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Illegal border crossings swell, prompt ‘surge operations’ in Texas

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posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 10:18 AM

According to Joe Straus, the Republican Texas House Speaker, the state’s Border Patrol reported 160,000 individuals were caught illegally crossing into the state through the Rio Grande Valley through the first eight months of the fiscal year, that number representing the entire total of individuals caught last year.

In May, after detention facilities in Texas surpassed capacity, federal authorities flew 400 suspected undocumented immigrants to Arizona and released them at bus stops.

Illegal border crossings swell, prompt ‘surge operations’ in Texas

In short.

Texas officials have authorized emergency “surge operations”

Tired of waiting for the Fed's to do something
Texas had now authorized an additional $1.3 million per week--- To local law enforcement--- to deal with this problem.

They do not say to what extent this money or "surge operations" will be used.
Since their already at capacity in housing these folks I can only assume the cash will be used to buy the illegal immigrants more bus and plane tickets to send them elsewhere--- so they can become someone else's problem?

Border Patrol reported 160,000 individuals were caught illegally crossing into the state

160,000--- And it's only June--- What the hell is going on--- that all these people suddenly feel like now is the right time to come to the States?

Oh you bet your arse I have some choice words to express my outrage... Sadly the T&C of this site and the bad language filters prevent me from properly stating my thoughts on this issue.
I just don't get what's so damn hard about turning them around and saying "No--- Go Back where you came from--- Next time trying doing it the right way legally!"
edit on 20-6-2014 by HardCorps because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: HardCorps
160,000 caught ... translates to " ***,***,*** " that got through?
Not sounding good.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 10:56 AM
It's an invasion, plain and simple. And the racism amongst them towards Americans is very high. I know. The feds stand by and do nothing. Doesn't that make them traitors? I think we should build hard labor factories on our borders and all the illegals who are caught work in that factory and make the things that us Americans use for their punishment. Build some factories in Mexico so that the people there can support their families instead of coming here. Our cup is full. We need to put a halt on all immigration for at least 20 years. We also need to charge the Mexican government for every illegal that crosses. It's time to do what is right. Our forefathers would # if they saw what was going on.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: HardCorps

160,000--- And it's only June--- What the hell is going on--- that all these people suddenly feel like now is the right time to come to the States?

It was advertised in their countries that if they came here, they would not be deported. It is costing us a fortune to care for these kids, when our citizen's families are poor and hungry and homeless.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: HardCorps

The administration, the Justice department, Homeland Security (what a joke!) are all part of the Cloward-Piven Strategy.

This is the fundamental transformation of America.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Night Star

It was advertised in their countries that if they came here, they would not be deported.

I am wondering how much of our tax dollars went in to that.

And what government agency 'made it so'.

A mass exodus like that just doesn't happen without some 'benevolent' benefactor.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: beezzer

The USA has already been transformed with so many illegals over the years. In many places, you now have to speak Spanish in order to get hired for a job! I once asked a company why it was necessary since the business had nothing to with international business or anything that required it. I was told plain and simple..."Because most of our employees speak Spanish." Since our legal immigrants have to speak English, you can clearly see where the illegals have been catered to and come first.

We have people who are on waiting lists for years waiting for cheap housing while illegals are already in these homes.
We have illegal kids receiving thousands of dollars in savings by getting in state tuition for college. When did it become right to have a US citizen become second place in their own country????

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: neo96

Oh, our tax dollars goes to many things that benefit the illegals instead of our own poor who are falling through the cracks, make a buck or two above poverty level and receive no help, are homeless, hungry, living in tent cities or over crowded shelters. Other Countries would rather send their people away to be a burden on their system rather than to care for their own. When will it end? We already have millions of jobless people and people on welfare.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 11:47 AM
Just wait until a couple of murders happen, compliments of gang members and druggies strolling over our borders.

One talking head I listened to, said a load of the so called teens flooding our Country, are laden with gang tattoos from very violent gangs in their countries...the turf wars for the drug trade will get down and dirty. God help those innocent Americans, caught in the crossfire.


posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: Night Star

It was advertised in their countries that if they came here, they would not be deported.

I am wondering how much of our tax dollars went in to that.

And what government agency 'made it so'.

A mass exodus like that just doesn't happen without some 'benevolent' benefactor.

Hmm....That's true. Maybe word has spread underground that Obama is going to grant all illegals amnesty? If so, then the SHTF.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: Fylgje

Hmm....That's true. Maybe word has spread underground that Obama is going to grant all illegals amnesty? If so, then the SHTF.

Illegal immigration is Cloward and Piven.


posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: HardCorps

You want to know what I see..........These people could care less about America they are in fact Mexicans. They continue to consider Mexico home even after moving here. They fly the Mexican flag they speak Spanish. They send money back across the border and plan on retiring back at home. They use and abuse the system and spread the word about loop holes.

They are indeed a parasite that has no cure and no end in sight. Also this only goes for illegals anyone following the law is welcome to the American dream. If we do nothing this high standard of living we hold so dear is gone in 10 years. Mark my words America will become a 3rd world country.

In conclusion the only way to stop this is to starve them out. We need to pass laws that anyone employing an illegal faces hefty jail time and loss of the business. Also they will get no benefits of any kind including food with the only exception being emergency medical care.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 02:38 PM
if we just turned them around and made them march back across the border they would think twice about doing it again; but no we put them on a bus and give them food and a place to stay. turn them back over to their country of origin a reply to: HardCorps

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: HardCorps

I've been watching this develop for the last couple of weeks. When I saw the story about the State of Texas taking action and a call by John Boehner to call up the national guard a flash of a vision came to me of military vehicles running up and down the highways; military checkpoints, etc.

I live in Texas and just 70 miles off the border. Militarizing this area doesn't thrill me. Militarizing the State thrills me even less. Then I read that the reason for this unprecedented immigration surge is that apparently, "someone", (within the US Gov't?) leaked or released information to the effect that "children" wouldn't be deported and this news went out to the banana republics of Central America.

Then I asked this somehow intentional on the part of the US Gov't? If so......why? To provoke a crisis? To create a need for militarization in the Border States, (several of which are "Red", anti-Obama States).

As I type this, it is a disaster of enormous proportions. The entire system is being stretched far beyond its capacity. The Border Patrol is so tied up with caring for these people in shelters they've been pulled of Border duties and now, the Border itself is near wide open!

Will this elevate to the point of being a "Refugee" Crisis that causes United Nations intervention? Is that part of the plan? Will we see UN Blue Helmets on the ground in the US?

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 03:48 PM
Maybe the children areallowed to stay because the Govt wants future military that have no ties to the American people....?
I could see a great number of these kids end up in the military to obtain fast track citizenship.....

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 04:22 PM
What is happening is a well orchestrated agenda concocted by the regime in power with Obama the main culprit. He is the one that has made possible for the exodus of this illegals into our country while encouraging with the hopes of amnesty.

He doesn't give a crap to the fact that we in the US are becoming a growing welfare state for the legal citizens and our own legal children can not even find a decent job after spending thousands of dollars on education and been in deep debt to the big financial institutions for life.

At this point I see Obama as a destroyer of our nation, our government, our society and our way of life.

And yes he is to blame, his democratic party needs to put the dog on a leech, because he is going to kill them all with his out of control policies and mighty pen.

edit on 20-6-2014 by marg6043 because: spelling

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: marg6043

At this point I see Obama as a destroyer of our nation, our government, our society and our way of life.

Well he did say he was going to 'fundamentally transform' America.

I remember a guy that once said 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.'

The current potus is the very antithesis of that.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: neo96

He is weakening the nation so the fundamentalist can gain more hold of it, specially those that are coming from anywhere else out side of the US.

I have never seen any other president that shows more hatred for what America stand for that he does.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: HardCorps
I just don't get what's so damn hard about turning them around and saying "No--- Go Back where you came from--- Next time trying doing it the right way legally!"
I don't get it either, unless you catch them in the middle of the desert with no water, in which case give them a bottle of water and transport them back to the border.

But if you catch them just crossing the Rio grande, why detain them? I'd be fine with turning them around or bringing them to the nearest bridge and have them walk back across it to reduce the drowning risk of re-crossing the Rio Grande.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Then I read that the reason for this unprecedented immigration surge is that apparently, "someone", (within the US Gov't?) leaked or released information to the effect that "children" wouldn't be deported and this news went out to the banana republics of Central America.
That was the House Majority Leader, Representative Cantor.
That was why he was voted out in the primary for his own party, in Virginia.
It was less of a "leak", and more like a press conference.

edit on 20-6-2014 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

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