I understand the theory of evolution at a level far above that of the average person.
Do you really know how evolutin works?
If radionics from the sun low band energy waves is not part of it maybe the gravity feild is on earth, what if it is simply ionic radioation from our own atmosphere, maybe its the northern lights my point is that we can speculate all we want on this for a very long time radionics is classified by some as pseudoscience
and is a new and emerging technology so who know whats its natural effects are in history present and past if you or anyone else feels the need to inform me either u2u me a good site or post a reply with a good link as mine is sketchy, im very interested, and i just got home from the vets and i have been up since 10:30 yesterday since i work the graveyard shift. I really havent had time to do an in depth research line on it as im also preparing to research a graveyard thats really freaky i posted the subject in the parnormal studies by the way. But im very interested in this radionics so if anyone finds a good link im gonna print pages of it and read it on break at work and while im here on the computer.
Originally posted by Der Kapitan
It is my understanding that radiation of any type can cause rise to genetic mutation, from high tension wires to cell phones to cathode ray tubes just like the ones we are all perched before. So these statments are no real revelation.
Originally posted by Magickesists
Yeah i just woke up after like 4 hours of sleep and i have to go to work again for the graveyard shift. sometimes my posts don't make to much sense. but im kinda practicing my typing lately as i have suggested a debate for the debat forum about ignorance and knowledge. Stay tuned to the debates.
As for gravity affect dna or rna im sure it could be possible because gravity may just be a wavelength of energy and if water is one of the heavier substances on earth then i would be inclined to believe that water would absorb a great deal of it thus the possibility that dan strands may be alteredt very slightly and slowy over a period of a very large amount of years. the same way dirt settles in the ground after you have filled a whole or a bag of chips settles and looks half full. but instead the dna structure floating around in your body may be losing one small peice here and it drifts downward to another and voila mutant gene. Highly speculative here just having a thought... it hurt.... LOL