posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 03:15 PM
Buckeye Buster II
August 21, 2011 at 7:37am
News Flash:
West Virginia wins border skirmish with Ohio.
recent debates over the state border limits between the two states over the placement of the state boundry led to open conflict recently. ohio, long
claiming all control over the entire river named after it, opened the hostilities by having National Guard units toss hand grenades over the river at
troops on the south bank.
Reports indicate that the fighting did not last long, however , as West Virginia Guardsmen, long contenders that the state lines ran the middle of the
river, promptly picked the grenades up off the banks, ran them out to the middle of the bridges spanning the river, pulled the safety pins from the
grenades, and threw them back..
For those who missed it...or ignored it.