a reply to:
I havent read your theory ,I do not need to.
You are on the right track,keep researching and publishing your data.
Movement and sound,emotion and sound,memory and sound,love and sound,stillness and life,keep searching you are on the right track.
Tell me what the musical notes are which are created by each expanding ripple of or wave of water that is created when a single drop of rain water
hits the still surface of a pool of water,the specific notes which the rain water will create not the notes which other imprinted types of water will
Look at a drop falling,count the ripples,attatch notes to the ripples and show me what you come up with,do not worry about parameters, follow your
instincts,you will "know" which notes fit when you try them,you WILL find a natural and fitting starting point because one exists.
Tell me what emotions are represented by these sounds.
Each ripple must be making a different sound,and these sounds represent a NATURAL PATTERN,one you are searching for and one which all famous musicians
before you have tried to emulate or find or discover.These musicians have used human ears or fans as TUNING FORKS to find their way through the
mystery of music,today you have technology to make this easier to do.
Research John Hutchison and the Hutchison Effect,he will help you along your way.
I have always wondered exactly how much energy and sheer power are produced when a Human being Yells or sings at specific notes,my suspicion is that
the amount of energy is tremendous and can be harnessed.
I suspect that as Dolphins can use sonar we can also use Voice.The sonar Dolphins use doesnt hurt other Dolphins and our Voices do not hurt other
Humans,but the energy Dolphins create is mastered and harnessed,as the energy created by our voices is also mastered and harnessed,we simply do not
yet fully understand what we are creating or producing,we have been intentionally led away from the truths.
edit on 21-6-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)