posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to:
A quick reply, sorry.
I had the initial impression of, well you do understand we are on a giant rock that is flying through the cosmos right?
Space weather is the one thing not being observed close enough in my opinion.
Considering earth like a garden is really fundamental, some days and seasons are better than others. Due to the weather and growing
conditions.........some folks haven't reached this area of computation yet is all...time and hopefully we have it.
I'm relatively sure that our own noise travelling in front and behind us on a global level is approaching the range that we thrive in and receive
thus affecting growth...
It's what to do about it that matters really.
It's a very fine line between eugenics and species longevity, despite religious belief.
I'm thinking we are reaching the saturation point and need to rethink/ reinvest as a common specie and not individuals and country....we just are not
there individuals.
My bro and I had one think in common, the singularity will happen one way or another in this life time....over 40 and counting....well see. We often
wondered when sleepers would awake and look it's morning time to rise and shine it seems. This is awesome as it happens by rule of nature....and what
is truthfully present...that I should live in times like these!