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Helping myself

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posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 12:01 PM
First of all, I�d just like to say that I really, really enjoy reading this forum - it�s the best website there is for discussing a wide range of subjects. So I really appreciate all that is done in here.

Now, as you may have noticed I put the topic title �Helping myself� this goes into a lot of complicated stuff. Firstly, anxiety... I�ve had anxiety since I was really small and I�ve struggled like many other people with this problem, a great deal, to do the things we consider �normal� such as going out, making friends, and any form of social-interaction. For years I knew something was wrong, and I lived my life in fear. But only as I�ve got older, I have managed to understand it more. As you probably would�ve guessed/known, usually with anxiety comes depression. Depressed about yourself, life and just not enjoying anything you used to do. I�ve been tackling this problem for the past 2yrs as I�ve become more aware of it, it�s been hard and I�m still trying to tie it down to a level that isn�t out of control. I�ve been offered medication for this, and as I�m very determined to fight this mentally, I turned it down.

Basically, as I�ve become aware tackling this problem and trying to find the route to the causes of my anxiety, I have found some form of supernatural connection. There will be times I can have very vivid dreams, so vivid that at times seem so unbelievably real, making it difficult to differentiate reality and dreaming. Usually after a dream, I�ll find either next week or a few days later, it will become reality, but not in the same way I exactly remember. For example, location will be different but the events will be the same. I however don�t get this on a daily or weekly basis, more like 2-3 times every-so-many-months.

Recently I�ve had dreams about my dog, who right now has bad arthritis in his legs. I�ve been dreaming he will die and also I have been seeing the impact my dog�s death will have on me. I see myself incredibly upset and depressed and me taking the medication I refused from the start. I know some of you probably are thinking: �It�s just a dog get over it�. My dog to me is like a person and a member of the family and as I mentioned earlier I�ve found it difficult to make friends. Over the years, my dog has been there, he�s been the only friend who has been there for me. His gentle character seems so unique and special, that he would seem like an angel trapped inside an animal�s body. I hope this doesn�t happen. I cannot comprehend the impact it will have on me. I am very close to my dog. These dreams scare me so much, I dwell too much on �what�s next�.

Perhaps someone is observing me, feeding me these things I see. I do not know. Is it for good or is it for bad? I do not know. So many questions, and such little answers, I still cannot find.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 12:14 PM
From what I can tell, Your dreams are based on your fear of losing the dog
You are scared that you best friend will leave you, and any of us who have dogs will understand that... and that they are like a member of the family and losing one is just as bad as losing a loved one,

But you need to get yourself together, enjoy the time you have with him now. If you spend it worrying that he will die then you are losing time with him that could be fun,

You also need to try and get these thoughts of your mind, One day you will lose your dog, unfortunately they do not live as long as us humans,

Just make your time with him the best,

You need to find ways to calm yourself down, try relaxing music before bed etc,

Also about the dreams that come true, yes this can be scary when you think that it may be the same for your dog, But I would try not to associate the two,

Again just enjoy the time you have with him...

I hope that all works out well for you as I can tell how scared you are by just reading your post,
Im sure other members will have some good advice for you x


posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 12:22 PM
First, don't worry about if something is good or bad - be thankful for the insite. The more you work on the anxiety and stress, the more likely you will have more of these telling dreams. Then again, it could be a time of your life you need 'extra help' and are recieving it in this way.
Reguardless - I'm guessing the real issue here is the death of the dog.

1st, stop thinking and dwelling on it. Intent, will...the power of the mind is an awsome thing - few people are aware of just how much depends upon the through and feelings and emotions we have.

2nd. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst - the let it go - completely.
The dog has a painful problem you said. So I don't think you could say that continueing to live on and on to comfort you is the best for the dog. Dogs don't think about or worry about death and the pain of tomorrow. They live in the here and now - for the momment. Now the worst? For you, the worst would be the death of the dog. I understand the lbve you feel for you friend. My animals are not 'just animals' iether. You'll cry, you'll be sad, then you'll be ok again.
It's what you do between feeling sad and lonely and being ok again that counts.

You've already pointed out the outcome you want to avoid. Depression for a while is to be expected and it is normal. You don't need medication for the death of you dog. If you do NEED medication for a condition, that's fine. Do what's best for you mental and physical health.

The issues are seperate and cause and effect. The dog - I'm sorry, but if it's in pain, I think I'd preffer not to think of a pet of mine suffering. I'm sure you feel that way too. For yourself - when issues rize that need attention - we give you that attention and addess what things you personaly need to work on within each issue to become stronger and better for each experience. E-mail me if you need to at some point.

[email protected]

A little energy work on you probably wouldn't hurt :-) Get back to me if you'd like.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 01:32 PM
Thank you for the replies. The reason for me mentioning this as having 'supernatural connections' and having its place in this section is primarily the strange occurrences I have been seeing in my home not to mention the dreams. These being the strange electrical disturbances in my home and well, a strange figure that has emerged in a photo of a lost loved one.

To give you an example of the electrical disturbances that happen; Today, while thinking about what I've recently been dreaming, 2 computers turned off by themselves in my presence and later on, the dining room light dimmed when I entered the room. This is not the only thing I experience. During the night, I wake up sweaty and really hot, feeling like something really hot is on next to my bed. I thought it might be my radiator, but it wasn't on. I wake up feeling a great fear of something, even though I haven't been dreaming at this point (just some kind of deep sleep). The whole atmosphere of my room feels eerie and not mine, seems very unfamiliar, yet nothing in appearance has changed. It's like I feel vulnerable to something and something awakens me, but I never find out what.

Like my strange dreams, these other things don't happen on a daily or weekly basis, they just happen every now and then. I'm fully aware how a person's thoughts can influence their fear, I don't seem to get thoughts, it just happens suddenly. I thought anxiety could be the main cause, but it seems unlikely, as there's no thoughts that occur to stir off anything.

And just to add; my house isn't really old at all - it's about 12yrs old, maybe less. As far as I know, no deaths or anything have happened in this house. So that rules the house out

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 02:04 PM
I just realised I should�ve addressed this at the start. Yes it's understandable that I'm bound to dream and feel what I witness for my dog. But the strange thing is, my dog was fine up till I started having these dreams. After having these dreams, I noticed he was in pain a few days later, so took him to the vet, who concluded he had bad arthritis. Which got me worried. This is how it unfolds... :S

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by Everlasting
Firstly, anxiety... I�ve had anxiety since I was really small and I�ve struggled like many other people with this problem, a great deal, to do the things we consider �normal� such as going out, making friends, and any form of social-interaction.

I don't think this is as abnormal as you may think. I think a lot of people (myself included) spend a good portion of their life working it out. The best approach is to know that you don't have to constantly make other people happy, that if they're going to like you, they should like you for who you are. If they like you because you act 'cool', they'll move along when they find someone else 'cooler'. Try to relax, be you, smile, be friendly, don't worry about messing up, we all do it. If you have a few friends, try going out with them. If you dive on the social scene you have that close friend to say 'oh well, let's hit a movie'.

Originally posted by Everlasting
For years I knew something was wrong, and I lived my life in fear. But only as I�ve got older, I have managed to understand it more. As you probably would�ve guessed/known, usually with anxiety comes depression. Depressed about yourself, life and just not enjoying anything you used to do. I�ve been tackling this problem for the past 2yrs as I�ve become more aware of it, it�s been hard and I�m still trying to tie it down to a level that isn�t out of control. I�ve been offered medication for this, and as I�m very determined to fight this mentally, I turned it down.

Good for you! You're strong enough to do this without drugs. Depression is a natural progression. If you can find something you enjoy, incorporate more people. If you like playing computer games, get a 2-player and invite a friend. Try something you haven't before to see how it goes. Join a martial art or theatre group. Challenge what you do on a daily basis, try to get to the next level.

Originally posted by Everlasting
Basically, as I�ve become aware tackling this problem and trying to find the route to the causes of my anxiety, I have found some form of supernatural connection. There will be times I can have very vivid dreams, so vivid that at times seem so unbelievably real, making it difficult to differentiate reality and dreaming.

I've experienced this too. It was important and kept me awake spiritually.

Originally posted by Everlasting
Usually after a dream, I�ll find either next week or a few days later, it will become reality, but not in the same way I exactly remember. For example, location will be different but the events will be the same. I however don�t get this on a daily or weekly basis, more like 2-3 times every-so-many-months.

Pay attention to these. Don't let it rule your life or your fate, but keep a curious eye and write things down.

Originally posted by Everlasting
Recently I�ve had dreams about my dog, who right now has bad arthritis in his legs. I�ve been dreaming he will die and also I have been seeing the impact my dog�s death will have on me. I see myself incredibly upset and depressed and me taking the medication I refused from the start.

I'd say stop. I've had a number of family and friends on medication: Zoloft, Prozac, Lithium, none of it helped. Your dog sounds like your closest friend, somehow someway you need another person to talk to. U2U me if you can't find anyone nearby, need someone to talk to, or want a guide. I'll do my best to help.

Originally posted by Everlasting
Perhaps someone is observing me, feeding me these things I see. I do not know. Is it for good or is it for bad? I do not know. So many questions, and such little answers, I still cannot find.

You're right that you're being observed but not by a person in particular.

Also, don't let this site drag you down. There's a lot of talk about the end of the world, conspiracies, evil motives, and such. It's hard walking away from it some days when you see what some people will say a do. There's a lot of good out there and ways of tapping into it.

posted on Dec, 1 2004 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Everlasting
a strange figure that has emerged in a photo of a lost loved one.

I'd like to know more. Does it have shape, is it a person, how does it make you feel, etc. ?

Originally posted by Everlasting
To give you an example of the electrical disturbances that happen; Today, while thinking about what I've recently been dreaming, 2 computers turned off by themselves in my presence and later on, the dining room light dimmed when I entered the room. This is not the only thing I experience. During the night, I wake up sweaty and really hot, feeling like something really hot is on next to my bed. I thought it might be my radiator, but it wasn't on. I wake up feeling a great fear of something, even though I haven't been dreaming at this point (just some kind of deep sleep). The whole atmosphere of my room feels eerie and not mine, seems very unfamiliar, yet nothing in appearance has changed. It's like I feel vulnerable to something and something awakens me, but I never find out what.

This sounds very familiar. A lot of people will try to explain it away or say it's in your head. I don't want to go into it on the public board but am willing to offer advice.

Originally posted by Everlasting
And just to add; my house isn't really old at all - it's about 12yrs old, maybe less. As far as I know, no deaths or anything have happened in this house. So that rules the house out

Bingo! It doesn't have to do with the house. It looks like you're entering into a spiritual warfare as I did at one time. Stay strong.

[edit on 1-12-2004 by saint4God]

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 02:09 PM
Well, about the photo... it's not exactly a figure of an actual person, it seems more of a white light stretching across it, with a face.

As for feelings about it... hmm I'd have to say I find it quite creepy, mainly because I have actually seen things at night that do resemble this thing in the photo. I�ve been seeing this thing less and less at night recently and I think it�s because I�ve been thinking about it more. It seems the less I think about it, the more I see it.

[edit on 3-12-2004 by Everlasting]

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 02:59 PM
Can you post the picture? I'd be curious as to how morphus the face is, reaction, and such.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 01:41 PM
I'm not sure if I could... I mean it's a family photo, if I was seen scanning it, people wouldn't be very happy. A few people in my family know of this strange occurence in the photo now.

I'll see what I can do.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 02:35 PM
Sorry, I meant image crop the white light with face image. Didn't mean to suggest posting family.

[edit on 6-12-2004 by saint4God]

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