posted on Jun, 25 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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You really think our economic problems are simply people not being paid what they are worth? LOL Seriously that is the most oversimplification of a
very complex issue I think I've ever heard. Not only that, it's not even remotely accurate as to why our economy has been circling the drain for
the last 30+ years. QE, ZIRP, our pathetic trade policies, H1B Visas, illegal immigration, Wallstreet corruption, government intervention in the RE
market, cheap government subsidised college loans, etc. etc.
Labor is a commodity…..plain and simple. Do you understand what that means? In a capitalistic economy people aren't supposed to be paid what they
are worth. Labor is traded like anything else and people are willing to do a job based on what the market demand and price is. Labor is simply an
input cost for businesses. That is why unions are important. However, the problem with unions is we don't need more JOBS in America……WE NEED
MORE WEALTH CREATION! Every idiot in every corner of society and government keeps talking about jobs jobs jobs………BS! More jobs just leads to
more lemmings and wage slavery. We need ASSET AND WEALTH creation among Americans. We need a union for WEALTH! Meaning every American should be
getting wealthier and there should be MORE CAPITAL for everyone to go around. However, we live in a state of constant crony capitalism.
America needs more small business creation, we need more support at the entrepeneurial level, we need more responsible and efficient allocation of
capital. Every single American has the chance to be their own mini capitalist. We need broad based ownership of capital markets and stocks/bonds
etc. Let the chips fall where they may with real estate. Screw the banks! Screw baililng out Wallstreet! And also we need to put the kabosh on
illegal immigration!
I could go on and on. Every aspect of our economy nowadays is subsidized or manipulated by GOVERNMENT which has allowed corporations the become
overwhelmingly powerful to the point where they have undermined our democracy and hijacked our ability to have a representative government that has
the people's best interests. Corporate America in now way reflects capitalism. Thats why I get so sick and tired of people screaming capitalism is
the root of all evil. WE don't have a capitalist economy and probably haven't for a long long time. If allowed to function as its supposed to and
if there are certain natural and societal mechanisms in place to control redistribution of capital and allocation capitalism is a beautiful thing. We
have a fascist government that exists to grow the corporate wallstreet slave economy we are living in right now.
Everybody wanted to bash Ron Paul as the kooky old racist weird guy. Well you know what he might have been all those things…….SO WHAT? He was
the ONLY candidate talking about REAL reform and talking about the most important aspect of our economy, THE FED and either auditing it or completely
abolishing it. He views weren't perfect but they were a point in the right direction. If we don't change this infinite power of being able to
print money out of thin air nothing will ever change.
Anyways, GDP in Q2 will probably be as bad or a little better so that says we are in a recession when you add them together. Wallstreet NEEDS to tank
and so does real estate. The sooner it happens to sooner we can get back to a proper recovery.
And Obama has been the worst economic disaster this country has ever seen. He knows NOTHING about business or running an economy. Yellen will be a
complete disaster like Bernanke.