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The Philadelphia Project - possible evidence

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posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 01:19 PM
I remember reading this story on ATS a few months back. I thought nothing of it other then "that would be cool". Well the other day when I was reading on the boards, someone mentioned this story once again. However, this time I noticed something which made me go crazy and my mind just could not stop wandering. I realized that where the ship supposedly "appeared" is where my uncle works. He used to live here in California and work for the Navy I guess I am not too sure... my mom just said he worked on ships. Well when I was young... (8-10) years ago he moved to Virginia for work purposes. I guess he works on subs and is some type of nuclear physicist? But I know there is only 3 other people in the entire world who do what he does. I was thinking since he is so high up and has worked for the navy since he was 16-18 years old... and now he works where this project supposedly took place? I was thinking he might possibly know something about it. What pissed me off though is that didn't this happen in 1943 or something? I doubt he was even alive haha? I will have to ask my mom about the details but over thanksgiving I told her this philadelphia project story and she sounded really interested. I was thinking if I came up with like a really good question then I will have my mom ask him because I'd be too nervous too haha. Let me know what you think.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 01:48 PM
hmm, I don tknow, if he is that high up then he will be under the secret act. or something similar. YOu could always ask him, but until there is possible proof its still just a theory.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:18 PM
Ya I am not saying I even think this happened but it is a pretty nice coinsidence so why not ask him just for the hell of it. Ofcourse it would be classified but dont you think he would be a bit startled from his own sister and his nephew (my mom and i) wondering about this?

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 10:11 PM
You've got nothing to lose by asking, I think, unless your grandfather's going to think less of you for might be better off asking it like:

"hey grandpa, you won't believe the crazy things that are on the internet..."
"like what, sonny..."
"aliens, ufos, all kinda stuff, heck, even something about a place i thought you worked...philadelphia-experiment-something-or-other about disappearing boats or something..."

and see what his reaction is from there. if he was privy to classified information, he might not feel keen about sharing it (cause,leaking classified info is illegal pretty much always illegal, and not something most people with access to it do much; why do you think most of it stays secret...), even with his grandson, and thus taking an indirect approach might have better results.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 10:58 PM
Yeh i'd ask him, but as mentioned by sisonek....Don't just blurt it out, sort of sneak your way in.. would love to hear his response to it.

posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 08:36 AM
I have to say I like your guys approach to the whole matter, the physcological route ! I should havce thought of it

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