posted on May, 27 2003 @ 09:47 PM
Here's the short version of my pathetic life.
My name is Steve, i come from the sparsely populated state of South Dakota, and really have no intention of ever leaving. Something about not having
the congestion of bigger cities. after graduating middle of my class in high school, i went on to college at South Dakota State University. after a
semester of that i dropped out, and went on to the high paying job of assistant manager at a local restaraunt, (this is not to be taken as a racist
part here so bear with me) after having my life threatened by a couple of colored gentlemen who thought they were in a gang, over the price of a
bacon and eggs meal, i left that job. i went on to work for my father who owns a nursing home. well now that i realize that this job sucks, i'm
taking some night classes to get accepted back to college. i hope to one day be a journalist.
My interests are varied. i love baseball (i've got season tickets to our local Northern League team, the Sioux Falls Canaries). Nascar is probably
my favorite sport, Matt Kenseth is my driver of choice. When i'm not doing anything i grab my fishing pole and head off to the river and usually
don't even get my lure in the water, usually i just take a nap. I also really enjoy anything to do with guns, i shoot trap, skeet, and sporting
clays. in the winter i shoot a handgun league. I currently own over 150 guns, and shoot most of them regularly. I'm not big on hunting though,
mostly just target shooting. Although in the fall i know a guy who owns a ranch and he pays us to shoot his coyotes, so that's usually the only time
i kill anything during the year.
I'm a Conservative, I am pro life, anti death penalty, small government, pro 2nd amendment, and an NRA member. I also feel that the Republican Party
has gone way to far left lately, maybe some day they will get back on track but i don't see it happening anytime in the near future.
Well that's my piece, hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better.
[Edited on 5/28/2003 by AegisFang]