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What has happened to our country?

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posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: subtopia
The answer you seek is found in a single word yet is perceived by most in very different ways, resulting in the conflict and chaos our species has a habit of repeating. That word, CONTROL.

Understand control and you will see humanity in an entire new light....

Precisely this, once you understand that you have no true freedom, the rest falls into place. They own you...period. And you are going to blindly do as you're told so that you ignorantly further their agenda.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: ProfessorChaos Remember when Spock said, the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. Right now its the opposite. The needs of the few out weigh the needs of the many. And remember your opinion counts, but only if you keep it to yourself.

edit on 21-6-2014 by Tarzan the apeman. because: yeah

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: ArtemisE

You really have been brainwashed..... Lmao it's funny.

Some one not a complete yahoo wanna point out liberalism is a fairly recent movement. Ww2 was caused by liberals, the civil war was caused by liberals, were the dark ages and plague causd by liberals too?

Listen to something besides right-wing radio. The whole world looks at your type as a bad joke.

Liberal are the inheritors or the warfare welfare state. They are the same family as the progressives and socialists. The progressives favor big government in order to solve problems, as do the socialists as do the liberals. People are people, the progressives of yesterday would be the liberals of today. All big government users are congruent with liberals, modern liberals.

Big government needs a central bank. All liberals, that is modern liberals, are in favor of a central bank because it is needed to finance big government debt.

The government and its clients use the debt money to educate the voters, who in turn vote for bigger government.

It lasts until it doesn't.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: Semicollegiate

According to your "American" definitions, I'm a conservative-liberal-socialist-capitalist who swings from both the left side and the right side.

Good luck trying to stuff me into any particular pigeon hole.

Do you now understand the problem with attempting to "define" the human animal ??

It's a fail right from the get go.

Labels haven't been "stretched"... they've been defined and redefined 6000 times. Why ? Because they just simply don't work, ever. Period.

While you Americans are slitting each other's throats with divisive generalizations, the rest of us in other 1st world nations are sitting in our lawn chairs drinking a cold bubbly savouring the sounds of silence.

Nyiah nailed it perfectly when she said:

No doubt the rest of the world looks at us in the WTF sense on many levels

That's exactly what we're doing.

It's a shame you guys haven't woken up from this slumber yet... but we'll all be here keeping the beer cold and the bacon sizzling for you, for when you do.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: CranialSponge

Well maybe America isn't like everywhere else.

(They want to make us like Europe)

I would have guessed that you are a liberal-capitalist with comfortable income, the default guess applied to non-libertarians. Mostly because you seem content more or less with the current situation. Which is a liberal situation. A wise choice actually.

Labels save a lot of typing. A weak net around the idea. Grain of truth and all that.

edit on 21-6-2014 by Semicollegiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 04:46 PM
What had to be said about the actual topic in question has already been said by many posters. I just wanted to say though, that I was extremely amused at the OP. First at the title 'What has happened to OUR COUNTRY', which implies the OP believes or assumes that all ATSers are from the SAME country. lol. Then I was amused about the fact that the OP never even mentions in the post WHICH country he assumes all ATSers are from and which he talk about. Like it's just obvious and understood. Like there is just one country in the whole world, duh. Only thru specifics in the content (and the 'my country is the only country in the whole world' attitude majorly) did I know what country is being talked about.

Also, the line

This is how I view the world that we currently live in.

seems to seal the deal pretty well. Of course everything stated in the post is a perspective on the WHOLE WORLD as we know it.

Please don't conclude that what I said here is expressive of any lack of respect for the people of any country. But SOME people from ONE PARTICULAR country seem to talk this way a lot. And I do know MANY that don't. But seems to me many still need to deny ignorance on a more basic level.

ATS is open to people world wide as a forum. Lets not forget that. And when speaking to a large audience, lets learn to respect that fact and speak accordingly. The OP obviously meant no harm. But I'm a little surprised at how often this happens.

Sorry for going off topic... I'd rather address it where I see it, than make a whole thread about it.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: ProfessorChaos
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Thank you for replying on topic. The derailment is in full effect, at the moment.

Left, Right, the point is, Our freedoms are being destroyed, and we're now WAY behind where we were on this issue forty years ago.


"Shhhhh. Here they aren't called communists.
In America we call them progressives." N. Khrushchev, 1960

Then they came for the Republicans, and bribed the Austrians
with hot money and imperial presidencies.
Hell FDR threatened to pack the Supreme Court with communists
unless Congress let him have his way with the New Deal, and
all the new "free stuff". He was on a mission: and not Stalin, Mao,
and Hitler put together could do to this republic what he did.

I'm convinced that for a change the Harvard Law School got it
right a year ago, when the US government was described best as
characteristic of a fascist oligarchy.

And Lincoln? The country's first RINO, and from the body count
a really dangerous one. Long live the corporation and meat
grinder now called the UNITED STATES. We ALL slaves now, baby.
You think otherwise read that 14th again... and the Civil Rights
Act of 1867. "In politics, nothing happens by accident." FDR

I fully agree, the label doesn't mean anything compared to the
poison... and it's plain and simple evil. Name it anything you like.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: Semicollegiate
a reply to: CranialSponge

Well maybe America isn't like everywhere else.

(They want to make us like Europe)

I would have guessed that you are a liberal-capitalist with comfortable income, the default guess applied to non-libertarians. Mostly because you seem content more or less with the current situation. Which is a liberal situation. A wise choice actually.

Labels save a lot of typing. A weak net around the idea. Grain of truth and all that.


I'm a conservative-liberal-socialist-capitalist... I lick both sides of the coin.

And yes, I'm comfortable in my own skin... and comfortable with everyone else being in their own skins even if it's nothing like my own.

The problem with America, in my unimportant non-American opinion, is that your government is extremely divisive and this faulty mentality bleeds down to the masses which then causes the peoples to be at each other's throats and further dividing amongst themselves.

You would find other 1st world nations' politics ("European" or not) to be very boring because it's not as cut-throat and "left/right wing" as yours is.

Politics divides and religion divides. Your government thrives on both.

In fact, they've got it down to a science.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: CranialSponge

The problem with America, in my unimportant non-American opinion, is that your government is extremely divisive

Both sides make the government bigger, both sides get what they want, as long as what they want makes the government bigger, so the divisiveness is an illusion, intentional or not, or more likely, to quote Rush Limbaugh, "showbiz for ugly people". Lots of drama.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Semicollegiate

Yes, lots of drama.

Some people have opened their eyes to finally realize that both sides are actually one in the same.

And yet here we have on ATS, neverending thread after thread (ad nauseum), of you fine folks bickering amongst one another over red vs blue, left vs right, etc etc.

It's amazing how many of you still continue to eat from the trough of the dog and pony show.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: derfreebie

and bribed the Austrians
with hot money and imperial presidencies

Austrians ?

You mean the Austrian Anschluss in 1938?

Or do you mean trickle down RINOs?

The only legitimate credit money comes from savings and investment.

Fractional reserve money is legalistic counterfeit top 1% money.

edit on 21-6-2014 by Semicollegiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: CranialSponge
a reply to: Semicollegiate

Yes, lots of drama.

Some people have opened their eyes to finally realize that both sides are actually one in the same.

And yet here we have on ATS, neverending thread after thread (ad nauseum), of you fine folks bickering amongst one another over red vs blue, left vs right, etc etc.

It's amazing how many of you still continue to eat from the trough of the dog and pony show.

Possibly all of them are entry level thinkers. Got to start somewhere.

Some people cultivate many years of experience and some people get one year of experience many times.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: darklord

I appreciate your opinion, and thank you for at least giving me the benefit of the doubt that I meant no harm by it.

I was posting while in the midst of an emotional reaction to things I was reading this morning, and unfortunately, I didn't put my feelings to words in the proper context.

I did notice that I referred to the 'world' we live in, but editing it for some reason (probably the emotional angle) seemed disingenuous.
edit on 6/21/2014 by ProfessorChaos because: typo ... oh the irony

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 08:47 PM
It seems to be about control. It is sad and pathetic really. It is getting so no one feels like talking, period...lest one says something not politically correct or wrong in some way by someones standards.

Ever go shopping and notice how folks all seem in a daze, staring ahead, not talking or even acknowledging anyone else is there? I think a lot of that is because nowadays, you never know what you can say, or if you say something anti-govt. or whatever, what will come of it.

I recently saw Brad Pitts World War Z movie and it made me think about how folks act cold, distant, and just look through other folks, staring...maybe we aren't all that far off.

The education system has changed so much. Kids today are taught in very different ways then in the past. They are so controlled the minute they walk on the school ground. Watch what you say, watch what you play, (no more cowboys and Indians games or cops and robbers or whatever. Heaven forbid you bite your food into the shape of a gun. I even heard of an idea of a school having cross dressing day? Say what?

PC is getting so outta hand, soon, no one will feel free to talk about anything, anytime, anywhere....maybe that is the idea.

posted on Jun, 22 2014 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: ArtemisE

Robert Byrd was an exalted cyclops in the KKK and a democrat from 1959 (prior to civil rights) until his death in 2010. So much for the racists switching parties, huh?

And no, the reps didn't sit idly by while dems fought out the civil rights act, reps passed it in '56, only to be tabled by dems. Then in 57 they passed it again. The dems in the senate watered it down to be basically useless.

Those are facts. Dem to Dem from 1959-2010. Coincidence? lol

Oh, and no, the south hasn't "voted republican ever since." Their blind obedience to the democrat party was shaken, due to the infighting, but most southern states went back and forth between rep, dem, and 3rd party for the next couple of decades. It wasn't until the early 80's that they started voting solidly republican. Why the 80's? Crime maybe? (you can look at a states voting history here:
edit on 22-6-2014 by Dfairlite because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-6-2014 by Dfairlite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2014 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: ProfessorChaos
It is only the harbinger that is preparing you for the 2nd inquisition, and 2nd dark age, think about it, this has nothing to do with the press it is the underlying agenda of the controllers that own the press and other mass communication methodology, I will tell you this I have been around many discussions over the years where I have had to sit there and bite my tongue so there is nothing new in regards to what people say when others are around that might find what they say offensive, and I don't have the thinnest skin either, what it is coming down to is preparation for the noahide laws and guillotines, I guarantee that is what is coming next, where every single thing you do or say will be triple parsed for your true beliefs, religious and moral standard, if it is judged to be tilting the scales of justice you will be subject to beheading.

posted on Jun, 22 2014 @ 10:13 AM

What has happened to our country?

It fell into a hellish dimension and we need serious help getting it out!

posted on Jun, 22 2014 @ 08:12 PM
Obamas awful divisive behavoir has not helped Congress whatsoever.Just further divided them.Hurting the countrys relationships and the war on terrorism and the terrible journalism and the 2008 stock market collapse has all contrubuted to it.As well as the social talk show outbreak that every media just blabs about anything.

posted on Jun, 23 2014 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: ProfessorChaos
If you're a Christian, you're open for outright discrimination, but if you're against Christianity, you're free to attack it with reckless abandon.

Just answer this question for me:

Do you think somebody who is a publicly avowed atheist, muslim, or jew could get elected President of the United States?

In 2012 the only publicly avowed atheist in U.S. Congress was a Democrat in California and he left office. As of now there are no atheists in U.S. Congress in 2014.

Christians are not discriminated against. They have an unwarranted persecution complex and a very large majority representation in our politics.
edit on 23-6-2014 by Frith because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:10 AM

originally posted by: oblvion
a reply to: ProfessorChaos

Well lets have a discussion about this, it all seems very cut and dry to me.

The true extremists are the libs.

First they were the KKK, their president bragged about tricking all these n.ggers into voting dem for the next 100 years.

Did you know most black people dont even know Jim Crow was a dem, they honestly believe the lie he was a repub, without question. Ask one about it.

The left hold all the extremist views, and tell you that your a bigot racist homophobe etc if you disagree, and hold the NORMAL( yes that is right dems, it is normal to want to live a straight religious life where family and freedom matter much more than your extremist views. Which BTW are abnormal, as in they deviate from the majority view, thus they are not normal views!) view of family and freedom.

They invaded and placed their people into the highest levels of many areas, always guaranteeing they can look over everyone that doesnt hold their views.

Now that they have achieved critical mass, they do what they do best. Tptally ignore all laws they dont like, and demand absolute obedience to those they do agree with even when they arent laws, they dont care they enforce them just like they were.

There is a sickness in their minds, where they dont see the world in a rational sense.

Where normal folks see millions potentially losing their jobs and livelyhoods because of a idiotic attempt at fullfilling their commy goals(which have already failed in every single case they have tried it, yet they are too blind to you know, say well that didnt work like we wanted maybe it wasnt such a good idea, no they try even harder and make it fail even worse.)They see people freed from having to work thanks to Obama care, totally ignoring the fact, they cant lose the one job, they now have to keep it and get another to pay for care that is factors more expensive than before they "fixed" things.

Now, we will really address the meat and potatoes of their mental problems. Why is it that those who think the ends justify the means, think those that believe in following the rules are the extremists?

Eric Holder illegally sold guns to the mexican cartels, so they could create a gun problem that didnt even exist, so they can use this gun problem to justify taking even more of our rights?

They allow voter intimidation(new black panthers, and this is without question, it is on tape), yet cry foul of laws that demand you show ID to vote, in my home state of Indiana they tried all this saying it put an unfair burden on poor minorities, so they made it absolutely free to get a state ID in Indiana. Was this enough for them? Absolutely not.Because they want voter fraud, they even truck people from one poll to another to let them vote multiple times, they register and vote daffy duck and mickey mouse...etc

If any single problem can be pointed to for the root cause of most of this countries woes it is the dems.

The repubs are the rest of them, but in much smaller scale, and must smaller impact.

Flame away dems, I will make you look stupid, every single thing I said here is absolutely true, and I didnt even use most of the ammo at my disposal.

Go ahead, lets have this conversation, I want some answers as to why your um I mean POTUS, can change and break established laws at will, a power he was not given, and you guys got his back, yet let bush or any repub barely even bend a law, and you act like they nuked an orphanage.

You are the problem....either follow the rules, demand your dem buddies and leaders do the same, or all us nondems with all the guns may start to just make the laws up as we go along as well......oh but we would just be evil if we did that right, because your idiotic ends are the only thing that matters, even though your imagined world cant and wont ever exist, because it isnt possible, your model doesnt work, and no matter how hard you hammer the square peg, it isnt going to fit in the round hole.

End rant

LMAO This is what conservatives actually believe. Oh poor victims you.

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