posted on Jun, 24 2014 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to:
ironic - You tell me not to fall for "MSM" propaganda, without even asking where I got my info from - then repeat what I have been saying since this
all began. Trust me, I'm quite well appraised of "the facts".
It is also ironic you then call me to use "reason and logic", which is precisely what I have done with the information I have, when you yourself
have not applied any reason or logic, instead reaching for some uber-conspiracy that, when you take it apart, makes no sense whatsoever and is so
convoluted that it would be too outlandish for a plot of 24.
Saudi and the Gulf States have been sending money/arms to the more fundamentalist sections of the Syrian War for years, precisely so they can topple
the Alawite regime - which is an offshoot of the Shia, hence Iranian support - because of geo-political chess games in the region and an effort to
subdue (or even wipe out) those sections of Arab/Islamic society which they deem to be heretical, furthering their stranglehold on the region.
You claim your rant is backed up with facts and logic, but I don't see evidence of either. Just the same old "evil West/puppet" crap. Think about
it - if the US wanted to control Iraq, why leave? ISIS would have had no chance had even a single Marine Expeditionary Force been left in Baghdad,
much less any more troops, but Obama pulled out because of the anti-War rhetoric being chanted by persons such as yourself claiming, at the time, it
was all a plot to "control the Oil".
Basically, now that little theory hasn't panned out, the mantra has switched to the US being behind ISIS to "destabilise" the region - to what
end? It makes no sense at all and for someone so keen on "reason and logic" you seem to lacking in both.